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rights-governance-liaison message

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Subject: [rights-governance-liaison] MPEG Liaison

Good news.  As I mentioned in the RLTC general call we have received a positive response back JTC1/SC29/WG11  aka. MPEG and our request for a Class C Liaison.  Attached is the Liaison statement we received from them as well as the MPEG REL Committee Draft which they attached to the Liaison statement.  
I have also submitted a CR based on their solution for the use of ISO codes in the MPEG REL. 

Brad Gandee 
XrML Standards Evangelist
6500 Rock Spring Dr., Ste 110
Bethesda, MD 20817
(p) 240-694-1220 
(c) 703-629-3414


Attachment: w4942 REL CD.zip
Description: Binary data

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