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Subject: Guidance regarding our DocBook XML support of NISO-STS XML for use at ISO

At the meeting I raised the editorial requirement to update the non-normative content in ISO/IEC 19845 that is not found in the OASIS. So far all I can think of is the cover metadata, the foreword, and the scope.

Beginning on line 257 of UBL.xml in commit #16ca084 one finds:

    <!--metadata for ISO/IEC 19845-->
    <othername role="intro">Information Technology</othername>
<othername role="main">Universal Business Language Version&#xa0;&version; (UBL&#xa0;v&version;)</othername> <othername role="full">Information Technology - Universal Business Language Version&#xa0;&version; (UBL&#xa0;v&version;)</othername>
    <othername lang="fr" role="intro">Technologie d l?information</othername>
<othername lang="fr" role="main">Langage d?affaire universel version &version; (UBL&#xa0;v&version;)</othername> <othername lang="fr" role="full">Technologie d l?information - Langage d?affaire universel version &version; (UBL&#xa0;v&version;)</othername>
    <releaseinfo role="doc-sdo">ISO/IEC</releaseinfo>
    <releaseinfo role="doc-proj-id">ISO/IEC 19845</releaseinfo>
    <releaseinfo role="doc-language">en</releaseinfo>
    <releaseinfo role="doc-release-version">&isostage;</releaseinfo>
    <releaseinfo role="std-originator">ISO/IEC</releaseinfo>
    <releaseinfo role="std-doc-type">&isostage;</releaseinfo>
    <releaseinfo role="std-doc-number">19845</releaseinfo>
    <releaseinfo role="std-version">&pubdate;</releaseinfo>
    <releaseinfo role="std-edition">&stage;</releaseinfo>
    <releaseinfo role="std-ref-dated">ISO/IEC 19845:ccyy</releaseinfo>
    <releaseinfo role="std-ref-undated">ISO/IEC 19845</releaseinfo>
    <releaseinfo role="doc-ref">ISO/IEC 19845:ccyy(en)</releaseinfo>
    <releaseinfo role="content-language">en</releaseinfo>
    <releaseinfo role="pub-date">&pubdate-iso;</releaseinfo>
    <releaseinfo role="release-date">&reldate-iso;</releaseinfo>
    <releaseinfo role="comm-ref">OASIS</releaseinfo>
    <releaseinfo role="secretariat">JTC 1</releaseinfo>
    <releaseinfo role="page-count">x</releaseinfo>
    <copyright condition="sts">
      <holder role="copyright-statement">All rights reserved.</holder>
    <legalnotice role="foreword" condition="sts">
      <para>ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and
            IEC (the International Electrotechnical Commission) form the
            specialized system...</para>
      <para>International Standards are drafted...</para>
      <para>The main task of the joint technical committee is to...</para>
      <para>Attention is drawn to the possibility that some...</para>
      <para>The first version of ISO/IEC 19845 was prepared ...</para>
<para>This version of ISO/IEC 19845 is identical to UBL v&version...</para>
    <legalnotice role="scope" condition="sts">
      <para>ISO/IEC 19845 specifies the ...</para>
      <para>&#x2014; A suite of structured business objects...</para>
      <para>? A library of XML schemas for reusable data components...</para>
      <para>? A set of XML schemas for common business documents...</para>
      <para>ISO/IEC 19845 does not constrain the values used in...</para>

Summarizing these choices:

- use <othername> for metadata fields that are language-based (because of the lang= attribute) - use <releaseinfo> for metadata fields that are value-based (no language needed) - use <legalnotice condition="sts"> for section content (title, paragraphs, diagrams, etc.)

Note the use of condition="sts" for constructs that otherwise might be used for OASIS and so need to be stripped away when creating the OASIS version of the document. The condition= is used, also, for stripping away content needed for OASIS but not needed in the STS XML:

From line 199 of the same committed version, the abbreviation is kept for OASIS and omitted when being transformed to STS XML:

        <bibliomixed conformance="skip">
          <abbrev condition="oasis">UBL-2.3</abbrev>
          <citetitle>Universal Business Language Version 2.3.</citetitle>

Using these tools, one can tweak the common source for both destinations where we need the content to be different. Hopefully, this is very limited because we want the two renditions to be identical.

Please let me know if there are any questions.

. . . . . . Ken

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