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Subject: Re: [office] Agenda ODF TC Teleconference 8 June 2020

hi Patrick,

could you please add a status update regarding ODF 1.3 manifest schema issue to the agenda?

btw LibreOffice 7.0 will support ODF 1.3, it's implemented and currently there aren't known bugs, just a few missing features.



On 08.06.20 03:22, Patrick Durusau wrote:

1. Dial-In, Roll Call, Determination of Quorum and Voting Rights

2. Motion (simple majority): Approve the Agenda

3. Motion (simple majority): Approve minutes of 11 May 2020 (below)

4. ODF Later issues (Preference to current TC members and cycling
through their issues so no one is on the spot for all of them in a
meeting), btw, limiting the search to open/deferred issues counts 134:

5. Holidays for the rest of 2020 and January of 2021?

6. Github - odf (as top branch) - maintainers? other github issues?

7. Resolved issues for ODF 1.4 reflected in JIRA:

8. - other?

9. Adjournment

Michael Stahl
Senior Software-Entwickler LibreOffice
CIB software GmbH
GeschÃftsstelle Hamburg
Flachsland 10
22083 Hamburg
T +49 (40) / 28 48 42 -296
F +49 (40) / 28 48 42 -100
Sitz: MÃnchen
Registergericht MÃnchen, HRB 123286
GeschÃftsfÃhrer: Dipl.-Ing. Ulrich Brandner

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