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Subject: Re: SV: [ubl-dev] Réf. : Re: [ubl-dev] RE: UML meta-modeling of UN/CEFACT Core Components

 >> Anders W. Tell wrote:
 >>> Duane,
 >>> What happens to the impact study if one adds tools such a the free JAXB?
 >>> /anders
 > Duane Nickull wrote:
>> Not quite sure. 
>> Anyone have opinions about this?


Although we (the JAXB team at Sun) don't have a lot of working
experience with UBL, we do have a sample application that is
based on the UBL 1.0 schema.

For those of you that aren't familiar with JAXB, allow me to
briefly explain what it is and how we use it in the UBL sample
app.  JAXB is a data binding technology that makes it much easier
for Java developers to work with XML data in their applications.
Rather than using generic API's that are completely unrelated to
your XML grammar (such as SAX, DOM, or StAX), we provide API's
that conceptually match the content from the schema.  When you
run the JAXB schema compiler, it produces Java classes with
accessor methods that are strongly related to the schema.  JAXB
also provides a runtime library that allows unmarshalling,
marshalling, and validation of the data.  Unmarshalling is the
process of reading XML data and producing a tree of Java objects
(instances of the classes produced by the schema compiler).
Marshalling is the process of walking the tree of Java objects
and producing XML data.  And finally, validation is the process
of determining whether or not the data contained in the tree of
Java objects satisfies the constraints from the schema.

We've generated a library of UBL classes based on the UBL 1.0
schema and written a simple application that unmarshals an Order
document (cd-UBL-1.0/xml/office/UBL-Order-1.0-Office-Example.xml)
and displays some of the information on stdout.

We have a UBL interest area[1] on our JWSDP community home page[2]
that contains information about obtaining the sample app.  You need
to download one of the JAXB weekly builds and have Ant installed
on your system to actually run the schema compiler and sample.
However, if you're simply curious to see what the generated API's
look like, I uploaded a zip file containing the javadoc[3].



[1] https://jwsdp.dev.java.net/ubl/index.html
[2] https://jwsdp.dev.java.net/
[3] https://jaxb.dev.java.net/files/documents/51/6438/ubl-1.0-javadoc.zip

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