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Subject: Prelim minutes of Dec 01 call

Prelim minutes are attached.

Please provide corrections to the list before monday.

Tom Rutt

Tom Rutt	email: tom@coastin.com; trutt@us.fujitsu.com
Tel: +1 732 801 5744          Fax: +1 732 774 5133

Title: Preliminary Minutes WSRX TC Teleconf

Preliminary Minutes  WSRX TC Teleconf

 Dec 01, 2005 –


Tom Rutt agreed to take the minutes.

1         Roll Call

From Kavi,



Meeting is Quorate

2         Review and approve of Agenda


1) Roll Call

2) Review and approval of the agenda

3) Approval of the Nov 17, 2005 meeting minutes

4) AI Review


5) Planning for Sunnyvale F2F

 a> Dial-in facility

 b> Working Drafts for the F2F discussions

6) New issues since last conf-call

   Watch for Marcs email

7) Issue Discussion:

  a> i066  Remove LastMessage


 b> i064  Create Sequence Refused Fault is too restrictive


 c> i070  Receive is defined twice in wsrm-1.1-spec-cd-01


 d> i057  Classification of References (normative vs. non-normative) is needed


 e> i060  Definition for "Reliable Message"


 f> i061  Anonymous AcksTo


 g> i058  State Transition Table



8) Any other business


Marc G asked that I 057 should get an owner, since there have been no discussions.


Marc G  attack 64 and 70 before 66.


Editors Umit take Action item to come up with proposal for I 057.

3         Approval of the previous meeting minutes



Tom R moved, Bob F seconded to approve 11/17 minutes


§    No objections, Minutes of 11/17 approved.

4         AI Review



#0031: Open two issues around cancel / fill proposal and use cases

Owner: Stefan Batres

Status: Open

Assigned: 2005-09-21

Due: 2005-09-29

Leave Open



#0052: Need a bridge for the Sunnyvale F2F

Owner: Jacques Durand

Status: Open

Assigned: 2005-11-07

Due: ---

Leave Open



#0053: Editors team to produce a RDDL document to be placed at the namespace URIs (3).

Owner: Gilbert Pilz

Status: Open

Assigned: 2005-11-10

Due: 2005-12-08

Leave open



#0054: Editors team to identify where the second definition of receive came from.

Owner: Umit Yalcinalp

Status: Open

Assigned: 2005-11-10

Due: 2005-12-01

Closed, Doug sent to mail list.



5         Sunnyvale F2F Planning

Planning for Sunnyvale F2F

5.1      Dial-in facility

Jacques: The meeting room will have the ability to dial in to a bridge.


Sun agreed to sponsor a ˝ day of the conference.


Jacques: since we need several sponsors, can you give times you want dial in connections.


Sanjay: how about 4 time windows, each ˝ day long.  We should continue on the email list for this.


5.2      Working Drafts for the F2F discussions

Umit: The editors will take all of the issues in the editor’s pending list, and will get a new stable WD by next week’s concall.


Sanjay: Will this be before the next Conference Call.


Paul C: I thought we would have it by today.


Umit: the editors are asking for a delay for a week.


Paul C: Perhaps we could have one earlier which is less complete.  I would have preferred a week lead time before the f2f.


Sanjay: the CDs are the major voted documents.


Doug D: I will try to get the core spec out by Monday.


Paul C: there are 15 outstanding issue resolutions.  I want to have sufficient time for review.  Monday is better.


Sanjay: would that include issues resolved today.


Umit: I cannot make the promise for the policy spec.  That will have to wait until next Thursday.


Anish: I can help with the policy document.


Sanjay: let the editors try to get the core spec by Monday and the policy spec as early as possible before Thursday.



Mark G: I would like to know when the f2f topics will be selected.  We also need to talk about interop at the F2f.


Sanjay: TC members should send their inputs to the f2f agenda, so we can have a draft agenda by next week call.



6         New issues since last conf-call




6.1      Proposed-01

Title: Semantics of offered Sequences

Origin: Matt Lovett




The current specification explains how a RM Source may offer a Sequence

to the RM Destination, but does not explain what this really means. It

can be read as a protocol optimization, with no deeper semantics. It

could alternatively be assumed that the 2 sequences are linked in some

way - perhaps application replies are expected to travel back on this

sequence (and no other); perhaps the offered Sequence is supposed to

close/terminate when the other Sequence closes/terminates. Someone might

even assume that offers will only be made for request-reply

applications, wheras the absence of an offer implies fire-and-forget

messaging. (I am not advocating this interpretation!)


We should clarify the specification, so that the reader is fully aware

of the semantic import of offering (or accepting the offer of) a



Justification: The capabilities in the spec should have clear semantics


Target: core


Type: design



I think that we should clearly state that there is no deep semantic to

offering a Sequence, it is merely a protocol optimization. I think that

the right way to explain that is to add a note into the text that

introduces offer, saying that the use of offer is semantically identical

to not using offer, and then initiating another Sequence between the two

endpoints. Describing this is a little tricky, as we don't want to talk

about creating a Sequence from RM Destination to RM Source.... and we

don't have a term in the spec for the middleware layer that implements

RM in either direction. Here is a concrete proposal:


Add the following as a continuation of line 256 (using line numbers from


Note, offering a Sequence within the <wsrm:CreateSequence> element is

simply a protocol optimization. There is no semantic difference between

offering a Sequence, and choosing not to offer one and subsequently

creating a Sequence to carry messages from the Ultimate Receiver to the

Initial Sender.


Related issues: None


§    No objections to accepting proposed 01 as a new issue., with Matt as owner

6.2      Proposed-02

Title: How does a RM Destination reject an offered Sequence?

Origin: Matt Lovett




Section 3.1 lines 254 - 256 in wsrm-1.1-spec-wd-06.pdf says:

<wsrm:CreateSequence> MAY carry an offer to

create an inbound sequence which is either accepted or rejected in the



However, there is no way to reject the offered sequence without faulting

the entire CreateSequence message, as lines 348 - 352 also say:


This element, if present, enables an RM Destination to accept the offer

of a corresponding Sequence for

the reliable exchange of messages transmitted from RM Destination to RM

Source. This element MUST

be present if the corresponding <wsrm:CreateSequence> message contained

an <wsrm:Offer>



I believe this is inconsistent. We should either define how a RM

Destination can accept an inbound Sequence while rejecting the offer, or

adjust the text in lines 254 - 256 to say that it is not possible.


Justification: The specification should be consistent.


Target: core


Type: design



As noted above, I can see 2 alternatives. I believe the way to go is to

say that it is not possible to reject an offered Sequence without

rejecting the entire CreateSequence message.


Reword lines 254 - 256 to read:

<wsrm:CreateSequence> MAY carry an offer to

create an inbound sequence which is then accepted in the

<wsrm:CreateSequenceResponse>. If the RM Destination is unable to accept

the offered Sequence then it MUST respond with a CreateSequenceRefused



Related issues: none


§    No objection to accepting proposed 02 as a new TC issue, with Matt as owner,


6.3      C – Bob F new issue,  Lost Terminate sequence




§    No Objection to accept proposed c lost terminateSequence as a new issue with Bob F as owner


6.4      D Bob new issue 2



§    No objection to accepting d as new issue with Bob F as owner.


6.5      E – Anish new issue



§    No objection to accept e as new issue, with Anish as owner.

7         Issue Discussion:

7.1      b> i064  Create Sequence Refused Fault is too restrictive



Umit explained the issue.  She suggested arbitrary details to be included.


Marg G moved to accept proposal for issue 64.  Doug D seconded.


§    No opposition, issue 64 closed by incorporating proposal.

7.2       c> i070  Receive is defined twice in wsrm-1.1-spec-cd-01



Doug D explained that he fixed this in the latest draft.


Doug D: moved to close issue 70, since it has been resolved by editorial removal of the redundant definition.  Seconded by Mark.


§    No objections, issue 70 closed by editorial removal of redundant definition in next draft.


7.3        a> i066  Remove LastMessage



Doug D reviewed the status.  Anish stated that the last message marker can be used for queue management, but I do not agree that this is an important use case.


Paul C: I have noticed several threads on this issue.  How do you propose to resolve this issue.


Doug D: to remove the last message mechanism from the protocol.


Paul C: can one of the proponents explain why it was there in the first place.


Steve W: the new close semantics make the lastMessage feature obsolete.


Doug D: I think last message is useless even without close sequence.


Tom R: removal simplifies the state machine considerably.


Anish: What I was thinking about was that the last message marker gives the RMD knowledge of the range of sequence numbers that will be in the sequence.  I was looking at what sort of resources could be freed up with this knowledge.  I do agree that this is possibly a use case that is not that important, or that other mechanisms can alleviate this problem.  This issue becomes very minimal if terminate Sequence is given a response.  I was worried about a sequence without expiry time and which had the TerminateSequence message lost.  Given all this I will not push back on removing lastMessage Feature, since its utility may be marginal.


Jacques: Having introduced closedSequence operation allows removal of one use case for the lastMessage mechanism.  So I believe the lastMessage is redundant.  With fixing terminateSequence, I believe we can remove lastMessage.


Bob F: we do not support retention of lastMessage.  However we propose that in a close sequence, an optional lastMessage number be provided.


Doug D: could this be opened as a new issue, because I do not see how it is necessary.


Bob F: I could agree to add this as a new issue.


Anish: I am not sure how adding last Message to close will help.  Close is to close the sequence, to stop delivering anything it has not delivered yet.  With that semantics, how does lastMessage help.


Bob F: I can see an optional point where communication of lastMessage Number is send from RMS to RMD.  We will hammer on this.  We agree to deal with this as separate issue.


Jacques: I am not convinced that last message in close sequence has utility, if the RMS can clearly terminate sequence.


Doug D moves to close issue 66 by removing lastMessage feature, Seconded by Matt Lovett.


§    No objection, issue 66 closed by removing lastMessage Feature.  Move issue to pending.


7.4       d> i057  Classification of References (normative vs. non-normative) is




Action item given to Umit to provide a proposal.

7.5       e> i060  Definition for "Reliable Message"



        1- Add a terminology entry. It could be:


        Reliable message: a message submitted by the Application Source to an RM Source via the "Send"

        operation, for transmission over the protocol defined in this specification.


        2- In 3.1: associate the main protocol requirement (Sequence element) with the definition of

        "reliable message" instead of with a vague requirement of being subject to some DA:




        "Messages for which the delivery assurance applies MUST contain a <wsrm:Sequence> header block."




        "Reliable Messages MUST contain a <wsrm:Sequence> header block."




        (DA and protocol being in fact separately defined, DA should now more abstractly mandate the use of

        "reliable messages" if we still want to pre-req one to the other.)



Jacques: this is mostly an editorial issue.  There are several sentences which use this expression, however we do not have a clear definition for this expression.  We have one proposal for definition.


Chris F: the draft does not define the term because it is implied.   There is no such thing as a reliable message.  It is a bad term.  There is a message which is delivered reliably.


Jacques: transferred reliably needs to be defined better.  We could state it to be a message with a sequenceElement in it.


Sanjay: do you have a preferred definition.


Jacques: I prefer to define a reliable message as one which has a sequenceHeader bloc.


Paul C: I do not hear a concrete proposal.


Jacques I propose to add entry to terminology section:

Reliable transmission – transmission of message which contains wsrm:sequenceHeader.


Chris F: we should look at the current uses of the term.  The phrase “reliable message” could be changed instead of having to define the term officially.  I suggest replace in 2.3 invariants substitute “reliable message” to be “message to be transmitted reliablty


Jacques: If we do not define reliable message we should replace the usage of that term, as suggested by Chris.  However, I am concerned that we need to have precise definitions of what messages are the objects of the reliability protocol.  The clearest way to do this is to provide a precise definition.


Jacques: I do not think we are ready to close this issue today. 


Chris F: I propose the change 2.3 invariant to

The RM Source MUST assign each message to be delivered reliably a message number (defined below) beginning at 1 and increasing by exactly 1 for each subsequent message to be delivered reliably


Matt Lovett: I like Chris F proposal, I move to accept it.  Chris F: Second the motion to change 2.3 invariant text .


Jacques: can Chris make it clear if this totally removes reliable message being used from the text.


Umit moved to table the motion, seconded By Steve W.


§    No objections to table the motion. Motion is tabled.


Doug D: does someone have the slides used in the document.


Marc G: ping me offline about this.

7.6       f> i061  Anonymous AcksTo




        After the first paragraph in the SeqAck section (currently section 3.2) add something like:




        Sending Sequence Acknowledgement Header blocks back to the AcksTo EPR could have an impact on current

        SOAP implementations.  While this specification discusses the ability to add, or piggy-back, a Sequence

        Acknowledgement Header block to a message that is targetted to the AcksTo EPR, the precise mechanism

        for determining when any particular message is targetted, or not, to the AcksTo EPR is out of scope

        for this specification.  However, WS-Addressing does give some guidance on EPR comparision.


        Using the WS-Addressing's anonymous IRI in the AcksTo EPR may further impact implementations. When

        the AcksTo EPR uses the anonymous IRI, Sequence Acknowledgements MUST be sent on the appropriate

        protocol binding-specific channel.  For example, in the HTTP case, Sequence Acknowledgements would

        be expected to flow on the HTTP response flow.  It is worth noting that this may result in new SOAP

        messages being generated and sent in certain situations.  For example, if on an HTTP request flow

        the SOAP message contained a wsa:ReplyTo that didn't use the anonymous IRI, then it is possible to a

        new SOAP message may need to flow back on the HTTP response flow for the sole purpose of carrying a

        Sequence Acknowledgement.  Because the anonymous IRI is a general purpose IRI that can be used by

        many concurrent RM Sequences, Sequence Acknowledgements that are sent to the AcksTo EPR using these

        protocol binding-specific channels SHOULD only be sent when it can be determined that the channel is

        related to the RM Sequence.  For example, Sequence Acknowledgements should only be piggy-backed on

        HTTP response flows where the message that was sent on the HTTP request flow referenced the Sequence

        in question through the use of a Sequence or AckRequested Header block.



Anish: I have no objections to add guidance, but do not want to confuse implementers.  WS Addressing does not give guidelines on EPR comparison, in the W3c CR.  EPRS are not identifiers.


Doug D: I have no problem with removing that sentence.


Anish: The second issue is about the statement about a “new soap message for sequence ack”.  That may be true, but this depends on what type of binding is in use.  You may have a binding restriction to not sending anything on the back channel, thus ackTo cannot be anonymous.   I want to state that we should be careful in the wording for the second paragraph to not push implementers one way or another.


Doug D: I say MAY and SHOULD to not require anything.  However for the HTTP case the statements are accurate.


Chris F: there may be cases where anonymous is not appropriate to use.  That is why Doug Stated MAY.


Anish: this depends on a particular HTTP binding.  Am I prevented from having multiple http bindings.  My concern Is mostly editorial.  I do not object to guidance,  I can suggest alternative wording offline.


Chris F: adding text that there may be times when anonymous is inappropriate.


Doug D: I am willing to let Anish propose new changes.


Anish I would rater take an action item to come up with new text.


Umit: I would like to look at concrete examples.  I have anonymous ack to with non anon reply to.  BP 1.1 causes problems


Tom: the problem is with BP 1.1 regarding empty http body for one way wsdl operation.


Doug D: the ack Requested uses the ackTo for its response.  There is no control over this by RMS.  I beliver that anonymous URL for ack to applies to whatever back channel there is.


Chris F: there are cases for which anonymous is not acceptable.


Anish: if the back channel does not exist, as in BP, you cannot use anonymous.


Doug D: what is the wsdl you are using for this ack requested?


Anish: this might not be for RX, but if soap message is not expected back, can you put it on the back channel.


TC members should discuss this on the list.



7.7       g> i058  State Transition Table



No time to discuss

8         Any other business




Meeting ended at 5:30 ET.

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