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Subject: Re: [virtio] RE: [virtio-comment] RE: [PATCH requirements 5/7] net-features: Add n-tuple receive flow filters requirements

å 2023/8/3 äå6:01, Parav Pandit åé:
From: Heng Qi <hengqi@linux.alibaba.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 2, 2023 9:03 PM
Hi, Parav.
I remember that the last meeting (7.26) was canceled and the meeting was
postponed until today (8.02)?
If yes, unfortunately we missed this meeting :(.

Is the next meeting still two weeks away (8.16) ?

Yes. I was severely ill during last two weeks, so cancelled it.

I'm sorry to hear that. Please take good care!

I am sorry for the disruption.
We will continue the regular schedule of 8/16.

Ok, we'll be friendly on time!


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