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wsrp-interop message

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Subject: UserCategories in producer level operations

In WSRP 2.0 we added passing a UserContext to most operations.  This 
means there are many operations receiving a userContext which aren't in 
a portlet context (i.e. they are producer level operations).  In this 
situation did we ever talk about what userCategories should be 
applied/sent?  I.e. All userCategories are currently described at the 
producer level but the use references are at the porlet (description) 
level.  For producer level operations do we expect the consumer to 
assume an implicit defintion that the producer understands all 
userCategories it has described and send any of the appropriate ones?  
Or do we expect that userCategories has no meaning and hence it should 
send nothing?  Or do we not think this is an area of interoperability 
concern and hence don't define any expected behavior?

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