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Subject: Ron Ambrosio Requests Membership in OASIS Open Building Information Exchange TC

Ron Ambrosio of IBM wishes to join OASIS Open Building Information Exchange TC. He or she is eligible for membership based on membership rules for this group.

Please visit http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/obix/manage/pending_request.php to evaluate this request and to see all of the other pending requests to join this group.

Additional information entered by Ron Ambrosio in support of his/her application:

I've been a member of the CABA XML and Web Services committee since it was formed last year, but haven't had the opportunity to be very active. Given some recent developments in IBM, I expect to be active on this committee going forward.

I'm also an active member of the ISO/IEC SC 25/WG 1 residential and building automation group, and editor of the ISO/IEC 18012 Application Interoperability standard (the Part 1 Overview has been published, and Part 2 is in progress).

My other major technical activity outside of IBM involves work with DoE and others on future energy automation systems, and I'm actively involved in (and helped create) the GridWise Alliance consortium, and the DoE's GridWise program.

Thank you,

The Group Messenger Service

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