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wsbpel-chair message

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Subject: OASIS TC - Status of OASIS Web Services Business Process Execution Language TC Members

OASIS Web Services Business Process Execution Language TC Chair,

These Prospective Members are eligible to have their role changed from Prospective Member to Member.  The reason for eligibility is listed next to each person's name.  To change a member's role, go to http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/wsbpel/members/roster.php

* Bernd Eckenfels  (probationary period over, probationary period over)
* Subhra Bose  (probationary period over)

These members have not attended 2 of the last 3 meetings.  You can change their status by going to http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/wsbpel/manage/attendance.php?x=2&y=3&highlight_type=have_not&new_status=4&modify_ids%5B10312%5D=on&modify_ids%5B11920%5D=on&modify_ids%5B11296%5D=on&modify_ids%5B8600%5D=on&modify_ids%5B8647%5D=on&modify_ids%5B8627%5D=on&modify_ids%5B11295%5D=on&modify_ids%5B8648%5D=on&modify_ids%5B8649%5D=on&modify_ids%5B8716%5D=on&modify_ids%5B8722%5D=on&modify_ids%5B8723%5D=on&modify_ids%5B11922%5D=on

* Steve Ross-Talbot
* Jog Raj
* Alex Chan
* Edwin Khodabakchian
* Neelakantan Kartha
* Steve Brown
* Frank Leymann
* Linda DeMichiel
* Ram Jeyaraman
* David Burdett
* Alastair Green
* Glenn Mi
* Krishna Prasad

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