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Subject: Issue - 96 - Opaque Correlation Sets

This issue has been added to the wsbpel issue list. The issues list is posted as a Technical Committee document to the OASIS WSBPEL TC pages on a regular basis. The current edition, as a TC document, is the most recent document with the title in the "Issues" folder of the WSBPEL TC document list - the next posting will include this issue. The list editor's working copy, which will normally include an issue when it is announced, is available at this constant URL.

Issue - 96 - Opaque Correlation Sets

Status: open
Date added: 3 Feb 2004
Submitter: Yaron Goland
Date submitted: 03 February 2004
Document: Spec - Main
Description: When a BPEL programmer wants to use correlation they define a correlation set which consists of a series of properties. The BPEL programmer then makes sure that when initializing a correlation set the message being used for initialization has the proper values, IDs, etc., inside of it. This is a powerful generic feature that allows BPEL to work with a wide variety of correlation mechanisms. However, protocols are now being introduced to explicitly manage message correlation, for example, ws-addressing. One of the benefits of such protocols is that they free the programmer from having to worry about the details of correlation set definition and value creation. Therefore it would be extremely useful if BPEL, in addition to its existing correlation set mechanism, introduced the ability to define an 'opaque' correlation set. That is, a correlation set whose definition and associated message values are managed by the BPEL engine. An opaque correlation set would only define what protocol it is based on and leave the other details to the BPEL engine. E.g. <correlationSet name="myCor" algorithm="http://somestandards.org/astandard/mechanism"/>
Changes: 3 Feb 2004 - new issue

To comment on this issue, please follow-up to this announcement on the wsbpel@lists.oasis-open.org list (replying to this message should automatically send your message to that list), or ensure the subject line as you send it starts "Issue - 96 - [anything]" or is a reply to such a message.

To add a new issue, see the issues procedures document (but the address for new issue submission is the sender of this announcement).

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