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Subject: RE: [tosca-comment] Re: TC Admin comments on TOSCA Simple Profile in YAML, V1.0 CSPRD02 To: tc mailing list

Chet and Paul,

Thank you for your helpful input, and apologies for any unexpected changes. The TC will ask our esteemed editors to make the required changes for v1.0 and for the upcoming v1.1 version.


-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Knight [paul.knight@oasis-open.org]
Received: Thursday, 10 Mar 2016, 3:47PM
To: Chet Ensign [chet.ensign@oasis-open.org]
CC: tosca-comment@lists.oasis-open.org [tosca-comment@lists.oasis-open.org]
Subject: [tosca-comment] Re: TC Admin comments on TOSCA Simple Profile in YAML, V1.0 CSPRD02 To: tc mailing list

Hi all,

Please note that some of the things listed in the original message as "fixed" were fixed in the first Public Review of TOSCA-YAML (Septermber, 2015), but NOT this time.  You may want to compare. Please feel free to contact me if needed.

Best regards,

On Thu, Mar 10, 2016 at 6:27 PM, Chet Ensign <chet.ensign@oasis-open.org> wrote:
Members of the TOSCA,

TC Administration provides the following comments for the public review of the above Committee Specification Draft, announced in https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/members/201603/msg00002.html

- It appears that the document template was changed, beginning with the last page of the TOC. The margins are narrower (0.75 right and left). Margins should be 1" top, 1" right and left, 0.5" bottom. [this will center the "new" footer, which is currently offset].  Afterward fixing this, re-check tables, particularly Section table, for possible text wrapping issues.

- The footer uses different font size (Arial 10 instead of Arial 8) and wording ("Standards Track Draft" instead of "Standards Track Work Product"). We fixed this in publishing. Please fix these in your working draft as well. 

- We noted that several blocks of text used the wrong font (Cambria 11). In publishing, we corrected this by setting the following three styles to use Arial 10:
"Normal around table"
"List Paragraph"
"List Bullet 3"

  Please make the same corrections to your working draft. 

- Around section 2.10.1, we corrected some text in the wrong font by re-applying the "normal" style. (Carefully, to avoid disrupting the bold text). Please apply these style and font changes to your working draft. 

- In Section 1.8 Glossary that "Node Template" definition starts off with "Relationship Template" Is that correct? Also, the paragraph formatting of the definitions seems to use weird indenting. 

- In section, the diagram overlays the footer. We fixed this on our side by setting the preceding paragraph attribute to "keep with next".

- In section 2.10.2, second paragraph after Figure 1, there is a reference to "Section 0". The link jumps to 2.9.2. Is this correct? 

- The table of examples is labelled Table of Figures. Also, the paragraph styles of these two titles should be changed from "Body text" to "Level 1", so they will show up in the TOC.

Please let us know if you have any questions on any of these. 


Chet Ensign
Director of Standards Development and TC Administration 
OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society

Primary: +1 973-996-2298
Mobile: +1 201-341-1393 

Paul Knight  - Tel: +1 781-883-1783
OASIS - Advancing open standards for the information society - Document Process Analyst
Identity Ecosystem Steering Group - Framework Management Office

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