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Subject: [security-jc] [Fwd: Call for Presentations: OMG's Distributed Objectand Component Security Workshop]

JC members:

OMG is looking for a few more security speakers for their conference and 
asked me to send this your way.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Call for Presentations:  OMG's Distributed Object and 
Component Security Workshop
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2002 09:10:00 -0500
From: Janice Gilman <janice@omg.org>
To: karl.best@oasis-open.org
CC: soley@omg.org, loughry@omg.org

Hi Karl,

Thank you for forwarding the call on to the security group chairs for
distribution among the members.  As I mentioned, we are seeking XML
Security type abstracts but we also welcome any security related topics as

Thank you in advance,


Object Management Group^(TM) (OMG^(TM)) announces the Call for  Presentations
(http://www.omg.org/news/meetings/docsec2003/call.htm)  for its seventh
annual workshop on Distributed Objects and Components  Security (DOCsec).
The workshop, co-sponsored Promia, Inc. (www.promia.com) will be held April
7 through 10, 2003 in Baltimore Maryland, USA.

Interested individuals or organizations are invited to submit a brief
abstract of the presentation/position they are proposing for the
Workshop by DECEMBER 18, 2002 to secws@omg.org.

Some of the specific topics on which the Workshop Program Committee is
seeking proposals include:
· Existing and emerging DOC application middleware with specific
emphasis on security
· DOC applications and secure online identity
· Case studies related to modeling and deploying flexible DOC security
·Existing and emerging security technologies and specifications that
have been (are being) developed as to provide or integrate security
into one or more middleware architectures
·User case studies describing problems encountered and lessons learned
as DOC middleware was integrated with security technologies to produce
operational systems.
·Realization of Security Architectures
·Security Validation
·Effective Management of DOC security systems

For the complete list of topics and instructions on how to submit an
abstract(s), please see

EXTENDED Abstract Submission Deadline: December 18, 2002
Abstract Author Notification: December 21, 2002
Posting of Workshop Program: December 22, 2002

Janice A. Gilman
Marketing Programs Manager
Object Management Group
250 First Avenue, Suite 100
Needham, MA  02494
Phone: +1-781-444-0404 x141
Fax:	   +1-781-444-0320
URL:  www.omg.org

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