OASIS Vocabulary for XML Standards and Technologies TC
XMLvoc > Meeting > Minutes


Minutes of Meeting 10 August 2002
Updated: 09 September 2002, H. Holger Rath

>>> Participants >>> Agenda >>> Approval of Minutes of Last Meeting >>> Review of Action Items
>>> Content >>> Decisions >>> Action Items >>> Future Dates

1. Participants

Vivian Bliss (invited guest)
Patrick Durusau
Eric Freese
Lars Marius Garshol
Mary Y. Nishikawa
Nikita Ogievetsky (invited guest)
H. Holger Rath
Don Smith (invited guest)
Bernard Vatant

2. Agenda

  1. Welcome by chair
    James D. Mason and Scott Tsao did not attend the third meeting in row. Therefore they are no longer voting members of the XMLvoc TC.
  2. Roll call of participants
  3. Approval of agenda
  4. Approval of minutes of last meeting
  5. Review of action items
  6. Review of already identified topic types and occurrence types
  7. Brainstorming of association types and their roles
  8. Next meetings

3. Approval of Minutes of Last Meeting

Minutes were approved.

4. Review of Action Items

#6 - Lars Marius needs input (esp. arguments) from the other chairs to convince OASIS. Deadline moved to end of September 2002.
#7 - Still to be done. Deadline moved to end of September 2002.
#8 - Closed during meeting.

5. Content

  1. Review of already identified topic types and occurrence types
  2. Brainstorming of association types and their roles

    TC worked on both agenda items at once. Topic types listed during last meeting were assigned into the categories and related by meaningful associations. Charts painted during meeting were put into a XMLvoc topic map by Steve Pepper (Chair would like to thank Steve for this!).

    Steve used the Linear Topic Map Notation to have a compact representation. To learn more about the Linear Topic Map Notation read Ontopia's Definition and Introduction.
    You can find the LTM and XTM sources files as well: xmlvoc.ltm and xmlvoc.xtm (both with instance examples), xmlvoc-lite.ltm and xmlvoc-lite.xtm(both without instance examples).


    1. housekeeping topics
    2. topic types
    3. association types and corresponding role types
    4. superclass-subclass relationships
    5. templating associations

    (a)-(d) are all necessary to the ontology itself and would be merged into any topic map conforming to the XMLvoc ontology.

    (e) contains ("templating") associations between topic types, useful for understanding the kinds of relationships that exist, but not normally part of an "instance" topic map.

    Comment from Steve: Some names have been modified slightly for consistency. Association role types were not shown on the chart, so the names given here are not the committee's work. Some of them are not even English (e.g. "usee"), but they were chosen for maximum clarity in this draft. The committee will need to commission someone to take on the thankless task of proposing more suitable names.

    Housekeeping topics

    [super-sub = "superclass-subclass relationship"
    [super     = "superclass"
    [sub       = "subclass"

    Topic types

    [application_domain = "application domain"
    [application_programming_interface = "application programming interface"
    [character_set = "character set"
    [character_encoding = "character encoding"
    [data_model = "data model"
    [document = "document"
    [document_stage = "document stage"
    [legal_entity = "legal entity"
     [organization = "organization"
      [standards_body = "standards body"
     [person = "person"
    [standards_body_subdivision = "standards body subdivision"
    [technology = "technology"
     [formal_language = "formal language"
      [constraint_language = "constraint language"
      [interface_definition_language = "interface definition language"
      [processing_language = "processing language"
      [programming_language = "programming language"
      [protocol = "protocol"
      [query_language = "query language"
      [serialization_syntax = "serialization syntax"
     [metalanguage = "metalanguage"

    Association types and corresponding role types

    [approval = "approval"
       /* role types declared elsewhere: document, standards_body[_subdivision] */
    [authorship = "authorship"
      [author = "author"
       /* other role type declared elsewhere: document */
    [containment = "containment"
      [container = "container"
      [containee = "containee"
    [contribution = "contribution"
      [contributor = "contributor"
       /* other role type declared elsewhere: document */
    [document-document_stage = "document/document stage"
       /* role types declared elsewhere: document, document_stage */
    [editorship = "editorship"
      [editor = "editor"
       /* other role type declared elsewhere: document */
    [encoding = "encoding"
      [encoder = "encoder"
      [encodee = "encodee"
    [expression = "expression"
      [expressor = "expressor"
      [expressee = "expressee"
    [maintenance = "maintenance"
       /* role types declared elsewhere: document, standards_body[_subdivision] */
    [membership = "membership"
      [member = "member"
      [collection = "collection"
    [operation = "operation"
      [operator = "operator"
      [operatee = "operatee"
    [representation = "representation"
      /* role types declared elsewhere: person, organization, standards_body_subdivision */
    [data_model_representation = "data model representation"
      [representor = "representor"
      [representee = "representee"
    [specification = "specification"
       /* role types declared elsewhere: document, technology */
    [usage = "usage"
      [user = "user"
      [usee = "usee"

    Superclass-subclass relationships

      /* superclass: legal_entity */
    super-sub( person : sub, legal_entity : super )
    super-sub( organization : sub, legal_entity : super )
      /* superclass: organization */
    super-sub( standards_body : sub, organization : super )
      /* superclass: technology */
    super-sub( metalanguage : sub, technology : super )
    super-sub( formal_language : sub, technology : super )
    super-sub( data_model : sub, technology : super )
    super-sub( character_encoding : sub, technology : super )
    super-sub( character_set : sub, technology : super )
    super-sub( application_programming_interface : sub, technology : super )
      /* superclass: formal_language */
    super-sub( interface_definition_language : sub, formal_language : super )
    super-sub( programming_language : sub, formal_language : super )
    super-sub( serialization_syntax : sub, formal_language : super )
    super-sub( constraint_language : sub, formal_language : super )
    super-sub( query_language : sub, formal_language : super )
    super-sub( processing_language : sub, formal_language : super )
    super-sub( protocol : sub, formal_language : super )

    Templating associations

    approval( standards_body : organization, document : document )
    approval( standards_body_subdivision : organization, 
              document : document )
    authorship( person : author,
                document : document )
    containment( standards_body : container,
                 standards_body_subdivision : containee )
    containment( standards_body_subdivision : container,
                 standards_body_subdivision : containee )
    contribution( person : contributor, document : document )
    data_model_representation( application_programming_interface : representor,
                               data_model : representee )
    data_model_representation( serialization_syntax : representor, 
                               data_model : representee )
    document-document_stage( document : document, 
                             document_stage : document_stage )
    editorship( person : editor,
                document : document )
    encoding( character_set : encoder,
              character_encoding : encodee )
    expression( application_programming_interface : expressee,
                interface_definition_language : expressor )
    expression( application_programming_interface : expressee,
                programming_language : expressor )
    maintenance( standards_body_subdivision : organization,
                 document : document )
    membership( legal_entity : member,
                standards_body : collection )
    membership( legal_entity : member,
                standards_body_subdivision : collection )
    operation( constraint_language : operator,
               data_model : operatee )
    operation( processing_language : operator,
               data_model : operatee )
    operation( query_language : operator,
               data_model : operatee )
    representation( person : person,
                    organization : organization,
                    standards_body_subdivision : standards_body_subdivision )
    specification( document : document,
                   technology : technology )
    usage( formal_language : user,
           metalanguage : usee )

    TC still has to improve the association types and their roles. Category "Vendors/Tools" also has to be analyzed.

7. Action Items

No. Action Who Deadline State
1 Scan XMLCover Pages or other XML info sites to harvest PSIs all 24 May 2002 x
2 Write outline of requirements spec. H. Holger Rath 15 Apr 2002 c
3 Contact OASIS to establish and get access to psi.xml.org H. Holger Rath 24 May 2002 x
4 Finalize requirements document and let TC vote on it H. Holger Rath 24 May 2002 c
5 Explain why URNs do not work for PSIs Lars Marius Garshol 24 May 2002 c
6 Contact Karl Best (OASIS) together with PubSubj and GeoLang chairs to ask for psi.oasis-open.org (any PSI sets) and psi.xml.org (XMLvoc) Lars Marius Garshol 30 Sept 2002 o
7 Summarize Use Cases in new document for discussion in mailing list H. Holger Rath 30 Sept 2002 o
8 Check lists of topic and occurrences types against web pages containing XML information, extend list and add association types and roles All 30 June 2002 c
9 Check Cyc ontology if it could provide any input All 30 November 2002 o
10 Review association types and roles and think about assocs for Vendor/Tool category All 30 November 2002 o
Legend for state of action items:
o - still open
c - closed
x - not necessary any more

8. Future Dates

  • 14 December 2002 (time to be announced), Baltimore, Convention Center in conjunction with IDEAlliance XML 2002 conference.