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Subject: Issue - 38 - Directed Activity Graph and block structured

This issue has been added to the wsbpel issue list. The issues list is posted as a Technical Committee document to the OASIS WSBPEL TC pages on a regular basis. The current edition, as a TC document, is the most recent document with the title wsbpel_issues_list.html in the "Issues" folder of the WSBPEL TC document list - the next posting will include this issue. The list editor's working copy, which will normally include an issue when it is announced, is available at this constant URL.

Issue - 38 - Directed Activity Graph and block structured

Status: open
Categories: clarification
Date added: 13 Jul 2003
Submitter: Assaf Arkin
Date submitted: 09 July 2003
Document: Specification
Description: The current specification provides a syntax that combines both DAG and block structured constructs. This leads to some redundancy, since some block structured constructs are not necessary given the alternative way to represent them using the <flow> activity and links.

There may be good rationale for supporting such constructs. However, no good rationale has been given in the spec. An explicit description of the rationale for including such redundancy, or the purpose it serves would be helpful in weighing up other changes to the specification.
Changes: 13 Jul 2003 - new issue

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