Subcommittee Reports – DSC Donkey Steering Committee

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SOD Meeting, F2F, 1-4 Oct 2002, Burlington, MA

Current Holder of the Donkey: Gunther Stuhec

Gunther Stuhec, current chair of the SOD gave a presentation of where the donkey had been over the past 6 months. It was very educational, we learned about the abuse some humans put upon donkeys. We, of course, not being included in that group.

The DNT (Donkey Nomination Team) worked through a very hard choice of nominations. There are so many good choices within this wonderful group of people. The list is:

SOD Meeting, F2F, June 2002, Minneapolis, MN

Current Holder of the Donkey: Gunther Stuhec

The donkey was left in Germany and will reside there through one more cycle. Gunther promises the Donkey will make it to the next meeting.

Supreme Order of the Donkey (SOD) Meeting, F2F, March 2002, Barcelona, Spain

First Meeting, Chair: Bill Burcham

Mavis gave us a report on the history and basis of the report. Arofan was the first one to begin the flogging of the Dead Donkey.

Bill Burcham is the Interim Chair of this SC. At each face to face meetings, the current chair awards the Donkey Choate to the next Chair. The conduct that gets this awards can be outstanding, positive/negative, or otherwise outstanding conduct during the session. Only some will achieve supremacy,

You must take Donkey home, when you have found a new victim you bring him with you and award him to the next person. There will be a webpage to cover the dealings of the SOD.

When the chair selects a new chair you have to title the Donkey.

Nomination and Presentation of the Donkey

Bill has chosen to award the Donkey to Gunther Stuhec, this is form Version sub-version, Tim McGrath seconded the nomination for Gunther. For service above and beyond the call of duty.

Gunther was instructed to show the Donkey a good time. Last we saw of Gunther and Donkey was the parting shot of Gunther scootering down the Boulevard in Barcelona with Donkey hanging from the handlebars of his scooter. Donkey was seeing the sights in Barcelona.

Whoever has current recipient of the SOD and guardian of Donkey will have to convene the next meeting of the DSC at the next face to face and decide the next recipient.

Mark Crawford was nominated for the Donkey for using the phrase "Bottoms Up".