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Subject: RE: [soa-rm] Future content for Conf calls

I don't think TC chairs qualify for the prize. If you read the full terms
and conditions of the offer as published (but as yet not discovered nor
invoked by anyone - in fact, discoverability wasn't actually built into the
promotion offer service architecture) you would have noticed that all office
holders of the TC are forbidden...blah blah

Ah what the heck, let's just crack open the bubbly (again) when you come
over...The good stuff's cheaper over here anyway


-----Original Message-----
From: Duane Nickull [mailto:dnickull@adobe.com] 
Sent: 25 August 2005 20:28
To: peter@justbrown.net; SOA-RM
Subject: Re: [soa-rm] Future content for Conf calls

+1 - champagne is mine!!!


Peter F Brown wrote:

>I'd also suggest:
>- pre-meeting offer should be made to scribe (avoids that embarrasing 
>foot-shuffling that you can practically hear on call): first offer 
>posted to the list, gets the job; No proposal: last one to offer gets 
>no dessert or has to invite whole TC to dinner at next F2F;
>- tweaks to the minutes: send a mail to the scribe of the meeting 
>concerned, copy to list;
>- on call: minutes of previous meeting(s) deemed approved without 
>discussion or decision unless before end of meeting there is an 
>objection (by mail or point of order); -reports from liaisons and 
>editors in writing to list before meeting (at least the key points)
>- install webcam on Ken's car so that we can be sure he is actually 
>driving and keeping his eyes on the road...
>- a large dose of common sense: it's great to talk to people on call 
>that you haven't seen at all or in a while, and to keep things a bit 
>fun, but bear in mind that time is money (and outside the US and 
>Canada, the call is costing a buck a minute at least - that's 
>equivalent to my individual OASIS member fee in three meetings) and 
>that some things really can be dealth with off line...
>- keep the creative flow of the meeting going by allowing overtalk and 
>interrupts where appropriate but also keep to the point: the "threads" 
>on call can be worse than on the list: with the quality of the line 
>sometimes making this all the worse. Duane, you may have to practice 
>being a bit more ruthless while you're on parental leave... ;-)
>All the best, and a glass of champagne in Vienna to the first on the 
>list to give this a +1 ...
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Duane Nickull [mailto:dnickull@adobe.com]
>Sent: 25 August 2005 01:27
>Subject: Re: [soa-rm] Future content for Conf calls
>An unnecessarily long discussion on suggested alternative dates (at 
>least the portion that could be done prior to the meeting).  A 
>discussion over the OASIS rules and procedures etc.
>Both of these can probably be best done using the WIKI or list server 
>or at least a substantial portion thereof.
>Chiusano Joseph wrote:
>>Sounds good to me Duane. For clarification, can you provide an example 
>>of what would be considered administrivia (beyond taking roll call)?
>>Joseph Chiusano
>>Booz Allen Hamilton
>>O: 703-902-6923
>>C: 202-251-0731
>>Visit us online@ http://www.boozallen.com
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Duane Nickull [mailto:dnickull@adobe.com]
>>>Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 5:16 PM
>>>To: SOA-RM
>>>Subject: [soa-rm] Future content for Conf calls
>>>Matt said something that tweaked my thinking a bit today.
>>>I would like to try and keep the use of the conference calls largely 
>>>for technical work and confine administrivia to a minimum.  Perhaps 
>>>most of this can be done via the list.
>>>Accordingly, I would look to the editing team and others to suggest 
>>>topics that need to be discussed on the next calls.

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