OASIS Vocabulary for XML Standards and Technologies TC
XMLvoc > Meeting > Minutes


Minutes of Meeting 16 April 2002 (Conference Call)
Updated: 19 April 2002, H. Holger Rath

>>> Participants >>> Agenda >>> Approval of Minutes of Last Meeting >>> Review of Actions Items
>>> Content >>> Decisions >>> Action Items >>> Future Dates

1. Participants

Anthony B. Coates
Patrick Durusau
Lars Marius Garshol
Peter Pappamikail
Steve Pepper
H. Holger Rath
Bernard Vatant

2. Agenda

  1. Welcome by chair
  2. Roll call of participants
  3. Approval of agenda
  4. Review of requirements document
  5. Discussion of first results of analysing CoverPages
  6. How to proceed until Barcelona meeting

3. Approval of Minutes of Last Meeting

Forgotten :-(

4. Review of Actions Items

#1 - deferred
#2 - closed
#3 - in progess: Karl Best recommended use of OASIS URNs. Lars Marius said, that URNs are not working for PSIs, we need URIs. Lars Marius will provide an explenation why (as an email).

5. Content

  1. Welcome by chair

    Chair welcomed all attendees.

  2. Roll call of participants.
  3. Roll call was performed.

  4. Approval of agenda

    Agenda was approved.

  5. Review of requirements document

    ad 2.1.a) Change text to "a core vocabulary of Published Subjects that defines types, may add selected instances, and will show how to extend it.".

    ad 2.4.) Change text to "The core vocabulary shall be documented in XHTML and shall be documented in XTM.".

    ad 2.5.) Change "example" to "examples".

    ad 2.6.) Change text to "The examples shall illustrate the intended use of the core vocabulary.".

    ad 2.7.) Change text to "The recommendations shall describe how third parties can extend the core vocabulary.".

    ad 2.8.) Change text to "The recommendations should contain an example of such an extension. The extension example should be provided in XTM format and may be provided in XHTML or RDF format.".

    ad 2.9.) Change text to "The target market for the results of the XMLvoc TC shall be applications built using topic maps, RDF and similar technogies.".

    ad 2.) Add new list item 3. "The core vocabulary will define PSIs for the sub-doamins of core standards, standards built on core standards, standards organizations, and tool implementors.".

    ad 3.) Delete section 3.

    ad 4.) Delete section 4.

  6. Discussion of first results of analysing CoverPages

    As no results were available, discussion was deferred.

  7. How to proceed until Barcelona meeting

    Requirements document will be finalized and voting for approval initiated.

    Everyone should come up with a core vocabulary for the meeting 24 May 2002.

7. Action Items

No. Action Who Deadline State
1 Scan XMLCover Pages or other XML info sites to harvest PSIs all 24 May 2002 o
2 Write outline of requirements spec. H. Holger Rath 15 Apr 2002 c
3 Contact OASIS to establish and get access to psi.xml.org H. Holger Rath 24 May 2002 o
4 Finalize requirements document and let TC vote on it H. Holger Rath 24 May 2002 o
5 Explain why URNs do not work for PSIs Lars Marius Garshol 24 May 2002 o
Legend for state of action items:
o - still open
c - closed
x - not necessary any more

8. Future Dates