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Subject: Meeting minutes

Dear all,


Please find below a summary of today’s discussion.










Attendance: Rodolfo, Micah, Yoshito, Lucía. We have quorum.


L: It is good to be back after my maternity leave, thank you for all the work that you have done during this period.



1. Administration

R: I move to approve. Dec 21 meeting minutes - https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/202401/msg00000.html

Y : I second.

R : Meeting minutes approved.


2. Technical

-PGS module spec update status - https://github.com/oasis-tcs/xliff-xliff-22/issues/32

M: It is almost ready, what is missing is the introduction and the justification of the module. I will try to finish by the end of the week.


R: Lucía, Micah has been working on a new module (plural/gender), you can read it in the draft.

L: That is great news, I did not have the time to read it since I came back this month. I will try to read before the next meeting.

R: It can be found in the extended PDF. The module is almost ready.

Y: We kind of agreed on most of it. The design itself is accepted and agreed. Only some editorial changes might be needed.

L: Excellent, that is great news.



-Remaining items before XLIFF 2.2 public review?

R: In appendix A, there is a registration template, but we actually do not do this ourselves as committee, it should be done by OASIS. This is the form that OASIS should use to send to IANA. As committee, we are not changing the IANA registry, we do not need this information appendix, but we still need the information mentioning it. We have an issue on github to change the content of this appendix.

Y: In addition to that, this information should be in core, not in the extended version.  Do we appendices that are duplicated with core?

R: we do, like members of the TC and the acknowledgements.

Y: Those might be ok to be left in both documents.

Y: Does appendix B makes sense?

R: Yes, we need to put the links somewhere. Appendix C is also needed to include the changes that were made.

R: Some changes were made in core, but are also part of extended.


R: so this is a small change, we will need an internal review, and then make it public.

Y: Once we finish the editorial changes, it should be ready for public review.


L: So, Rodolfo, could you just clarify us as secretary what are the next steps?

R: Sure. First, we need to finish the changes that have been mentioned before. Then, we will do the review internally ourselves and provide the necessary changes (editorial mainly at this point). After that, once we are happy with the spec, we request officially Chet to request the official documents uploaded, so it goes to an official URL, that today are present in the spec but they do not work yet. The person that can put this on is Chet. Once this goes to review stage, it will run for a month, we will have to track the emails and reply to all the comments. After the review period, we might make some changes, and we will go to a second (or more) public reviews. After that we can request Chet to have a ballot to have committee standard. And then, we could go to OASIS standard procedure. Not all previous versions of XLIFF were OASIS standard, some were only committee standard.


Y: Do you we want to do the review after the next meeting and start the process after that? We can review it internally in February and start the process of requesting Chet by the end of February.

R: Yes, that sounds good.

L: Yes, thank you for all the work that you have done and the clear comments.


3. Promotion and Liaison

-MessageFormat WG

M: We are moving forward. In February we will have a version and wait for public feedback.





R: No new business. Meeting adjourned.


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