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Subject: The case for CTL Functions

Title: The case for CTL Functions

There has been some question about whether we need functions written in CTL, since scriptlets can also produce effects.  I think they are still desirable.  Here's why.

Suppose you have a complicated business rule.  I'll illustrate with one that determines the discount an order is elligible for.  The logic can be placed in a scriptlet.

<scriptlet name="get-discount">
  <param name="order">
    <if expr="$order/type='TypeA'">
       <if expr="$order/total &gt; 1000">15%</if>
       <if expr="$order/total &gt; 100">2%</if>
    <elseif expr="$order/type='TypeB'">
       <if expr="$order/total &gt; 500">5%</if>
       <if expr="$order/total &gt; 200">1%</if>

If you need to call this logic from inside another scriptlet, it's relatively straightforward.

<var name="discount">
  <start scriptlet="get-discount">
    <with-param name="order" expr="$order"/>

If the logic were placed in a function instead, it could be expressed more compactly.

<var name="discount" expr="get-discount($order)"/>

But the real benefit is that it allows you to use this logic inside more complicated Xpath expressions.  For example, iterating through orders that get a 15% discount.

<loop expr="$orders/order[get-discount(.) = '15%']">

Or catching order events that get a 15% discount.

<var name="order">
  <catch pattern="content/order[get-discount(.) = '15%']"/>

Without the function, you would have to catch all order events in a loop until you found one that got the discount.

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