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xcbf-chair message

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Subject: OASIS TC - Status of OASIS XML Common Biometric Format TC Members

OASIS XML Common Biometric Format TC Chair,

These members have not attended 2 of the last 3 meetings.  You can change their status by going to http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/xcbf/manage/attendance.php?x=2&y=3&highlight_type=have_not&new_status=4&modify_ids%5B2189%5D=on&modify_ids%5B4734%5D=on&modify_ids%5B6290%5D=on&modify_ids%5B2183%5D=on&modify_ids%5B2185%5D=on&modify_ids%5B6000%5D=on&modify_ids%5B5689%5D=on&modify_ids%5B8888%5D=on

* Clifford Thompson
* John Aerts
* Bancroft Scott
* Paul Gerome
* Ed Day
* Michael Nguyen
* Rick Randall
* William Riippi

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