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Subject: [regrep] Result of Query Ballot

The Query Proposal is not approved because the number of TC members casting 
a ballot was not a simple majority of TC voting members.  We agreed as a TC 
that a simple majority must cast ballots for the vote to be valid.  We 
needed 9 ballots for the vote to be valid.  The results are as follows:

Bruce Bargmeyer  - did not vote
Kathryn Breininger - approve
Dan Chang - approve
Joe Chiusano - abstain
Suresh Damodaran  -did not vote
Anne Fischer - approve
Sally Fuger - did not vote
Len Gallagher - approve
Jong Kim - did not vote
Joel Munter - did not vote
Farrukh Najmi - disapprove
Sanjay Patil - did not vote
Neal Smith -disapprove
Nikola Stojanovic - did not vote
Prasad Yendluri - did not vote
Yutaka Yoshida - did not vote

If I have incorrectly represented your action, please let me know ASAP.


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