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Subject: ODF 1.4 editing progress sheet - latest draft

Dear ODF TC members


I attach the latest draft of the ODF 1.4 editing progress sheet. The main changes are:


  • In column C most JIRA issues have now reached the status of “Applied”, reflecting the latest state of the ODF 1.4 drafts in Github.
  • A new column M has been added, showing that most changes are now listed in the Appendices of each Part. The only changes not listed in the Appendices are editorial-only changes. It is intended to add a statement at an appropriate location (possibly at the start of Appendix G) that a number of changes of a purely editorial nature, not affecting the technical content, are not listed. We might include a link to the editorial issues tracked on Github.


Patrick and I believe that the changes proposed by Regina and agreed by the TC to resolve issue Office-4030 have now been fully applied, but we would appreciate this being checked by Regina and others before the status of the issue is changed in JIRA and in the spreadsheet.


The only issue remaining that requires immediate ODF TC attention is Office-4118. We believe that the resolution of this issue is correctly applied, but need to check with the TC. Patrick will cover this in the ODF TC call this Monday.


Finally, please accept my apologies for missing the ODF TC call this Monday, June 26th, due to being on vacation.


Kind regards,


Francis Cave

Attachment: ODF 1.4 editing progress sheet.ods
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet

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