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pki-lowercosts message

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Subject: Re: [pki-lowercosts] Meeting day

Here are times that are typically good
for me (all Eastern U.S. Time):

Monday    9:00 AM -  5:00 PM
Tuesday   9:00 AM - 12:00 PM, 2:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Wednesday 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM, 1:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Thursday  9:00 AM -  3:00 PM, 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Friday    9:00 AM -  5:30 PM

Of course, this varies slightly from
week to week. Next week, I could only
meet on Thursday (9-5:30) or on Friday

Cancelling this week's meeting and moving
it to next week is OK with me but I hope
we can fit it into that schedule. Ditto
for choosing a new meeting schedule.



Skyberg, David wrote:

> Hi all,
> At least two of us have stated that Friday will continue to be a problem 
> with respect to our meeting.  I suggest we change the meeting day.  I 
> meant to do this last week but it fell through the cracks in my desk.  
> It’s obviously too late to move this week’s meeting, so I would like to 
> suggest we move this weeks meeting to next week and change the date. 
> Monday and Wednesday are my best day.  I will tend to have conflicts on 
> Tuesdays and Thursdays.  How about others?
> =david

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