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Subject: Draft minutes of the UBL face-to-face in Zwolle, October 1-5, 2018

(I apologize to committee members and to other followers of the technical
committee that I am so very late in posting these minutes, but I have been
on the road constantly since the meeting ended, waving the UBL flag at a
three-day conference in Berlin and in three lectures and one workshop in
Helsinki, (recruiting for the committee at the same time) and only now am
I getting through all of my action items that have been on hold . . . Ken)

Draft minutes of the UBL face-to-face meeting - October 1-5, 2018

 - attendees are requested to review these minutes and let me know of
   any revisions based on missing or incorrectly-recorded information


  Todd Albers
  Oriol Bausà (M,T by teleconference)
  Erlend Klakegg Bergheim
  Peter Borresen
  Roberto Cisternino (F by teleconference)
  Kees Duvekot
  Cécile Guasch (M,T)
  G. Ken Holman (convener)
  Enric Staromiejski Torregrosa (M,T)
  Matt Vickers

Week's schedule
 - all subcommittees reporting their status
 - Monday - dinner
 - pre-award committee work first
 - other committee work
 - Wednesday - 16:00 - warehouse visit
 - Wednesday - dinner

Production of materials
 - Kees has generously volunteered to take over document and artefact
 - agreed that Kees is a co-editor of UBL 2.3

 - new logo and colours
 - Ken has posted latest stylesheets with the new look-and-feel
   - http://docs.oasis-open.org/templates/DocBook/spec-0.8

 - Europe is focusing on public procurement and the benefits achieved
   by digitalizing the procurement domain
 - while UBL does include (optional) European specializations, it is
   thought that the semantics are generic enough to be used elsewhere,
   but this hasn't been tested yet
 - Norway is working in a "playground" of new documents that will be
   taken to UBL once they have been exercised and proven

 - a review of the use of post-award documents

 - attendance in the subcommittee has been low
 - start looking at food certificates and certificates in general
 - need to be able to request a certificate and have one returned
 - also will look at: ATA Carnet, export declarations
 - it was noted that the http://eimpactproject.eu project has ended
 - perhaps we can find new participants from e-Impact participants
 - Ken observed that there are a lot of logistics-related blockchain
   projects that should be looking at UBL for interoperability
 - Peter trying to start a pilot project to set up transport bookings,
   letters of credit, and certificate of origin (starting with a three-
   corner model and moving to a four-corner model)

Payments and finance
 - Kenneth working on documents of trade finance
 - Todd looking at payments side and the harmonization of UBL with 20022
 - ISO 20022 committee asked by European banks to embed UBL in PAIN messages
 - subcommittee will perform a gap analysis between UBL and 20022
 - considered that the letter of credit will be under PayFin purview to help
   the transportation group

Small business
 - need for interoperability between different vendors of accounting tools
 - making UBL accessible to promote e-invoicing for small business
 - huge opportunity for adoption of UBL
 - problem with the magnitude of UBL
 - problem with perception of the importation of data from interchanged
 - staged implementation approach with a small set of documents for a small
   set of use cases, not a UBL subset per se
 - Matt to review the charter to reflect new understanding of direction

Pre-award ticket review and discussion (results captured in JIRA)

Discussion re: semantic RDF serialization of UBL content
 - creating an ontology of UBL by adding a couple of columns of axioms
   to the spreadsheets
 - would we need a phased approach of different business areas?
 - UBL is disadvantaged in the eyes of new developers focused on semantics
 - consider do we need an RDF serialization from the CCTS?
   - if so, we would first need a new chapter of the UBL NDRs
 - discussion is tabled for now, but please consider what options there may be

 - discussion regarding adding an extension point at every ABIE
   - cons
     - becomes too easy to add a bad extension where UBL could have been used
     - threshold for using extensions is lower
   - pros
     - extensions are contextualized without needing elaborate pointers
       - e.g. easily drop in foreign vocabularies at any construct
     - threshold for using extensions is lower
     - good feedback from Martin regarding practical testing of the feature:
 - agreed to implement the new approach in the first working drafts to get
   feedback from the review community

 - Trade Certificate (in general, or for food)
   - a detailed modeling exercise has produced a candidate starting document
     with new library ABIEs, ASBIEs, and BBIEs
 - Item
   - need to change cardinality of OriginCountry from 0..1 to 0..n
 - Letters of Credit
   - after a detailed analysis, it was decided that the two existing ISO 20022
     messages tsrv.001.001.01 UndertakingIssuance and tsrv.002.001.01
     UndertakingIssuanceAdvice likely suit the requirement sufficiently not
     to need to create a document in UBL, though this will be analyzed

Artefacts and documentation methodology and content
- started on Thursday with the generation of schemas using the tools on Github
 - to be continued on Friday

Trade certificate
 - review of the target use of certificates for food, animals, etc.
 - completed first draft of semantic components
 - Peter to create a spreadsheet for the new document

 - the group expressed their greatest appreciation to Kees for his hosting
   of the face-to-face and to Wehkamp for the generous use of the facilities

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