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Subject: WSS-M Meeting Minutes September 29


WSS-M TC First Meeting September 29


momartin: Roll Call

Martin, Monica J.

Turner, David

Nadalin, Tony

Hardjono, Thomas

McRae, Mary OASIS

Raepple, Martin

Ronco, Enrico

Rossini, Dr. Federico

Milono, Carlo

McIntosh, Michael

Powers, Calvin

Lawrence, Kelvin


momartin: Election of chair

momartin: David Turner elected unanimously as chair


momartin: Welcome and information

momartin: Mary McRae


momartin: Under new TC process as of October 15.

momartin: Can't develop errata as of October 15.

[scribe: Original comment was no Errata could be done.]

momartin: David: Can you clarify?

momartin: Mary: TC Must approved a public review draft or have under review at the time the process is effecive October 15.

momartin: c/approved/approve

momartin: These are the exceptions.

momartin: David: Will review.


momartin: Mary: Outlines review processes given TC process effective as of October 15.

momartin: IPR policy adds maintenance activity

momartin: Use of Kavi.

momartin: TC Page:

momartin: http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/wss-m/


momartin: Enrico: Issues with web services under evaluation by SOA group.

[scribe: http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=soa-tel SOA-Tel]

momartin: Two issues pertain to WS-Security.

momartin: Can we bring those issues to WSS-M?

momartin: Is this ongoing maintenance?

momartin: David: Our primary goal is to prepare the documents to ISO/IEC JTC 1.

momartin: c/to/to send to

momartin: Can submit the information to the TC for the group to evaluate the scope of the changes proposed.

momartin: Encrico: Will work on contribution.

momartin: c/Encrico/Enrico

momartin: Hal (procedural): Review the charter.

momartin: [obsrver]

momartin: [observer]


momartin: David: Outlines scope of charter.

momartin: Carlo M: Can we declare a new namespace?

momartin: Pressure is coming from government to use other than SHA-1.

momartin: Hash tag DSig

momartin: SHA-256 etc.

momartin: Make amenable to future changes to underlying algorithms.

momartin: Tony: We don't have to change existing implementations.

momartin: We should review that question.


momartin: Mike McIntosh: Can we set up email ballots?

momartin: Set a bylaw to allow this.

momartin: Mary: You can decide a standing rule that allows a motion to be opened on the list and an electronic ballot started.

momartin: Motion: Monica

momartin: Second: Mike McIntosh

momartin: Federico objects.

Federico Rossini: Sorry Not Federico but Enrico

momartin: Motion to create a standing rule that allows a motion to be opened on the email list. An electronic ballot can be opened by the chair as needed.

momartin: Mike: We have a small TC. Make more sense to have broader participation in voting and discussion.

momartin: Correction objection by Enrico.

momartin: Thomas H: The motion has 2 parts.

momartin: Enrico: Who would be the voters in the electronic ballot.

momartin: Meetings determine the voting membership based on meeting attendance correct?

momartin: Mike, Tony: Correct.

momartin: Encrico: Objection withdrawn.

momartin: Standing rule is created.

momartin: Place on TC public page.

momartin: ACTION: Mary McRae to add to public page.


momartin: David: Need volunteer for editor.

momartin: Mike: I can volunteer.


Carlo Milono: DSIG URIs: http://www.w3.org/200/09/xmldsig# (ds:, dsig http://www.w3.org/2009/xmldsig11# (dsig11 http://www.w3.org/2008/xmlsec/experimental# (dsig2)  also: http://W3.ORG/2001/04/xmldsig-more# (RFC 4051).  Need to accomodate FIPS 180-3 and later Suite B federal mandates.


momartin: David: Hal will Rich join?

momartin: Hal: Yes.


enrico ronco: i have a question for Mary: as of now how many  voting members have been "approved" at the beginning of this meeting'


momartin: David: Could you ensure Rich is editor?

momartin: Hal: Yes.


momartin: Roster is update on TC page:

momartin: http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/wss-m/members/roster.php

momartin: Monica: Add Tony Nadalin.

momartin: Mary: Will do so.


momartin: Meeting schedule:

momartin: David: WSS-X meetins on alternate Weds.

momartin: c/meetins/meetings

momartin: Bi-weekly

momartin: Monica: Should we meet next week and then set up 2 week schedule so people have an understanding of the comments.

momartin: David: Any objections to meeting 10/6 at 7 a.m. PT Wednesday.

enrico ronco: just a question; is the time slot aways this one, EG 10 AM ET?

momartin: None discussed.

momartin: Yes unless the WG changes it.

momartin: David: Will provide conference bridge.

momartin: Clarifies question by Enrico.

momartin: Alternates WS-SX TC calls.


momartin: David: Any questions?

momartin: Enrico: Voting rights count for the next meeting.

momartin: Adjourned 7:46 a.m. PT Wednesday 9/29.


Used this IRC for notes 9/29: http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/interop

Created for next time: http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/wssm

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