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Subject: RE: [tab-askthetab] First Cut on Profiles

While I don't think OASIS has a formal definition (it doesn't really have many formal definitions), the conformance guidelines[1]
talks about levels/extensions, and relaxation (sub-set) relationships between different conformance clauses. IMHO a  profile is a
relationship to another conformance clause that may use a mixture of extension and relaxation i.e. not all things that call
themselves profiles are strict subs-sets - ws-i is an example here.


[1] http://docs.oasis-open.org/templates/TCHandbook/ConformanceGuidelines.html

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Patrick Durusau [mailto:patrick@durusau.net]
> Sent: 11 January 2009 14:42
> To: tab-askthetab@lists.oasis-open.org
> Subject: [tab-askthetab] First Cut on Profiles
> Greetings!	
> Thinking about an appropriate response from the TAB to the question
> raised by Rex Brooks.
> As a first cut I would suggest:
> 1. Acknowledge that OASIS has no formal guidance on the "profile" issue
> 2. Summarize the resources posted thus far, including those from Robin
> (thanks Robin!).
> Perhaps in the form of an annotated set of resources with the major
> issues bulleted as a lead in?
> Question: Given the complexity of the profile issue, do we need anything
> more than some bright line stuff for the common cases (don't reuse names
> in a namespace unless you are following the original definition)?
> Having just skimmed most of the material that has been posted, I can
> readily imagine having different opinions on successive days about
> profiling in particular situations. I am not at all certain that beyond
> repeating the considerations that have been outlined by others that
> there is a lot of new ground to be covered. Perhaps after some
> experience has been gained using those general profiling considerations
> I may feel differently but at the moment I am not sure what more we
> could offer.
> I am not sure how such matters get on the agenda for discussion/decision
> by the TAB but I would be more than happy to draft some text that
> summarizes what I think could be some bring line rules and pointers to
> other considerations that could form the basis for an answer from the TAB.
> I am assuming that answers are expected in some relatively responsive
> time frame.
> Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
> Patrick
> --
> Patrick Durusau
> patrick@durusau.net
> Chair, V1 - US TAG to JTC 1/SC 34
> Convener, JTC 1/SC 34/WG 3 (Topic Maps)
> Editor, OpenDocument Format TC (OASIS), Project Editor ISO/IEC 26300
> Co-Editor, ISO/IEC 13250-1, 13250-5 (Topic Maps)
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