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xslt-conformance message

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Subject: Agenda for April Teleconference: April 8, 2004 (14:00 EDT)

OASIS XSLT/XPath Conformance Voting Member Meeting

Agenda for April Meeting -- April 8, 2004 (via teleconference) at 2:00pm EDT

Roll call and quorum
Voting members expected:
Jeff Kenton, DataPower Technology
David Marston, Lotus Development Corp.
June Ng, IBM Toronto
Gauri Sharma, Sun
Zarella Rendon, Individual Member
Joanne Tong, IBM Toronto

- amendments

Minutes of the last meeting
- review of minutes of March meeting

Action Items from March meeting
- Integrate reference files for Xalan tests and repost test suite (Jeff)
- Post Testsuite information and invitation to new members on XSL list (Jeff)

Agenda items
- 1.0 testsuite status
- 2.0 Test case development:  status and plans

- Welcome new observers

Action items for next meeting

Next meeting dates
- May 13?
- June



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