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Subject: Remainder of McLean TC meeting schedule

Hello UBL TC,

Here's what appears to be our schedule for the rest of the week.



Tue 2/01

   09h00-10h00 Morning plenary

      Begin to discuss plans for making a transition of the UBL
      work to UN/CEFACT after release of UBL 1.1

   10h00-17h00 Work sessions (including lunch)

      Breakouts: 1: NDR; 2: Organizing SSC issues list

Wed 2/02

   09h00-12h00 Morning plenary

      Finalize plans for making a transition of the UBL work to
      UN/CEFACT after release of UBL 1.1

      Possible 1.0.1 CD (e.g. StephenG bug); recommendation to
      OASIS on how to handle errata

   13h00-15h00 (approximately)   

      Determine schemas and instance templates to be recommended
      for inclusion in products supporting UBL


      Discuss the place of the Small Business Subset in UBL work


      Formulate a policy for persistent URLs for UBL schemas


      Breakouts: 1: NDR; 2: SSC (documentation)

Thu 2/03

   09h00-12h00 Morning plenary

      CCTS schema proposal from ATG; see


      Customization question (MarkC); see 


   12h00-17h00 Work sessions (including lunch)

      Breakouts: 1: NDR; 2: EDIFIX training

   17h30 Drinks and dinner

      Taste of Saigon
      8201 Greensboro Dr.
      McLean, VA

Fri 2/04

   09h00-12h00 Closing plenary

      NDR report
      SSC report
      Meeting schedules
          Weekly TC calls
          May TC meeting
      Other business

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