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Subject: Re: [ubl-comment] UBL v2.1 JSON Schemas

Thank you, very kindly, Adam, for your input to our work products.

I have created this ticket to track the progress of our deliberations and results:


We will respond formally when we have a final disposition of your valuable comments.

Thank you, again.

. . . . . . Ken

At 2018-02-15 11:35 +0000, Adam Wojnakowski wrote:
Hi All,

I have been looking at the Universal Business Language specification and the JSON schemas.

I found that some schemas that seemed invalid against the JSON schema specification 0.4 - 0.7.

I've summarized the encountered issues below. Just wanted to check if this is intended and if so, why? Else, we just wanted to let you know.

   * Most of the schemas have a misplaced "additionalProperties" keyword.

* "additionalProperties" placed as child of "properties", for example: file UBL-UnqualifiedDataTypes-2.1.json, line 207 * though not prohibited, the "additionalProperties" keyword for type "array" has no meaning. An example: file UBL-CreditNote-2.1.json, line 58

* The "format" keyword with value "date-time" is used together with a "pattern" keyword, but the pattern does not match a valid "date-time" format.

According to JSON Schema specification the date-time should comply to ISO 8601 and consist of: full-date T full-time
But this will never match some of the patterns. For example:

File UBL-UnqualifiedDataTypes-2.1.json, at line 218, defines a property called "DateContent" and the "format" : "date-time" keyword is used.
                The regex pattern at line 226:   ^-*[^T:-]+-[^T:]+$
will not allow the ISO 8601 date time, where the time part is required with ':' separators.

Best Regards,

Adam Wojnakowski
Trace Financial Ltd.

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