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Subject: RE: [wsbpel-reqts] Jordan 3/24/2004: BPEL Categories

I've changed the issues list, renaming the old "Categories" to
"Qualifier" (with 2 exceptions it was only used to 
indicate how serious the issue was, rather than what it was about), and
renaming Area to Category. This was because 
there was already support for multi-valued Categories (in particular, I
can easily add values to an issues categories.

I've changed the "area" table to use categories, with issues with
multiple categories appearing multiple times. I re-applied all the
values of "area" that have been there - this is mostly your and Ivana's
values, filtered by me, except I haven't reintroduced Technology
concepts. This probably produces rather more multi-valued entries than
are necessary, but at least no information is lost.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Monica J. Martin [mailto:Monica.Martin@Sun.COM] 
> Sent: 24 March 2004 21:55
> To: bpel rqmts
> Subject: [wsbpel-reqts] Jordan 3/24/2004: BPEL Categories
> If we choose > 1 category, these are some suggestions, accounting for 
> work done by Ivana T. and myself.
>     * Issue 96: Also impacts correlation (broader issue that abstract
>       process).

96 is nothing to do with abstract processes - and has been categorised
as Correlation only

>     * Issue 75: Impacts compensation handling even if 
> partnerLinks is core.

reinstatment fixed this

>     * State management
>           o (Process lifecycle) Issues 64 and 81: Affects state
>             management - must have a clear <start> state.
reinstatment fixed this

>           o (New constructs) Issue 43

I'm using my editor's list authority to reject "New constructs" unless
explicitly instructed otherwise - "New construct" is too much of a value
judgement, suggesting that the change isn't needed. There are several
other issues which are, or could be regarded as "new construct". 43 is
categorised as State management, which could be improved perhaps.

>           o (Scopes) Issue 1

reinstatement fixed
>           o (Expressions) Issue 6
reinstatement fixed

>     * Issue 51: Still an expression even though in data 
> handling arena.

51 was mysteriously categorised as correlation in one of the earlier
assignments which seems wrong. made it as you suggest.

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