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Subject: Re: [tab-askthetab] FW: [askthetab] errata question

Hal -

Good point.

Would you please take Mary's note (back to the questioner), the discussion on this issue, and your previous memo, and draft a brief reply that we can post on the Ask The TAB part of the Wiki? 

It would be good to have a draft early next week so we can publish this month.



Abbie Barbir wrote:
Well said

-----Original Message-----
From: Hal Lockhart [mailto:hal.lockhart@oracle.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2009 3:37 PM
To: mary.mcrae@oasis-open.org; Ask The TAB
Subject: RE: [tab-askthetab] FW: [askthetab] errata question

Actually, the original concept behind OASIS errata was that errata
should be an attempt to restore the original intent of the document.
This primarily falls into two categories:

1. Mistakes.
2. Clarifications.

As I pointed out in the memo I wrote which led to the definition of the
current process, one of the most common errors is to leave out the word
"not" in a sentence. Correcting such a sentence is technically an
incompatible change, although perhaps the error was recognized from the
first and ignored by implementers.

Therefore I would argue that there are (admittedly rare) cases where an
"incompatible" change might be allowed. However as a practical matter, I
think it is reasonable to say that when things are computer enforced,
e.g. by Schema validation, then it may be most practical to enforce the
current no incompatible changes policy. However if the point in question
is only specified in text, I think it would be reasonable to allow if
the original intent is clear to all.

Personally I think the Board got the definition wrong, but there is only
so much I can do to influence the TAB, let alone the Board.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mary McRae [mailto:marypmcrae@gmail.com] On Behalf Of Mary McRae
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 12:13 PM
To: 'Ask The TAB'
Subject: [tab-askthetab] FW: [askthetab] errata question

FYI - my response to Jacob.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mary McRae [mailto:mary.mcrae@oasis-open.org]
Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2009 9:32 PM
To: 'Jacob Westfall'; 'AskTheTAB@lists.oasis-open.org'
Subject: RE: [askthetab] errata question

Hi Jacob,

  While your question was directed to the TAB, I wanted to make sure 
you were aware of the definition of "substantive change" as stated in 
the OASIS TC Process:

"Substantive Change" is a change to a specification that would require

a compliant application or implementation to be modified or rewritten 
in order to remain compliant.

  That means that if an implementation currently validates against an 
existing normative schema, and the proposed changes would result in 
that same implementation no longer validating, the change is deemed
  For instance, if a list of items is required to be in a particular 
order and you change that order, an existing valid instance would no 
longer validate. Similarly, if you changed the spelling or case of an 
element name
- even if it's to fix a 'typo' - an existing valid instance would no 
longer validate.

Note that the substantive change bar is also applied when changes are 
made to drafts after public review. If substantive changes have been 
made, another (shorter) public review is required before the work can 
be advanced.

I hope that helps somewhat.



Mary P McRae
Director, Technical Committee Administration
OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society
email: mary.mcrae@oasis-open.org
web: www.oasis-open.org
phone: 1.603.232.9090

-----Original Message-----
From: Jacob Westfall [mailto:jake@jpw.biz]
Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2009 3:30 PM
To: AskTheTAB@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [askthetab] errata question

	I have a question about what an errata to a specification can 
contain.  Primarily what changes can be made to a simpleType 
enumeration list in a schema under the errata process.  Can items in

the list be changed perhaps for correction or updated as needs
Can new items be added to the list, perhaps to correct an oversight?
What would be considered a substantive change?  Thanks,


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