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staff-bizdev-workshops message

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Subject: Disinfo: Thursday meeting 6/28, and next steps

As there is no general staff meeting this Thursday and the slot's open, can we (the DIsinfo project team, those in the "To" field of this message), please meet Thursday at that time (11 am US Eastern) to make further plans, and answer any questions about the project and assignments so far?

I will send a Zoom invitation Tuesday morning, for the Thursday morning slot.
We may have fewer issues with colliding time expectations, as Chet's "Circularity Labels" workshop, our other current planned Innovation workshop event, is being rolled back to October rather than September.

An oversimplified version of the "NARRATIVE" charts passed around last week is that, for the DISINFO project, we are counting on
Let's talk soonest if for anyone those assignments do not make sense.

Regards Jamie


James Bryce Clark, General Counsel, OASIS Open, setting the standard for open collaborationÂ

On Wed, Jun 21, 2023 at 12:53âPM Jamie Clark <jamie.clark@oasis-open.org> wrote:
Attached, at Irene's suggestion, is a slightly more narrative version of the current plan, with a few explanations inserted, and a few dates updated.Â
You will find your name in it. Please take a look before our meeting tomorrow morning (US time)


James Bryce Clark, General Counsel, OASIS Open, setting the standard for open collaborationÂ

On Mon, Jun 19, 2023 at 11:24âPM Jamie Clark <jamie.clark@oasis-open.org> wrote:
Hello all!
TL;DR: Finish up the prelim reading from last week, and plan to talk about specific upcoming tasks this Thursday at the (postponed rescheduled) staff huddle. Updated task plans are attached.

Unfortunately our chance to coordinate last Thursday was lost to a cancelled staff huddle meeting. We'll plan to talk this next Thursday 6/22, whether or not there's a staff huddle call otherwise scheduled.

A slightly updated set of plans for the DISNFO project research and event planning is attached. Assignments, based on Francis' original suggestions, have not changed. Please make sure you have had the chance to read through the briefing material sent a week ago -- and start looking for your own appropriate leads, articles, or possible stakeholders for interviews, depending on your assignments. We'll talk further on Thursday,and please feel free to reach out on Slack before then, if you have questions.

CordiallyÂÂ Jamie

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