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office message

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Subject: Re: [office] change to the existing proposal [was: Re: [office]Critical problem]

Florian Reuter wrote:
> Hi,
> thanks Oliver. I will now take some time to understand your new proposal.
> Just two guesses:
> * by introducing a text:list-id on text:list there is no need for list-override any longer. Thus your proposal doesn't
> reflect a "compromise" any more.
> * by introducing a text:list-id on text:list you made a change which harms backward compatibility.
> Just my two cents for now. Please tell me if thats wrong. However I will try to justify these statements myself.
> I'll follow up on this when I'm confident I understood the new proposal.

First, I didn't propose to introduce text:list-id to <text:list>. I 
propose to introduce text:id to <text:list> as an identify for the list.

I'm still confident, that it's sensible to introduce attribute 
text:style-override to <text:list-item>. Think of the use case, that you 
want to apply a different list style to a list item on the second list 
level. E.g.:
1. P1
1.1 P2
1.2 P3
1.C P4
1.4 P5

For this list you will get the following <text:list> structure:
<text:list style-name="L1" >
     <text:list-item text:style-override="L2">

By introducing text:id and text:continue-numbering to <text:list> a new 
feature is introduced to ODF - namely the feature to identify and 
continue a certain list. In my view, this harms backward compatibility 
as any other new feature harms the backward compatibility.

Regards, Oliver.

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