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pki-lowercosts message

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Subject: Re: [pki-lowercosts] Tomorrow's conference call


David and I were on the call at 0900 PT. We talked
until about 0905 PT and then agreed that the best
way to use the time would be for David to go work
on his action items from our last concall (asking
Arshad to help us estimate a price for the contractor
job and preparing a proposal for the PKI MS SC).
I guess we need to synchronize our watches!

We'll miss you in September. See you in October.



Terwilliger, Ann wrote:
> Somehow I managed to miss the call....I dialed in at 0900 PT and 
> listened to some lovely music but no people, so I must have gotten the 
> time wrong.....my apologies!   I will be traveling for almost all of 
> September and so will not be able to join the calls but will try to 
> check email from time to time.  I should be in the office all of October 
> and will be able to participate on a more regular basis then.
>     -----Original Message-----
>     *From:* Skyberg, David [mailto:dskyberg@rsasecurity.com]
>     *Sent:* Thursday, September 02, 2004 2:58 PM
>     *To:* PKI Lower Costs
>     *Subject:* [pki-lowercosts] Tomorrow's conference call
>     The dial in number is 1-781-515-2301.  There is no password this
>     week.  Hopefully I have it set up correctly so that there won’t be a
>     password in the future!
>     =david

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