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wsrp-primer message

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Subject: Re: [wsrp-primer] Markup Interface Messages 12 and 13


You may leave the messages to me, as I work with these day in and day 
out. It's easy for me to generate these messages the way we need. I'll 
update these messages in the current draft I'm working on now.



Rex Brooks wrote:

> Hi Guys,
> While beating myself up on this section, I ran into the comments that
> Messages 12 and 13 are incorrect, and since I picked these up, rather
> than generating them myself, I could use some guidance and new
> messages if possible. (This also gets back to the notion of having
> the messages all deal with the P Inc. - C Inc. scenario, so we should
> get that settled as soon as we can. However, simply removing extra
> mime types and templates is not big deal.)
> There is also a comment: "Need to clean up messages." I don't recall
> what that refers to.
> I have also generated a couple of questions about how deeply we get
> into some issues, such as cookies and cloning, which I will collect
> and send once I have managed to get through this iteration.
> Also, having worked up an outline for an implementation guide for
> CAP, I am realizing more and more that a lot of these issues really
> need to be addressed by someone who is dealing with them day in and
> day out, and I won't be doing that, although I will soon be directing
> several such efforts, and I am coming around to the idea that we
> should probably either re-examine how detailed we want to get in this
> first version of the primer because, to some extent, as I go through
> this, I begin needing to get into discussions that are actually
> longer and more complex than the spec itself, which is not, IMHO, how
> a primer should work.
> So, we may actually want to establish an on-going developer's forum
> to gather specific questions and address them in an on-going manner
> once we get the primer itself out the door.
> Ciao,
> Rex
> -- 
> Rex Brooks
> GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison, Berkeley, CA, 94702 USA, Earth
> W3Address: http://www.starbourne.com
> Email: rexb@starbourne.com
> Tel: 510-849-2309
> Fax: By Request

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