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wsrm-interop message

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Subject: RE: [wsrm-interop] telecon today

Title: RE: [wsrm-interop] telecon today


partial answers:

> - Alan pointed out that it would be good to show a failure case: e.g.
> guaranteed
> delivery could not actually deliver (network broken), but the sender app was
> notified.
> Will do if we have time...

Is anyone going to power-off their machine or unplug cables during the

<JD> no, the idea is e.g. just to block a message completely.

> - Given the demo is Tuesday 9, and that Monday should be spent on polishing
> the demo choreography and scenario (and to do late adjustments after we
> figure where Oracle and Sun fit in, which I believe we will really know
> only a few days before), it is highly desirable that Saturday-Sunday be
> spent
> in interop tests between Oracle / Sun / Fujitsu. (check with your manager if
> you
> can compensate this extra work later...)

I'll try not to bring my jet-lag.

<JD> is that a yes? (we need to know if it is worth it for Fujitsu to
fly in on Friday evening.)



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