UBL Context Methodology Subcommittee

January Meeting
Closing Report

Context Methodology Session Agenda

Review of "Eight Questions"

Use of XSD Derivation

Use of Subtractive Refinement

Hierarchical Value Spaces for Context Drivers

Assembly Rules

What do Context Rules Apply To?

Gather and Review Use Cases


Resolution: The ebXML work embodied in the document "Document Assembly and Context Rules v1.04" shall be used as the starting point for continuing work on context methodology as part of the UBL effort.

Resolution: The derivation relationship of new types created using the context methodology to the original types shall be left open at present. This may be harmonized with XSD derivation mechanisms in the future, and aspects of the methodology that would prevent this or make it more difficult should be avoided if possible.

Resolution: Subtractive refinement shall be one of the mechanisms for creating interoperable types from core types.

Resolution: The context rule language shall be defined ad hoc according to requirements established by the Context Methodology Subcommittee, in collaboration with other UBL subcommittees, rather than using a standard transformation language such as XSLT.

Resolution: Assembly rules will be an important part of the overall methodology for building UBL schemas but will not be addressed at present as there are other issues with higher priority.

Resolution: To avoid needless dependencies, we shall not attempt to harmonize the names of the tags used in the planned context rule language with related names in XSD.