The objective of the CIQ TC is explained in the diagram above. 

The objective is:
- CIQ TC will remain application independent and hence, will not align with any domain specific 
  application say, postal services
- The CIQ TC will remain vendor neutral
- The CIQ TC will remain "Open"
- The CIQ Tc is committed to working together with other similar standards activities and is 
  therefore,very open in collaborative work
- The CIQ TC is open for feedbacks, criticisms and suggestions. This helps CIQ in imrpoving 
  its work that will eventually contribute to the success of applying CIQ standards in the 
  real world

The CIQ TC will only concentrate on building standards for defining customer information.
It will not concentrate on building standards for privacy, permissioning, transportation, 
security, validation/verification of data etc as these are already being developed by 
many standards groups.

Any group building domain specific customer information(eg. postal services, CRM services, 
etc) can use CIQ as the basis for defining customer information and build their standards 
and applications around CIQ standards. This is where CIQ TC differs from most of the other 
standard groups. CIQ is committed to application independent standards and will remain so.