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Subject: RE: [ws-brsp] Two problems that need to be fixed for the WS-BRSP machine readable files

<ter> I fixed the problems, see inserted comments below </ter>
From: ws-brsp@lists.oasis-open.org [ws-brsp@lists.oasis-open.org] On Behalf Of Robin Cover [robin@oasis-open.org]
Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2013 3:51 AM
To: Jacques Durand
Cc: Chet Ensign; ws-brsp@lists.oasis-open.org; Paul Knight; Robin Cover
Subject: Re: [ws-brsp] Two problems that need to be fixed for the WS-BRSP machine readable files

Thanks, Jacques.  And again I regret that I did not keep track of the spec
so as to catch the anomaly sooner.

I neglected to provide the URI reference for the explanation as to why
"real" (tangible, aka "information resources") assets are not located
or stored physically in the file system beneath the fictitious /ns/... here it is


As Paul suggested, it should be straight-forward to locate the XSD schema
in a real directory as a child to the main prose spec document, for
example, and use the path to that XSD file in/as the value of the
(pseudo) attribute "schemaLocation".  The main thing is to get the
XML namespace name itself correct (no /ws-i/ component for a
TC-shortName) per the Naming Directives and per our current server
configs that support URI rewrites.

Paul: let me know if I've overlooked anything more subtle: the
fixup seems simple enough.

- Robin

================ Earlier:

 Secondly, one of your resources (or maybe more than one)
presents a value for a schemaLocation (pseudo) attribute

  http://docs.oasis-open.org/ns/ws-i/ws-brsp/Profile-TAs/201305 Profile-TAs.xsd

That will not work, for at least two reasons:

a) the illegal SPACE in the filename: we never install resources in the
    OASIS Library with SPACE in the directory/file name [SOP]

<ter>  this is not a file name.  this is an xsi:schemaLocation (not an import SchemaLocation).
the syntax is xsi:schemaLocation="http://docs.oasis-open.org/ns/ws-i/ws-brsp/Profile-TAs/201305 Profile-TAs.xsd"
which states that the namespace http://docs.oasis-open.org/ns/ws-i/ws-brsp/Profile-TAs/201305 is located using the relative uri Profile-TAs.xsd"

b) the path portion /ns/ws-i/ws-brsp/Profile-TAs/ does not
   exist because the /ns/ URI component is just
   imaginary: no user file or directory is ever
   stored literally under the /ns/ path portion,
   which exists just for namespace management

<ter> this is not a path, see explanation of xsi:schemaLocation.

However i removed the production, since it is not needed and we do not now know the actual schema location for the xsd file for the test assertions.


The explanation for "b)" immediately above is presented
also in the Naming Directives:

  "The pattern specified above for HTTP scheme URIs
   uses the /ns/ path element in a syntax reserved for
   identifying non-information resources only.
   Therefore, no (file-system) regular files,
   directories/folders, or symbolic links matching
   information resources may make use of these URI
   strings for resource identification."

BTW: the use of a /ns/ element just for namespace
name construction is not an OASIS invention: it's
used widely in other SSOs/SDOs.

On Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 8:38 PM, Jacques Durand <JDurand@us.fujitsu.com<mailto:JDurand@us.fujitsu.com>> wrote:
Thanks Chet:
We’ll look into this with our schema editor, Tom.
I think we should be able to fix and submit new CSDs by electronic ballot early September.

From: ws-brsp@lists.oasis-open.org<mailto:ws-brsp@lists.oasis-open.org> [mailto:ws-brsp@lists.oasis-open.org<mailto:ws-brsp@lists.oasis-open.org>] On Behalf Of Chet Ensign
Sent: Monday, August 26, 2013 11:29 AM
To: Jacques Durand; ws-brsp@lists.oasis-open.org<mailto:ws-brsp@lists.oasis-open.org>
Cc: Paul Knight; Robin Cover
Subject: [ws-brsp] Two problems that need to be fixed for the WS-BRSP machine readable files

Jacques & members of the WS-BRSP TC,

In processing the requests for Committee Spec Drafts and public reviews for WS-BRSP, I encountered two problems in the associated machine artifact files that I need the TC to fix. These problems occur in the associated machine readable files for Reliable Secure Profile v1.0, Basic Profile v1.2 and Basic Profile v2.0.

1. The OASIS namespace coined does not follow the namespace rules in the Naming Directives (http://docs.oasis-open.org/specGuidelines/ndr/namingDirectives.html#xml-namespaces). Specifically, the namespace in the schemas and other related files is http://docs.oasis-open.org/ns/ws-i/ws-brsp/Profile-TAs/201305. The legal form is http://docs.oasis-open.org/[tc-shortname]/ns/xxxx<http://docs.oasis-open.org/%5btc-shortname%5d/ns/xxxx> where xxxx is a character string picked by the TC.

2. There is at least one instance (in TestAssertionsBasicProfile-1.2.xml) of an element using a blank space in what appears to be a file name ( <profile… xsi:schemaLocation="http://docs.oasis-open.org/ns/ws-i/ws-brsp/Profile-TAs/201305 Profile-TAs.xsd"). Per the Naming Directives, filenames cannot contain blank spaces.

Note that there was also a file submitted with space characters in the name  - Test Assertions Reliable Secure Profile - Version 1.0.htm. I removed those blank spaces from the filename.

<ter>  I also removed the blanks from the file names for the test assertions html files in all three packages  </ter>

Here is what I need the TC to do to remediate this:

1. The Naming Directives state that a namespace must use the pattern:


where xxxx can be a string picked by the TC. Based on the namespace submitted, I believe that http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-brsp/ns/Profile-TAs-201305 would be acceptable to the TC. If it is, then please revise all namespaces where they occur in the computer language files to reflect this pattern.

<ter> i changed this namespace wherever used </ter>

2. Remove the blank space from xsi:schemaLocation="http://docs.oasis-open.org/ns/ws-i/ws-brsp/Profile-TAs/201305 Profile-TAs.xsd"any place it occurs in the files. It can be deleted or replaced with a hyphen.

<ter>  I removed the production, since the relative URI will not work unless the schema is in the same directory as the xml file.  It is not needed for the xslt.

Sometime in the future, when actual publication occurs, we could put in an xsi:schemaLocation production with the full url for the schema location, however we could live without it.


3. Once you have these fixed, email the revised files to me so that I can replace them in the CSDs and CSPRDs.


I placed the fixed packages, with all the changes indicated above at:

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Chet Ensign
Director of Standards Development and TC Administration
OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society

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Robin Cover
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