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Subject: RE: [tosca-interop-demo] Logistics for next week's interop event

Hi Thomas,
	Plz update my information, my office seat just changed recently. Also I provide my mobile number.
	Jin Qin (Chin)  (Huawei)
	office phone: 86-025-56620648 (China)
	mobile: 86-13851946871

Best Regards
Jin Qin


Huawei Nanjing Base
No 101. Software Street
Nanjing 210012, P.R.China
Tel: +86 25 566 20648
Fax: +86 25 566 23561
Mobile: +86 13851946871

-----Original Message-----
From: tosca-interop-demo@lists.oasis-open.org [mailto:tosca-interop-demo@lists.oasis-open.org] On Behalf Of Thomas Spatzier
Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2013 12:24 AM
To: tosca-interop-demo@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [tosca-interop-demo] Logistics for next week's interop event

Hi all,

as discussed during our call earlier today, I want to make sure everyone
has latest contact information of other participants so we can reach each
other next week. Can everyone please if their information is correct and
ideally also provide a mobile number where missing? Or if anyone is not on
the list, can you please add yourselves?

Once we have a complete list, we can talk about a schedule when which
attendee can host our demo booth.

So far, I have the following information which Matt collected in August:

Thomas Spatzier (IBM)
office phone: +49-7031-16-1219
mobile: +49-178-1885619

Karsten Beins (Fujitsu)
office phone: +49 5251-525-2052
mobile: +49 (151) 1170 1600

Juergen Meynert (Fujitsu)
office phone: +49 6227 38487 15
mobile: +49 173-2848-654

Jin Qin (Chin)  (Huawei)
office phone: 8602556624157 (China)
mobile: ???

Georg Dittmar (SAP)
office phone: +49 6227 766466
mobile: ???

Derek Palma (Vnomic) - not attending in person
office phone: TBD
mobile phone: TBD

David Bainbridge (Zenoss) - not attending in person
office phone: TBD
mobile: TBD


Cloud & Smarter Infrastructure CTO Office - Cloud Orchestration, Cloud
SWG Master Inventor
IBM Deutschland Research & Development GmbH, C397, Schoenaicher Str. 220,
D-71032 Boeblingen, Germany
thomas.spatzier@de.ibm.com | +49-7031-16-1219

IBM Deutschland Research & Development GmbH / Vorsitzende des
Aufsichtsrats: Martina Koederitz
Geschäftsführung: Dirk Wittkopp
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Böblingen / Registergericht: Amtsgericht Stuttgart,
HRB 243294

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