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wsrm-chair message

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Subject: OASIS TC - Status of Web Services Reliable Messaging TC Members

Web Services Reliable Messaging TC Chair,

These Prospective Members are eligible to have their role changed from Prospective Member to Member.  The reason for eligibility is listed next to each person's name.  To change a member's role, go to http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/wsrm/members/roster.php

* Colleen Evans  (probationary period over)
* Matthew MacKenzie  (probationary period over)
* Ben Bloch  (probationary period over)

These members have not attended 2 of the last 3 meetings.  You can change their status by going to http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/wsrm/manage/attendance.php?x=2&y=3&highlight_type=have_not&new_status=4&modify_ids%5B5967%5D=on&modify_ids%5B5968%5D=on&modify_ids%5B5949%5D=on&modify_ids%5B5950%5D=on&modify_ids%5B7429%5D=on&modify_ids%5B5956%5D=on&modify_ids%5B5957%5D=on&modify_ids%5B5969%5D=on

* Doug Bunting
* Himagiri Mukkamala
* Joseph Chiusano
* Peter Furniss
* Nikola Stojanovic
* Mark Little
* paolo romano
* Prasad Yendluri

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