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Subject: Meeting minutes

Dear all,


Please find below a summary of today’s discussion.











Attendance: Rodolfo, Yoshito, Lucía

I. Administration
R: I move to approve 17 January meeting minutes. https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/202301/msg00004.html

Y: I second.

R: Meeting minutes approved.


II. Technical work

A. Discussed and approved changes in the spec. Rodolfo. You can download updated versions of the specification from 

R: I have not had the time to include any new changes in the spec since the last meeting.


B. Typos in the spec. https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/202302/msg00003.html Lucia.

R: That is good what you did.

L: Do you agree with my proposal changes? They are mostly typos that can be easily fixed.

R: I do. In the case of the problem with the version number, the origin of the problem is in the code of the spec that uses entities and in other cases it does not, that is why.

L: I have just included the issues in that email to the official TC list, but I can create an issue in github to document it there too.

R: That was Yoshito suggested to last time. It will also help to document the version updates of the spec.

L: Yes, it makes sense. I will add the issue in github then.

Y: It can be a single issue with the table you send to the mailing list instead of creating an issue per typo.

R: We could add more typos into the table of that specific issue if we find more later on.

L:  I have also added some general suggestions to improve the legibility of the spec. I do not know if you agree with them.

R: I do, especially the last suggestion of adding examples to the elements source and target.

L: I suggested that one because I think it would be useful for implementers and other users of the spec to have a look at what a translation unit with source and target looks like. We have examples of other elements and attributes but it would be great to have a clear example of that specific and important part of an XLIFF document.

R: About numbering the examples. We have numbering for sections.  The numbers are assigned when they are assembled into pdf or html. We can have a legend for the examples.

L: Ok, it was just a suggestion to have some identifier in each of the examples that would help us to cross-reference them, I was not sure if it was technically possible to do it.

R: I am not sure; I can investigate it.

L: I will add the issue with the typos I reported in github with those typos and suggestions to improve the spec.

R: Thank you, please add an extra column to document if the change has been included in the spec or not.

L: Sure, I will do that. I will also add a point in the agenda of the next meeting so we can vote on those change proposals.

III. Promotion and Liaison

R: I have rewritten the tool JavaPM that converts properties files to XLIFF. I wanted the make the validator available in Spanish. https://maxprograms.com/products/javapm.html  It is free and open source. It is available for mac, windows and linux.

L: That is great news for the community, thank you for that. Have you announced it publicly?

R: Yes, I have done it in the Maxprograms support group. In Linkedin, you can find the announcement here by Jean-Christophe Helary: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7038858264792506369/


L : that is great, I will repost it.


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