Analysis of Current ODF Deletion Tracking (Revision 1)

Draft (A preliminary unapproved sketch, outline, or version.)


Submitted By Mr. Dennis Hamilton on 2011-04-04 11:02 pm UTC

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OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC / Miscellaneous

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This document presents analysis of a change-tracked deletion example based on the current tracked-changes provisions of ODF 1.2.

It also turns up an unexpected implementation edge case that I assume applies generally to releases based on the OO.o 3.3 code base. The demonstration of the failure, which can lead to corrupted deletions that restore incorrectly when rejected, is serious enough.

I include that portion of the analysis, albeit implementation dependent, because it demonstrates the subtleties that must be understood (and should be documented in the ODF specification) in order to properly implement the deletion approach that has been appealed to since ODF 1.0.