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Subject: RE: [tamie] Groups - UC3 LTS draft XML, version .1 (uc3-edges.xml) uploaded

So the way I see this going is as follows:

(a) ebBP def (or later any BPM def) --> LTS graph and notation.
(b) LTS notation --> eTSM script able to monitor run-time executions.

At run-time:

(c) eTSM script  --> establish conformance on, or just generate metrics
for, run-time exchanges.

The LTS notation (rather, its XML markup) is what we need to finalize.
The one you have posted is a "bare-bone" notation - just the graph.
If we want to add more info that eTSM will need - in particular,
transition conditions (events) - we'll need to enhance it somehow like I
tried in the past:

(the below snippet sample does not match exactly your latest graph for
P.O. transaction)

- <event> element defines a logical expression that identifies the type
of event involved in triggering this transition.

- <correlation> elements allow to impleemnt "correlation sets" (Xlang /
BPEL). Each gives a "name" to a message subset, that can be matched
later to a subset of another message involved in another transition,
with a <correlation> element of same name.
(this allows for more advanced correlations, involving Xpath logical
expressions that reuse these correlation "names" as variables)

In the example below, correlation between PurchaseOrderRequest event and
PurchaseOrderResponse event, is done based on a "LogicalID" element
present in both messages (see correlation "C1"). The correlation of a
Fault message with related message, is governed by correlation "C0"
which looks at the transport request-response link (@connection).


<Graphs xmlns:bp2="http://docs.oasis-open.org/ebxml-bp/ebbp-2.0";>
  <Node name="PurchaseOrderCollaboration1"></Node>
  <Node name="start0"></Node>
  <Node name="PurchaseOrderRequestAndConfirm1"></Node>
  <Node name="CancelOrderActivity1"></Node>
  <Node name="success0"></Node>
  <Node name="failure0"></Node>

  <Edge from="PurchaseOrderCollaboration1" to="start0" label="true">

  <Edge from="start0" to="PurchaseOrderRequestAndConfirm1" label="true">

  <Edge from="PurchaseOrderRequestAndConfirm1" to="CancelOrderActivity1"
label="PartialPurchaseOrderResponse and success">

  <Edge from="PurchaseOrderRequestAndConfirm1" to="Failure0"

  <Edge from="CancelOrderActivity1" to="success0" label="Success">


-----Original Message-----
From: dmoberg@us.axway.com [mailto:dmoberg@us.axway.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 11:09 AM
To: tamie@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [tamie] Groups - UC3 LTS draft XML, version .1 (uc3-edges.xml)

XML describing the nodes, edges, and labels of the LTS for uc3 as
derived from the ebBP model of uc3.

 -- Dale Moberg

The document named UC3 LTS draft XML, version .1 (uc3-edges.xml) has
been submitted by Dale Moberg to the OASIS Testing and Monitoring
Internet Exchanges (TaMIE) TC document repository.

Document Description:
XML describing the nodes, edges, and labels of the LTS for uc3 as
derived from the ebBP model of uc3.

This file will eventually supply Jacques XSLTs for producing scripts and
information for events to be caught in monitoring/testing this
choreography by relating the script to the execution trace of events
from running the process. 

Still needs to have the timer information and control/signal message
information output, as well as much other QOS information.

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application may be breaking the link into two pieces.  You may be able
to copy and paste the entire link address into the address field of your
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-OASIS Open Administration

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