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Subject: draft-ietf-idwg-idmef-xml-02.txt
From: Hervé Debar (
Date: Tue Dec 05 2000 - 15:08:52 CET

        Title : IDMEF Data Model and XML DTD
        Author(s) : D. Curry, H. Debar, M. Huang
        Filename : draft-ietf-idwg-idmef-xml-02.txt
        Pages : 86
        Date : 05-Dec-00

This is (under version -02 of the XML draft) an attempt to merge the
data model and the XML representation, to avoid divergences between the

   The purpose of the Intrusion Detection Message Exchange Format
   (IDMEF) is to define data formats and exchange procedures for sharing
   information of interest to intrusion detection and response systems,
   and to the management systems that may need to interact with them.
   The goals and requirements of the IDMEF are described in [2].
   This Internet-Draft describes a proposed data model to represent the
   information exported by the intrusion-detection systems, including
   the rationale for this model, and a proposed implementation of this
   data model, using the Extensible Markup Language (XML) [3]. The
   rationale for choosing XML is explained, a Document Type Definition
   (DTD) is developed, and examples are provided.
   An earlier version of this implementation was reviewed, along with
   other proposed implementations, by the IDWG at its September 1999 and
   February 2000 meetings. At the February meeting, it was decided that
   the XML solution was best at fulfilling the IDWG requirements. The
   rationale for this decision is presented in [4].

Intrusion Detection Working Group                               D. Curry 
Internet Draft                                                       ISS 
Document: draft-ietf-idwg-idmef-xml-02.txt                 December 2000 
Category: Informational                                                  
               Intrusion Detection Message Exchange Format 
                            IDMEF Data Model 
        Extensible Markup Language (XML) Document Type Definition 
                               David A. Curry 
                      Internet Security Systems, Inc. 
                                Herve Debar 
                             France Telecom R&D 
                               Ming-Yuh Huang 
                             The Boeing Company 
Status of this Memo 
   This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with 
   all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026 [1]. 
   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering 
   Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that other 
   groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts. 
   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months 
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any 
   time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference 
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress." 
   The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at 
   The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at 
Curry              Informational - Expires June 2001           [Page 1] 

Internet Draft        IDMEF Data Model and XML DTD         December 2000 
   The purpose of the Intrusion Detection Message Exchange Format 
   (IDMEF) is to define data formats and exchange procedures for sharing 
   information of interest to intrusion detection and response systems, 
   and to the management systems that may need to interact with them. 
   The goals and requirements of the IDMEF are described in [2]. 
   This Internet-Draft describes a proposed data model to represent the 
   information exported by the intrusion-detection systems, including 
   the rationale for this model, and a proposed implementation of this 
   data model, using the Extensible Markup Language (XML) [3]. The 
   rationale for choosing XML is explained, a Document Type Definition 
   (DTD) is developed, and examples are provided. 
   An earlier version of this implementation was reviewed, along with 
   other proposed implementations, by the IDWG at its September 1999 and 
   February 2000 meetings. At the February meeting, it was decided that 
   the XML solution was best at fulfilling the IDWG requirements. The 
   rationale for this decision is presented in [4]. 
Curry              Informational - Expires June 2001           [Page 2] 

Internet Draft        IDMEF Data Model and XML DTD         December 2000 
Table of Contents 
   1. Introduction...................................................6 
   2. Conventions used in this document..............................6 
   3. Rationale for the IDMEF Data Model.............................7 
   3.1. Problems addressed by the data model.........................7 
   3.2. Design goals.................................................8 
   3.2.1. Representing events........................................8 
   3.2.2. Content driven.............................................8 
   3.2.3. Relationship between alerts................................9 
   3.3. UML Overview.................................................9 
   3.3.1. Relationships..............................................9 Inheritance Relationship.................................9 Aggregation Relationship................................10 Multiplicity Indicator..................................10 
   3.3.2. Types and default values..................................11 
   4. The Data Model................................................12 
   4.1. Data model overview.........................................12 
   4.2. The core of the data model..................................13 
   4.2.1. The ALERT class...........................................15 
   4.2.2. The TOOLALERT class.......................................16 
   4.2.3. The CORRELATIONALERT class................................16 
   4.2.4. The OVERFLOWALERT class...................................16 
   4.2.5. The ANALYZER class........................................17 
   4.2.6. The CLASSIFICATION class..................................17 
   4.2.7. The ADDITIONALDATA class..................................18 
   4.2.8. The TARGET class..........................................19 
   4.2.9. The SOURCE class..........................................20 
   4.2.10. The support classes......................................20 The IDENT class........................................21 The ADDRESS class......................................22 The USER class.........................................23 The NODE class.........................................25 The PROCESS class......................................26 
   4.2.11. The SERVICE class........................................27 The WEBSERVICE class...................................27 The SNMPSERVICE class..................................28 
   4.3. Extension of the data model.................................28 
   4.3.1. Extension by aggregation..................................29 
   4.3.2. Extension by subclassing..................................29 
   5. Arguments for the realization of the class hierarchy in XML...30 
   5.1. The Extensible Markup Language..............................30 
   5.2. Rationale for Implementing IDMEF in XML.....................30 
   5.3. Relationship to the IDMEF Class Hierarchy...................31 
   6. Use of XML in the IDMEF.......................................33 
   6.1. The IDMEF Document Prolog...................................33 
   6.1.1. XML Declaration...........................................33 
   6.1.2. XML Document Type Definition (DTD)........................33 
   6.1.3. IDMEF DTD Formal Public Identifier........................34 
   6.1.4. IDMEF DTD Document Type Declaration.......................34 
   6.2. Character Data Processing in XML and IDMEF..................35 
   6.2.1. Character Entity References...............................36 
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Internet Draft        IDMEF Data Model and XML DTD         December 2000 
   6.2.2. Character Code References.................................36 
   6.2.3. White Space Processing....................................36 
   6.3. Languages in XML and IDMEF..................................37 
   6.4. Unrecognized Tags in IDMEF Messages.........................37 
   6.5. Digital Signatures..........................................38 
   7. IDMEF Data Types..............................................39 
   8. Structure of an IDMEF Message.................................41 
   8.1. The IDMEF-Message Root Element..............................41 
   8.2. The Message Type Elements...................................41 
   8.2.1. Alert.....................................................42 CorrelationAlert........................................43 OverflowAlert...........................................43 ToolAlert...............................................43 
   8.2.2. Heartbeat.................................................44 
   8.3. Time Elements...............................................44 
   8.3.1. Time......................................................44 
   8.3.2. DetectTime................................................45 
   8.3.3. AnalyzerTime..............................................46 
   8.4. High-Level Entity Identification Elements...................46 
   8.4.1. Analyzer..................................................46 
   8.4.2. Target....................................................46 
   8.4.3. Source....................................................47 
   8.5. Low-Level Entity Identification Elements....................48 
   8.5.1. Address...................................................48 
   8.5.2. Classification............................................48 
   8.5.3. Node......................................................49 
   8.5.4. Process...................................................49 
   8.5.5. Service...................................................50 SNMPService.............................................51 WebService..............................................51 
   8.5.6. User......................................................52 
   8.6. Simple Elements.............................................52 
   8.6.1. address...................................................52 
   8.6.2. alertid...................................................53 
   8.6.3. Arguments.................................................53 arg.....................................................53 
   8.6.4. buffer....................................................53 
   8.6.5. cgi.......................................................53 
   8.6.6. command...................................................53 
   8.6.7. community.................................................53 
   8.6.8. date......................................................54 
   8.6.9. dport.....................................................54 
   8.6.10. Environment..............................................54 env....................................................54 
   8.6.11. gid......................................................54 
   8.6.12. group....................................................54 
   8.6.13. location.................................................54 
   8.6.14. method...................................................55 
   8.6.15. name.....................................................55 
   8.6.16. netmask..................................................55 
   8.6.17. ntpstamp.................................................55 
   8.6.18. oid......................................................55 
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Internet Draft        IDMEF Data Model and XML DTD         December 2000 
   8.6.19. path.....................................................55 
   8.6.20. pid......................................................55 
   8.6.21. portlist.................................................55 
   8.6.22. program..................................................56 
   8.6.23. protocol.................................................56 
   8.6.24. serial...................................................56 
   8.6.25. size.....................................................56 
   8.6.26. sport....................................................56 
   8.6.27. time.....................................................56 
   8.6.28. url......................................................56 
   8.6.29. uid......................................................56 
   8.7. Providing Additional Information............................57 
   8.7.1. AdditionalData............................................57 
   9. Examples......................................................57 
   9.1. Denial of Service Attacks...................................57 
   9.1.1. The "teardrop" Attack.....................................57 
   9.1.2. The "ping of death" Attack................................58 
   9.2. Port Scanning Attacks.......................................59 
   9.2.1. Connection to a Disallowed Service........................60 
   9.2.2. Simple Port Scanning......................................61 
   9.3. Local Attacks...............................................62 
   9.3.1. The "loadmodule" Attack...................................62 
   9.3.2. The "phf" Attack..........................................64 
   9.4. System Policy Violation.....................................65 
   9.5. Correlated Alerts...........................................66 
   9.6. Heartbeat...................................................68 
   10. Extending the IDMEF..........................................68 
   10.1. Extending an Existing Attribute............................69 
   10.2. Adding an Attribute........................................70 
   10.3. Adding an Element..........................................70 
   11. The IDMEF Document Type Definition...........................71 
   12. Security Considerations......................................83 
   13. References...................................................84 
   14. Acknowledgments..............................................85 
   15. Author's Addresses...........................................85 
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Internet Draft        IDMEF Data Model and XML DTD         December 2000 
1. Introduction 
   The Intrusion Detection Message Exchange Format (IDMEF) [2] is 
   intended to be a standard data format that automated intrusion 
   detection systems can use to report alerts about events that they 
   have deemed suspicious. The development of this standard format will 
   enable interoperability among commercial, open source, and research 
   systems, allowing users to mix-and-match the deployment of these 
   systems according to their strong and weak points to obtain an 
   optimal implementation. 
   The most obvious place to implement the IDMEF is in the data channel 
   between an intrusion-detection "analyzer" (or "sensor") and the 
   "manager" (or "console") to which it sends alarms. But there are 
   other places where the IDMEF can be useful: 
   + A single database system that could store the results from a 
      variety of intrusion detection products would make it possible for 
      data analysis and reporting activities to be performed on "the 
      whole picture" instead of just a part of it; 
   + An event correlation system that could accept alerts from a 
      variety of intrusion detection products would be capable of 
      performing more sophisticated cross-correlation and cross- 
      confirmation calculations than one that is limited to a single 
   + A graphical user interface that could display alerts from a 
      variety of intrusion detection products would enable the user to 
      monitor all of the products from a single screen, and require him 
      or her to learn only one interface, instead of several; and 
   + A common data exchange format would make it easier for different 
      organizations (users, vendors, response teams, law enforcement) to 
      not only exchange data, but also communicate about it. 
2. Conventions used in this document 
   The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "SHALL, "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", 
   "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED, and "MAY in this document are to be 
   interpreted as described in RFC-2119 [5]. 
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Internet Draft        IDMEF Data Model and XML DTD         December 2000 
3. Rationale for the IDMEF Data Model 
3.1. Problems addressed by the data model 
   The reasons for proposing an object-oriented model as the data 
   representation format of the IDWG are: 
   + Alert information is inherently heterogeneous. Certain alerts are 
      defined with very little information, such as origin, destination, 
      name and time of the event. Other alerts provide much more 
      context, such as ports or services, processes, user information, 
      and others. Therefore, it is important that the data 
      representation proposed is flexible enough to accommodate 
      different needs. 
      An object-oriented model has a natural extensibility via 
      subclassing. If an implementation of the data model extends it 
      with new classes, either by aggregation or subclassing, an 
      implementation that does not understand these extensions will 
      still be able to understand the subset of information that is 
      defined by the data model. Subclassing and aggregation provide 
      extensibility while preserving the consistency of the model. 
   + Tool environments are different. Some tools detect attacks by 
      analyzing network traffic while others use operating system logs, 
      or application audit information. The same attack reported by 
      tools with different information sources will not contain the same 
      The data model defines support classes that accommodate the 
      differences in data sources among tools. In particular, the notion 
      of target and source for the alert are represented by the 
      combination of NODE, USER, PROCESS and SERVICE classes. 
   + Tool capabilities are different. Depending on the environment, one 
      may install a lightweight tool providing little information. More 
      complex tools that will have a greater impact on the running 
      system provide more detailed information about the alerts observed 
      by the intrusion detection system. The data model must allow for 
      conversion to formats used by tools other than intrusion detection 
      sensors, for the purpose of further processing the alert 
      The data model defines extensions to the basic schema that allow 
      carrying both simple and complex alerts. Extensions are either 
      done through subclassing or association of new classes. 
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Internet Draft        IDMEF Data Model and XML DTD         December 2000 
   + Operating environments are different. Depending on the kind of 
      network, or operating system used, attacks will be observed and 
      reported with different characteristics. The data model should 
      accommodate these differences. 
      The reporting flexibility is brought by the definition of the NODE 
      and SERVICE support classes. If additional information must be 
      reported, subclasses should be defined that extend the data model 
      with the additional attributes. 
   + Commercial vendor objectives are different. Depending on the 
      constraints set forth for the development of the tool, or on the 
      operating environment, vendors may wish to deliver more or less 
      information about certain attacks. 
      Vendors may want to provide more information about alerts. Again, 
      the object-oriented approach allows this flexibility while 
      specifying how the subclassing mechanism must be used. 
3.2. Design goals 
3.2.1. Representing events 
   The goal of the data model is to provide a standard representation of 
   the information that an intrusion-detection analyzer detected an 
   occurrence of some unusual activity. These alerts may be simple or 
   complex, depending on the capabilities of the analyzer that created 
3.2.2. Content driven 
   The design of the data model is content-driven. This means that new 
   objects are introduced to accommodate additional content, not 
   semantic differences between the alerts. This is an important goal as 
   the task of classifying and naming computer vulnerabilities is 
   extremely difficult and subjective. 
   The data model MUST be unambiguous. This means that we allow tools to 
   be more or less precise than one another, e.g., one tool may report 
   more information about an event than another. However, we do not 
   allow them to produce contradictory information in two alerts 
   describing the same event; e.g., in the previous case, the common set 
   of information reported by the two tools MUST be identical and 
   inserted in the same placeholder of the data structure. Of course, it 
   is always possible to insert all interesting information about an 
   event in the extensions to an alert instead of using pre-defined 
   fields; doing this reduces interoperability and MUST be avoided as 
   much as possible. 
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Internet Draft        IDMEF Data Model and XML DTD         December 2000 
3.2.3. Relationship between alerts 
   Intrusion detection alerts can be transmitted at several levels. This 
   draft applies to both very simple alerts (those alerts that are the 
   result of a single action or operation in the system, such as a 
   failed login report) and to more complex alerts (the aggregation of 
   several actions in the system to generate the alert, or the 
   aggregation of several simple alerts). 
   As such, the data model must provide a way to describe the 
   relationship between low level and high-level alerts. 
3.3. UML Overview 
   The data model is described using the Universal Modeling Language 
   (UML)[6]. UML provides a simple framework to represent entities and 
   their relationships. UML define entities as classes. In this document 
   we have identified the classes with the associated attributes. The 
   symbols used in this document to represent class and attributes are: 
               |       CLASS         |   -> Class name (in uppercase) 
               |      Attribute      |   -> Name of attribute 1 
               |      ...            | 
               |      Attribute      |   -> Name of attribute N 
   Please note that attributes for a class do not appear in all diagrams 
   that use the class. 
3.3.1. Relationships 
   This data model currently uses only two relationships, the 
   inheritance relationship and the aggregation relationship. Inheritance Relationship 
   Inheritance denotes a superclass, subclass type of relationship where 
   the subclass inherits all the attributes, operations and 
   relationships of the superclass. This type of relationship is also 
   referred to as an "is-a" or a "kind-of" relationship. The subclasses 
   have additional attributes or operations, which apply only to the 
   subclass and not to the superclass. 
   In this document, inheritance is represented by the / \ symbol. In 
   the example below we are stating that an EXTENDED ALERT is a kind of 
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Internet Draft        IDMEF Data Model and XML DTD         December 2000 
   ALERT. It contains all the attributes of Alert as well as any 
   attributes contained in the extended alert class. (Note: EXTENDED 
   ALERT does not have any particular role elsewhere in this document). 
               |       ALERT         | 
               |   EXTENDED_ALERT    | 
               +---------------------+ Aggregation Relationship 
   Aggregation is a form of association in which the whole is related to 
   its parts. This type of relationship is also referred to as a "part-
   of" relationship. In this case the aggregate class contains all of 
   its own attributes and as many of the attributes associated with its 
   parts as required and specified in the multiplicity indicators 
   (discussed in the next paragraph). In this document the symbol <> is 
   used to indicate aggregation. It is placed at the end of the 
   association line closest to the aggregate (whole) class.  
         +---------------------+          1 +---------------------+ 
         |       ALERT         |<>----------|       ANALYZER      | 
         +---------------------+            +---------------------+ 
         |                     | 
         |                     |          1 +---------------------+ 
         |                     |<>----------|       NAME          | 
         |                     |            +---------------------+ 
         |                     | 
         |                     |        0..*+---------------------+ 
         |                     |<>----------|       TARGET        | 
         |                     |            +---------------------+ 
         |                     | 
         |                     |        0..*+---------------------+ 
         |                     |<>----------|       SOURCE        | 
         |                     |            +---------------------+ 
         |                     | 
         |                     |        0..*+---------------------+ 
         |                     |<>----------|   ADDITIONALDATA    | 
         +---------------------+            +---------------------+ 
 Multiplicity Indicator 
   Multiplicity defines the number of objects within a class that are 
   linked to one another by an aggregation relationship (Section Typically multiplicity indicators are placed at each end of 
   the association line. In this document if a multiplicity number is 
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Internet Draft        IDMEF Data Model and XML DTD         December 2000 
   left off it is assumed to be 1 (one). Standard symbols, as used in 
   this document, are: 
          1     =     Exactly One 
          0..*  =     Zero or More 
          1..*  =     One or More 
          0..1  =     Zero or One 
          5..8  =     Specific Range (5,6,7, & 8) 
   In the example above an Alert contains all the attributes of its own 
   class and the attributes of exactly one Analyzer and the attributes 
   of 1 Name. I may contain the attributes of zero or more target(s), 
   zero or more source(s), and zero or more items of additional data. 
3.3.2. Types and default values 
   Attributes of the classes defined by the data model are typed. This 
   type information is not an exact requirement on the implementation; 
   it is rather intended to convey to the reader what kind of data the 
   data model is expecting for this attribute. The exact representation 
   is left to the XML DTD starting in Section 7. For example, the 
   INTEGER type indicates that the data model views this attribute as an 
   integer. It might actually be encoded as a binary 32-bit integer, a 
   binary 64-bit integer, or a string in an XML representation. 
   Name      Definition 
   BOOLEAN   Boolean = (TRUE, FALSE) 
   INTEGER   The value provided MUST be an integer 
   CHARACTER UTF-8 or UTF-16 character 
   STRING    An ordered sequence of characters of known length 
   BYTE      Byte (8-bits, no parity) 
   TIME      A structure or schema carrying time representation. This  
              is defined in the XML representation in Section 7 and is 
              understood as a generic time representation for the data 
   ENUM      An enumerated type consisting of an ordered list of 
              acceptable values. When an attribute is specified as ENUM, 
              a table describing the acceptable values for the ENUM 
              follows the attribute definition table. Each value has a 
              rank (number) and a representing keyword. 
   The default values are specified per class for each attribute. Only 
   mandatory attributes have default values. 
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Internet Draft        IDMEF Data Model and XML DTD         December 2000 
4. The Data Model 
4.1. Data model overview 
   An overview of the data model is presented in Figure 1. The main 
   component is the ALERT class, which bears minimum required 
   information along with the ANALYZER and CLASSIFICATION classes. The 
   ANALYZER class describes the sender of the alert, i.e. the analyzer; 
   every alert must be associated with one and only one analyzer. The 
   CLASSIFICATION class describes the subject of the alert, i.e. the 
   reason for sending it; at least one of them MUST be provided in the 
   +-------+       1+----------------+ 
   | ALERT |<>------|    ANALYZER    |                         
   |       |        +----------------+                   0..1+---------+ 
   |       |                                          +------|  USER   | 
   |       |    1..*+----------------+                |      +---------+ 
   |       |<>------| CLASSIFICATION |                |  0..1+---------+ 
   |       |        +----------------+                +------| PROCESS | 
   |       |                                          |      +---------+ 
   |       |    0..*+----------+    0..1+---------+   |  0..1+---------+ 
   |       |<>------|  TARGET  |<>------|  NODE   |<>-+------| SERVICE | 
   |       |        +----------+        +---------+          +---------+ 
   |       |                                   
   |       |    0..*+----------+    0..1+---------+      0..1+---------+ 
   |       |<>------|  SOURCE  |<>------|  NODE   |<>-+------|  USER   | 
   |       |        +----------+        +---------+   |      +---------+ 
   |       |                                          |  0..1+---------+ 
   |       |    0..*+----------------+                +------| PROCESS | 
   |       |<>------| ADDITIONALDATA |                       +---------+ 
   +-------+        +----------------+ 
                       Figure 1: Data Model Overview 
   In addition, each alert is associated with zero or more TARGETs, and 
   with zero or more SOURCEs. Each TARGET and SOURCE is described by a 
   number of attributes, as described in sections 4.2.8 and 4.2.9. 
   Provision of additional alert data is done by subclassing any of the 
   model classes. Standard extensions and examples are given in section 
   It is important to note that this data model does not specify how an 
   alert should be classified or identified. For example, a port scan 
   may be determined as a single attack against multiple targets by one 
   sensor where another sensor may see it as multiple attacks by a 
   single source. The taxonomy for this analysis lies in each IDS. Once 
   the alert type is determined this data model provides the standard 
   structure for formatting the alert. 
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Internet Draft        IDMEF Data Model and XML DTD         December 2000 
4.2. The core of the data model 
   The core of the data model is the ALERT class. Every alert is 
   associated with a single analyzer that generated it, and a single 
   time. It is also associated with a list of 0 or more targets, and a 
   list of 0 or more sources. This relationship is illustrated in Figure 
              +--------------------+       1..1+----------------------+ 
              | ALERT              |<>---------| ANALYZER             | 
              |--------------------|           +----------------------+ 
              | INTEGER version=1  |           | INTEGER ident        | 
              | INTEGER alertID    |           | NODE    host         | 
              | ENUM    impact     |           | PROCESS process      | 
              | TIME    time       |           +----------------------+ 
              |                    |       1..*+----------------------+ 
              |                    |<>---------| CLASSIFICATION       | 
              |                    |           +----------------------+ 
              |                    |           | ENUM   origin        | 
              |                    |           | STRING name          | 
              |                    |           | STRING url           | 
              |                    |           +----------------------+ 
              |                    |       0..*+----------------------+ 
              |                    |<>---------| ADDITIONALDATA       | 
              |                    |           +----------------------+ 
              |                    |           | STRING meaning       | 
              |                    |           | ENUM   type          | 
              |                    |           | BYTE[] data          | 
              |                    |           +----------------------+ 
              |                    |       0..*+----------------------+ 
              |                    |<>---------| TARGET               | 
              |                    |           +----------------------+ 
              |                    |       0..*+----------------------+ 
              |                    |<>---------| SOURCE               | 
              +--------------------+           +----------------------+ 
            |            |          |           
   +------------------+  |  +-----------------+ 
   | TOOLALERT        |  |  | OVERFLOWALERT   | 
   |------------------|  |  |-----------------| 
   |STRING    name    |  |  | INTEGER size    | 
   |STRING    command |  |  | BYTE    buffer  | 
   |INTEGER[] alertIDs|  |  | STRING  program | 
   +------------------+  |  +-----------------+ 
               | CORRELATIONALERT   | 
               | INTEGER[] alertIDs |  
                         Figure 2: Data model core 
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   Figure 2 contains three classes that extend the ALERT class. These 
   three classes have been included here because the information they 
   carry appears frequently during the operation of intrusion-detection 
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4.2.1. The ALERT class 
   The ALERT class is the central component of the data model. An IDWG-
   compliant intrusion-detection analyzer must generate at a minimum 
   this set of information. 
   The ALERT class defines the following attributes: 
   Attribute Type    Definition 
   version   INTEGER The version of the class hierarchy used. The 
                      current version is 1. This attribute is MANDATORY. 
                      The default value is 1. 
   alertID   INTEGER A serial number for the alert. This number MUST be 
                      unique for every alert generated by a given 
                      analyzer. This attribute is MANDATORY. The default 
                      value is 0 and indicates that the analyzer cannot 
                      generate this information reliably. 
   time      TIME    The time of the alert. The format used is defined 
                      in Section 7. This attribute is MANDATORY and does 
                      not have a default value. 
   impact    ENUM    The evaluated impact of the alert on the system.  
                      The range of acceptable values is ["unknown", 
                      "bad-unknown", "not-suspicious", "attempted-
                      admin", "successful-admin", "attempted-dos", 
                      "successful-dos", "attempted-recon", "successful-
                      recon-limited", "successful-recon-largescale", 
                      "attempted-user", "successful-user"], further 
                      defined in Section 8.2.1. This attribute is 
                      MANDATORY. The default value is "unknown" 
   The definition of the acceptable values for the impact attribute is 
   as follows: 
   #  keyword                   Definition 
   0  unknown                   Event's impact not known to analyzer 
   1  bad-unknown               Event is unpleasant in an unknown way 
   2  not-suspicious            Event is not suspicious in any way 
   3  attempted-admin           Attempt to obtain administrator access 
   4  successful-admin          Successful compromise of admin access 
   5  attempted-dos             Attempted denial-of-service 
   6  successful-dos            Successful denial-of-service 
   7  attempted-recon           Attempted reconnaissance probe 
   8  successful-recon-limited  Successful reconnaissance probe of 
                                  limited scope (e.g., one machine) 
   9  successful-recon-         Successful reconnaissance probe of 
       largescale                large scale 
   10 attempted-user            Attempt to obtain user-level access 
   11 successful-user           Successful compromise of user access 
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4.2.2. The TOOLALERT class 
   The TOOLALERT class carries additional information related to the use 
   of attack tools or Trojan horses. 
   Attribute Type      Definition 
   name      STRING    The reason for grouping the alerts, for example 
                        an attack tool name (trinoo). This attribute is 
                        MANDATORY. This attribute does not have a 
                        default value. 
   command   STRING    The command or operation that the tool was asked 
                        to perform, for example a BackOrifice ping. This 
                        attribute is OPTIONAL. The default value is the 
                        empty STRING.  
   alerts    INTEGER[] The list of alert identifiers that are related 
                        to the name. This attribute is OPTIONAL. The 
                        default value is the empty list. 
4.2.3. The CORRELATIONALERT class 
   The CORRELATIONALERT class carries additional information related to 
   the correlation of alert information. 
   Attribute Type      Definition 
   name      STRING    The reason for grouping the alerts, for example 
                        a correlation method. This attribute is 
                        MANDATORY. This attribute does not have a 
                        default value. 
   alerts    INTEGER[] The list of alert identifiers that are related 
                        to the name. This attribute is OPTIONAL. The 
                        default value is the empty list. 
4.2.4. The OVERFLOWALERT class 
   The OVERFLOWALERT class carries additional information related to 
   overflow attacks. These include but are not limited to the infamous 
   buffer overflow attacks when an attacker can overflow a fixed size 
   buffer and have code run under higher privileges than his own. 
   Attribute Type    Definition 
   size      INTEGER The size of the overflowing buffer. This attribute 
                      is MANDATORY. This attribute does not have a 
                      default value. 
   program   STRING  The program that the overflow attempted to run. 
                      This attribute is MANDATORY. This attribute does 
                      not have a default value.  
   buffer    BYTE[]  A buffer containing the overflowing data partially 
                      or entirely. This attribute is OPTIONAL. The 
                      default value is the empty array.  
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4.2.5. The ANALYZER class 
   The ANALYZER class identifies the intrusion detection analyzer that 
   provided the alert. At the minimum, this is a unique identifier such 
   as a serial number (unique over the organization where the IDS system 
   is deployed). Additional identification information is provided. 
   Attribute Type    Definition 
   ident     INTEGER Analyzer identification token. This attribute is 
                      MANDATORY. This attribute does not have a default 
                      value. This token MUST be unique within the 
                      communicating analyzers and managers.  
   host      NODE    Identification of the equipment on which the 
                      analyzer resides. This attribute is OPTIONAL. The 
                      default value is EMPTY. 
   process   PROCESS Process information concerning the analyzer. This 
                      attribute is OPTIONAL. The default value is EMPTY. 
4.2.6. The CLASSIFICATION class 
   The CLASSIFICATION class names the vulnerability associated with the 
   alert. One name MUST be provided, and additional, equivalent names 
   MAY be added. 
   Attribute Type   Definition 
   origin    ENUM   The origin of the name. The range of acceptable 
                     values is ["unknown", "bugtraqid", "cve", "vendor 
                     specific"]. This attribute is MANDATORY. The 
                     default value is "unknown". 
   name      STRING The associated name. This attribute is MANDATORY. 
                     The default value is the empty STRING. 
   url       STRING The URL at which the manager can find more 
                     information about the alert. This information can 
                     consist of a signature pattern, a description of 
                     the attack, appropriate countermeasures, or any 
                     other information deemed relevant by the vendor. 
                     This attribute is MANDATORY. This attribute does 
                     not have a default value. 
   The definition of the acceptable values for the origin attribute is 
   as follows: 
   # keyword         Definition 
   0 unknown         No origin known. 
   1 bugtraqid       The Bugtraq ID naming scheme [7] 
   2 cve             The Common Vulnerability Enumeration naming 
                       scheme [8] 
   3 vendor-specific A vendor-specific name. 
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4.2.7. The ADDITIONALDATA class 
   The ADDITIONALDATA class provides a way to carry vendor-specific or 
   implementation specific information. 
   Attribute Type   Definition 
   meaning   STRING Optional. A string that describes the meaning of 
                     the data in this element. These strings will be 
   type      ENUM   The type of the data in this element. The range of 
                     acceptable values is ["byte", "boolean", 
                     "character", "date", "integer", "ntpstamp", "real", 
                     "string", "time"]. This attribute is MANDATORY. 
                     This attribute does not have a default value. 
   data      BYTE[] The data. 
   The definition of the acceptable values for the type attribute is as 
   # keyword         Definition 
   0 unknown         MUST NOT be used. Reserved for future use. 
   1 byte            A single byte 
   2 character       A single character 
   3 boolean         True/false or yes/no 
   4 integer         An integer 
   5 real            A floating-point number 
   6 date            A date string formatted as per Section 7. 
   7 ntpstamp        An NTP timestamp as per Section 7. 
   8 time            A time string formatted as per Section 7 
   9 string          A string of characters 
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4.2.8. The TARGET class 
   The TARGET class contains information about the target of the alert, 
   i.e. the recipient of the malicious or anomalous activity that has 
   been spotted by the intrusion detection system. The target itself 
   consists of an identifier and an ENUM indicating whether the target 
   is real or target information is unreliable. The relationship diagram 
   for TARGET is shown in Figure 3. 
   +------------------+                0..1+---------------------+ 
   | TARGET           |<>------------------| NODE                | 
   |------------------|                    +---------------------+ 
   | INTEGER targetID |                                            
   | ENUM    decoy    |                0..1+---------------------+ 
   |                  |<>------------------| USER                | 
   |                  |                    +---------------------+ 
   |                  |                                            
   |                  |                0..1+---------------------+ 
   |                  |<>------------------| PROCESS             | 
   |                  |                    +---------------------+ 
   |                  |                                            
   |                  |                0..1+---------------------+ 
   |                  |<>------------------| SERVICE             | 
   +------------------+                    +---------------------+ 
                         Figure 3: The Target class 
   The TARGET class defines the following attributes: 
   Attribute Type    Definition 
   decoy     ENUM    Indicates if the data associated with the target 
                      is considered real as far as the analyzer can 
                      decide, a decoy, or undetermined. The range of 
                      acceptable values is ["unknown", "yes", "no"]. 
                      This attribute is MANDATORY. The default value is 
   targetID  INTEGER Target reference token. This token identifies and 
                      refers to a previously defined target. This 
                      attribute is OPTIONAL. The default value is 0 and 
                      indicates that the analyzer does not support this 
   The definition of the acceptable values for the decoy attribute is as 
   # keyword         Definition 
   0 unknown         No information 
   1 yes             This is not the true target 
   2 no              This is the true target. 
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4.2.9. The SOURCE class 
   The SOURCE class contains information about the possible source or 
   sources of the alert, i.e. the party or parties generating the 
   anomalous data. The source itself contains a reference number (to 
   refer to previously transmitted or defined sources) and an indicator 
   to indicate whether the source is real or spoofed. The relationship 
   diagram for SOURCE is given in Figure 4. 
   +------------------+                0..1+---------------------+ 
   | SOURCE           |<>------------------| NODE                | 
   |------------------|                    +---------------------+ 
   | INTEGER sourceID |                                            
   | ENUM    spoofed  |                0..1+---------------------+ 
   |                  |<>------------------| USER                | 
   |                  |                    +---------------------+ 
   |                  |                                            
   |                  |                0..1+---------------------+ 
   |                  |<>------------------| PROCESS             | 
   +------------------+                    +---------------------+ 
                         Figure 4: The SOURCE class 
   The SOURCE class defines the following attributes: 
   Attribute Type    Definition 
   spoofed   ENUM    Indicates if the data associated with the source 
                      is considered real as far as the analyzer can 
                      decide, a decoy, or impossible to tell. The range 
                      of acceptable values is ["unknown", "yes", "no"]. 
                      This attribute is MANDATORY. The default value is 
   sourceID  INTEGER Source reference token. This attribute is 
                      OPTIONAL. The default value is 0, meaning that 
                      this facility is not supported by the analyzer.  
   The definition of the acceptable values for the decoy attribute is as 
   # keyword         Definition 
   0 unknown         No information 
   1 yes             This is the true source 
   2 no              This is not the true source 
4.2.10. The support classes 
   The support classes represent entities in the data model that have an 
   important role. Their relationship is described in Figure 5. The 
   following entities have been identified: nodes, processes, users and 
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   services. In addition, an address entity has been defined to enhance 
   user and node.  
                  | IDENT         | 
                  | INTEGER ident | 
                          |                                    | 
   +------------------+   |   +----------------+               | 
   |PROCESS           |---+---|NODE            |               | 
   |------------------+   |   |----------------+   0..*+---------------+ 
   |INTEGER  pid      |   |   |STRING  name    |<>-----|ADDRESS        | 
   |STRING   name     |   |   |STRING  location|       |---------------+ 
   |STRING   path     |   |   |INTEGER domain  |       |ENUM   category| 
   |STRING[] arguments|   |   +----------------+   0..*|STRING address | 
   |STRING[] environ  |   |                       +----|STRING netmask | 
   +------------------+   |                       |    +---------------+ 
                          |                       |    
   +------------------+   |   +----------------+  | 
   |SERVICE           |---+---| USER           |<>+ 
   |------------------+       +----------------+        
   |STRING  name      |       | ENUM  category |        
   |INTEGER dport     |       |                |   1..*+---------------+ 
   |INTEGER sport     |       |                |<>-----| USERID        | 
   |STRING  protocol  |       |                |      +---------------+ 
   +------------------+       +----------------+       | ENUM    type  | 
           /_\                                         | STRING  name  | 
            |                                          | INTEGER id    | 
            +-------------------+                      +---------------+ 
            |                   |                       
   +---------------+  +-------------------+ 
   | WEBSERVICE    |  | SNMPSERVICE       | 
   |---------------|  +-------------------+ 
   | STRING url    |  | STRING Oid        | 
   | STRING cgi    |  | STRING Community  | 
   | STRING method |  | STRING Command    | 
   | STRING args   |  +-------------------+ 
                     Figure 5: Support classes diagram The IDENT class 
   All support classes inherit from the IDENT class. The IDENT class 
   provides a reference to an object predefined by the analyzer and the 
   manager. Instead of sending the complete description of the object, 
   the IDMEF message MAY contain the reference identifier for this 
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   The IDENT class defines the following attributes: 
   Attribute Type    Definition 
   ident     INTEGER The shared reference number by which the analyzer 
                      and the manager identify the object. This 
                      attribute is OPTIONAL. The default value is 0 and 
                      indicates that the analyzer does not support this 
   The justification for having an ident is twofold. First, this 
   information can serve as a correlation tool. When two intrusion-
   detection systems have different views of objects (e.g. network based 
   associated with IP addresses and host-based associated with names), 
   providing them with a single identifier will help the manager 
   receiving the alerts understand that they are related to the same 
   object. This is particularly useful for target objects, which are 
   likely to be well identified by the organization deploying the 
   intrusion-detection system. This mechanism is also useful when the 
   same object has multiple interfaces. 
   This also means that every NODE, USER, ADDRESS, PROCESS or SERVICE 
   information can be exchanged with an integer. However, the 
   implementor MUST NOT reuse an identification previously used for an 
   other instance. It is explicitly forbidden to share the same 
   identification for two instances even if they are specializations of 
   two different subclasses (e.g. a NODE and a USER). The ADDRESS class 
   The ADDRESS support class carries address information. The address in 
   question can be for example a network address, a hardware address or 
   an application address. 
   Attribute Type   Definition 
   category  ENUM   The kind of address information. The range of 
                     acceptable values is ["unknown", "atm", "e-mail", 
                     "lotus-notes", "mac", "sna", "vm", "ipv4-addr", 
                     "ipv4-addr-hex", "ipv4-net", "ipv4-net-mask", 
                     "ipv6-addr", "ipv6-net", "ipv6 network address", 
                     "ipv6-net-mask"]. This attribute is MANDATORY. This 
                     attribute does not have a default value. 
   address   BYTE[] The address information itself. The type 
                     information MUST allow transcription of the byte 
                     string into its original format. This attribute is 
                     MANDATORY. This attribute does not have a default 
   netmask   BYTE[] The netmask information, if appropriate (depends on 
                     the category attribute). This attribute is 
                     OPTIONAL. The default value is the empty array. 
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   The definition of the acceptable values for the category attribute is 
   as follows: 
   #  keyword        Definition 
   0  unknown        Type not known [SHOULD be avoided] 
   1  atm            Asynchronous Transfer Mode network address 
   2  e-mail         Internet electronic mail address (RFC 822) 
   3  lotus-notes    Lotus Notes address 
   4  mac            Media Access Control (MAC) address 
   5  sna            IBM Shared Network Architecture (SNA) address 
   6  vm             IBM "VM" (PROFS) electronic mail address 
   7  ipv4-addr      IPv4 host address in dotted-decimal notation 
   8  ipv4-addr-hex  IPv4 host address in hexadecimal 
   9  ipv4-net       IPv4 network address in dotted-decimal notation, 
                      slash, significant bits (aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd/nn) 
   10 ipv4-net-mask  IPv4 network address and associated network mask. 
   11 ipv6-addr      IPv6 host (equipment) address 
   12 ipv6-net       IPv6 network address 
   13 ipv6-net-mask  IPv6 network address and associated network mask. 
 The USER class 
   The USER class indicates the different ways by which a user can be 
   identified. It contains information about which kind of user it is, 
   and then one or multiple USERID objects which contain the actual user 
   +---------------+    1..n+--------------+ 
   | USER          |<>------| USERID       | 
   +---------------+        +--------------+ 
   | ENUM category |        | ENUM    type | 
   |               |        | STRING  name | 
   +---------------+        | INTEGER id   | 
   Attribute Type Definition 
   Category  ENUM The category of the user, representing the scope of 
                   user information. The range of acceptable values is 
                   ["unknown", "application", "os-device"]. The default 
                   value is "unknown". 
   The definition of the acceptable values for the category attribute is 
   as follows: 
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   # keyword        Definition 
   0 unknown        User category unknown. SHOULD be avoided. 
   1 application    User identity at the application level. This is for 
                     example an HTTP authentication or an Exchange user 
   2 os-device      This is a login on a distributed network of 
                     workstations or equipment. 
   The USERID class defines the following attributes: 
   Attribute Type    Definition 
   type      ENUM    The type of user information carried by the USERID 
                      object. The range of acceptable values is 
                      ["original-user", "current-user", "target-user", 
                      "user-privs", "current-group", "group-privs"]. The 
                      default value is "original-user". 
   name      STRING  A string representing the user by name. 
   number    INTEGER A numerical representation of the user, such as a 
                      UNIX id. 
   Note that there are constraints on the type of USERID associated with 
   the USER. Only one of each "original-user", "current-user", "target-
   user" or "current-group" may be specified with a given USER. Multiple 
   USERIDs of type "user-privs" and "group-privs" are allowed. 
   The definition of the acceptable values for the category attribute is 
   as follows: 
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   # keyword        Definition 
   0 unknown        MUST NOT be used, reserved for future use. 
   1 original-user  The actual identity of the user or process being 
                     reported on.  On those systems that (a) do some 
                     type of auditing and (b) support extracting a user 
                     id from the "audit id" token, that value should be 
                     used. On those systems that do not support this, 
                     and where the user has logged into the system, the 
                     "login id" should be used. 
   2 current-user   The current user id being used by the user or 
                     process. On Unix systems, this would be the "real" 
                     user id, in general. 
   3 target-user    The user id the user or process is attempting to 
                     become. This would apply, for example, when the 
                     user attempts to use "su," "rlogin," "telnet," etc. 
   4 current-group  The current group id (if applicable) being used by 
                     the user or process. On Unix systems, this would be 
                     the "real" group id, in general. 
   5 user-privs     Other user ids the user or process has the ability 
                     to use.  On Unix systems, this would be the 
                     "effective" user id. A list is allowed, for 
                     operating systems/applications that allow more than 
   6 group-privs    Other group ids (if applicable) the user or process 
                     has the ability to use. On Unix systems, this would 
                     be the "effective" group id. On BSD-derived Unix 
                     systems, it would also include all the group ids on 
                     the "group list." 
 The NODE class 
   The NODE class indicates the different ways by which a host or 
   equipment on the network can be identified. 
   Attribute Type   Definition 
   name      STRING The machine fully qualified domain name. This 
                     attribute is MANDATORY unless associated ADDRESS 
                     information is provided. The default value is the 
                     empty STRING. 
   location  STRING The location of the equipment. This attribute is 
                     optional. The default value is the empty STRING. 
   domain    ENUM   The domain to which the equipment belongs, if 
                     relevant. This attribute is OPTIONAL. Acceptable 
                     values for the enumerated type are [unknown, ads, 
                     afs, coda, dfs, dns, kerberos, nds, nis, nisplus, 
                     nt, wfw]. The default value is unknown 
   The definition of the acceptable values for the domain attribute is 
   as follows: 
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   #  keyword        Definition 
   0  unknown        No relevant domain 
   1  ads            Windows 2000 ADS 
   2  afs            Andrew File System 
   3  coda           CODA distributed file system 
   4  dfs            DFS distributed file system 
   5  dns            Domain Name System 
   6  kerberos       Kerberos realm 
   7  nds            Novell Netware 
   8  nis            Network Information Service (Yellow Page) 
   9  nisplus        Network Information Services Plus 
   10 nt             Windows NT domain 
   11 wfw            Windows for Workgroups 
 The PROCESS class 
   The PROCESS class gathers information about the process that is being 
   Attribute Type     Definition 
   name      STRING   The name of the program being run. This is a 
                       short name, e.g. sendmail or explorer. Options 
                       and path information are provided by additional 
                       attributes. This attribute is MANDATORY. This 
                       attribute does not have a default value. 
   pid       INTEGER  The process identifier of the process being run. 
                       This attribute is OPTIONAL. The default value is 
   path      STRING   The path of the program. This attribute is 
                       OPTIONAL. The default value is the empty STRING. 
                       Provision of the most meaningful path information 
                       is left to the appreciation of the implementer in 
                       this version of the data model. One could 
                       nevertheless imagine that it SHOULD include the 
                       server name in a Windows NT environment, or MAY 
                       include the mount point in a Unix environment. 
   arguments STRING[] The arguments passed to the program or the system 
                       call, in the order in which they appear on the 
                       command line. This attribute is OPTIONAL. The 
                       default value is the empty array. This version of 
                       the data model does not differentiate between 
                       command line flags (e.g. -x) and their associated 
   environ   STRING[] The environment strings with which the process is 
                       being run. This argument is optional. The default 
                       value is the empty array. For example, the string 
                       "PATH=/bin:/usr/bin" is an acceptable value. 
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4.2.11. The SERVICE class 
   The SERVICE class identifies a network service request being carried 
   out over the network. In particular, this class should be used to 
   report not only open services, but also connections and connections 
   attempts. To do so, the class provides for identification of the 
   source port from which the connection originated. In general, a 
   service is a resource available from the network. 
   This SERVICE class is also related to process and user information. 
   Process and user information are aggregated at the source or target. 
   Attribute Type    Definition 
   name      STRING  The name of the service. The name of the service 
                      is independent of the destination port (dport 
                      attribute). A combination of "name=http" and 
                      "dport=8080" is perfectly valid. Implementers MUST 
                      use the name listed in the IANA list of well-known 
                      ports if applicable.  
   dport     INTEGER The port to which the connection request is 
                      addressed. In many situations, this will be a 
                      well-known port in the IANA list, associated with 
                      a name. 
   sport     INTEGER The source port from which the connection 
                      originated. In many situations, this will be a 
                      high-numbered port. 
   protocol  STRING  The name of the protocol used.  
   There should be more information concerning the protocol. The service 
   name does not necessarily matches the application level protocol used 
   to interpret the event, one may connect using TELNET to an HTTP port; 
   there may be protocol encapsulation. The original meaning of the 
   protocol was tcp/udp, now we need to create a class with a hierarchy 
   of levels, IP/ICMP/ARP/EGP/OSPF/...; TCP/UDP/?; other on top, same 
   thing as name ?/is there something on top of application-layer 
   protocols ? The WEBSERVICE class 
   The WEBSERVICE class carries additional information related to web 
   traffic. Note that the data model does not enforce coherence between 
   the usage of this class and the information contained in the Service 
   class, because the two can be unrelated (examples of ports used for 
   web traffic include but are not limited to 80, 443, 8080, 8484 and 
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   Attribute Type   Definition 
   url       STRING The URL in the request. This attribute is 
                     MANDATORY. This attribute does not have a default 
   cgi       STRING The CGI script in the request (without arguments). 
                     This attribute is OPTIONAL. The default value is 
                     the empty STRING.  
   args      STRING The arguments passed to the cgi script. This 
                     attribute is OPTIONAL. The default value is the 
                     empty STRING. 
   method    STRING The method used for the request. This attribute is 
                     OPTIONAL. The default value is the empty STRING. The SNMPSERVICE class 
   The SNMPSERVICE class carries additional information related to SNMP 
   traffic. Note that the data model does not enforce coherence between 
   the usage of this class and the information contained in the Service 
   class, because the two can be unrelated. 
   Attribute Type   Definition 
   oid       STRING The object identifier used for the request. This 
                     attribute is OPTIONAL. The default value is the 
                     empty STRING. 
   community STRING The object's community string. This attribute is 
                     OPTIONAL. The default value is the empty STRING. 
   command   STRING The command sent to the SNMP daemon (e.g. GET, SET, 
                     ...). This attribute is OPTIONAL. The default value 
                     is the empty STRING. 
   Note that even though it is possible to generate an alert of class 
   SNMPSERVICE with only default values, analyzers MUST NOT do that. 
4.3. Extension of the data model 
   It is expected that the model will have to be extended by vendors to 
   carry additional information relevant to the alerts they need to 
   transport. When a manager receives information from an analyzer that 
   it cannot understand, the unknown information MUST be ignored until 
   the manager has been enriched with the appropriate data definition 
   and semantic. When the vendor extensions mature, they can be 
   incorporated in the data model.  
   Depending on the kind of extension needed, two mechanisms can be 
   used. Note that these mechanisms extend the data model only, and that 
   additional mechanisms are provided in the XML DTD to transport 
   additional information which does not fit in the current data model, 
   see section 8.7. 
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4.3.1. Extension by aggregation 
   Extension by aggregation consists of aggregating a new class to one 
   of the existing classes of the data model. This is the mechanism used 
   for example to associate the NAME class with the ALERT class. This 
   type of extension allows propagation of the additional information to 
   all alerts sent by the analyzer that uses the extension. 
   Two methods for realizing this type of extension for the XML DTD are 
   described in Sections 10.2 and 10.3. 
   For example, if an analyzer decides to send the time of the analyzer 
   in addition to the time already stored in the alert, the IDS vendor 
   defines a new class aggregated with the ALERT class that carries the 
   appropriate time information. The model would then look like Figure 
   +----------+       1+--------------+  
   |  ALERT   |<>------|   ANALYZER   |  
   |          |        +--------------+  
   |          |                      
   |          |    1..*+--------------+  
   |          |<>------|CLASSIFICATION|  
   |          |        +--------------+  
   |          | 
   |          |    1..*+--------------+  
   |          |<>------|  EXTRATIME   |  
   |          |        +--------------+  
   |          |                      
   |          |    0..*+--------------+  
   |          |<>------|    TARGET    | 
   |          |        +--------------+  
   |          |                      
   |          |    0..*+--------------+  
   |          |<>------|     SOURCE   | 
   +----------+        +--------------+  
   Figure 6: Insertion of the EXTRATIME class 
4.3.2. Extension by subclassing 
   The other extension possibility consists of specializing one of the 
   classes defined by the model. This is the mechanism used for example 
   to specialise the SERVICE class into the WEBSERVICE class, or the 
   ALERT class into the TOOLALERT class. This is the preferred mode of 
   extension because it not only preserves the data structure, it also 
   preserves the operations executed on them (i.e. the methods). 
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5. Arguments for the realization of the class hierarchy in XML 
5.1. The Extensible Markup Language 
   The Extensible Markup Language (XML) [3] is a simplified version of 
   the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), a text markup syntax 
   defined by the ISO 8879 standard. XML is gaining widespread attention 
   as a language for representing and exchanging documents and data on 
   the Internet, and as the solution to most of the problems inherent in 
   HyperText Markup Language (HTML). XML was published as a 
   recommendation by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) on February 10, 
   XML is a metalanguage -- a language for describing other languages -- 
   that enables an application to define its own markup. XML allows the 
   definition of customized markup languages for different types of 
   documents and different applications. This differs from HTML, in 
   which there is a fixed set of tags with preset meanings that must be 
   "adapted" for specialized uses. Both XML and HTML use tags 
   (identifiers delimited by '<' and '>') and attributes (of the form 
   "name='value'"). But where "<p>" always means "paragraph" in HTML, it 
   may mean "paragraph," "person," "price," or "platypus" in XML, or it 
   might have no meaning at all, depending on the particular 
   The publication of XML was followed by the publication of a second 
   recommendation [9] by the World Wide Web Consortium, defining the use 
   of namespaces in XML documents. An XML namespace is a collection of 
   names, identified by a Universal Resource Identifier (URI). It allows 
   documents of different types, that use tags with the same names, to 
   be merged with no confusion. When using namespaces, each tag is 
   identified with the namespace it comes from, allowing tags from 
   different namespaces with the same names to occur in the same 
   document. For example, a single document could contain both 
   "usa:football" and "europe:football" tags, each with different 
   In anticipation of the widespread use of XML namespaces, this memo 
   includes the definition of the URI to be used to identify the IDMEF 
5.2. Rationale for Implementing IDMEF in XML 
   XML-based applications are being used or developed for a wide variety 
   of uses, including electronic data interchange in a variety of 
   fields, financial data interchange, electronic business cards, 
   calendar and scheduling, enterprise software distribution, web "push" 
   technology, and markup languages for chemistry, mathematics, music, 
   molecular dynamics, astronomy, book and periodical publishing, web 
   publishing, weather observations, real estate transactions, and many 
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   XML's flexibility makes it a good choice for these applications; that 
   same flexibility makes it a good choice for implementing the IDMEF as 
   well. Other, more specific reasons for choosing XML to implement the 
   IDMEF are: 
   +  XML allows a custom language to be developed specifically for the 
      purpose of describing intrusion detection alerts. It also defines 
      a standard way to extend this language, either for later revisions 
      of this document ("standard" extensions), or for vendor-specific 
      use ("non-standard" extensions). 
   +  Software tools for processing XML documents are widely available, 
      in both commercial and open source forms. A variety of tools and 
      APIs for parsing and/or validating XML are available in a variety 
      of languages, including Java, C, C++, Tcl, Perl, Python, and GNU 
      Emacs Lisp. Widespread access to tools will make adoption of the 
      IDMEF by product developers easier, and hopefully, faster. 
   +  XML meets IDMEF Requirement 5.1, that message formats support full 
      internationalization and localization. The XML standard specifies 
      support for both the UTF-8 and UTF-16 encodings of ISO 10646 
      (Unicode), making IDMEF compatible with both one- and two-byte 
      character sets. XML also provides support for specifying, on a 
      per-element basis, the language in which the element's content is 
      written, making IDMEF easy to adapt to "Natural Language Support" 
      versions of a product. 
   +  XML meets IDMEF Requirement 5.2, that message formats must support 
      filtering and aggregation. XML's integration with XSL, a style 
      language, allows messages to be combined, discarded, and 
   +  Ongoing XML development projects, in the W3C and elsewhere, will 
      provide object-oriented extensions, database support, and other 
      useful features. If implemented in XML, the IDMEF immediately 
      gains these features as well. 
   +  XML is free, with no license, no license fees, and no royalties. 
5.3. Relationship to the IDMEF Class Hierarchy 
   This implementation follows the model described in Section 4 almost 
   exactly, with the following exceptions and restrictions: 
   +  XML tags have the names given to the various classes in the model, 
      with a few minor exceptions where changes were made to deal with 
      XML scoping rules or to increase consistency with the rest of the 
   +  XML does not support "inheritance;" tags may only be used at the 
      level at which they are declared. Subclasses are implemented by 
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      making the tags for those classes child tags of the tags for the 
      parent classes. 
   +  Some extensions have been made, represented by the following 
      elements: <Heartbeat>, <AdditionalData>, <DetectTime>, 
      <AnalyzerTime>, and <portlist>. 
   These changes make little difference in the overall usefulness of the 
   model, or XML as an implementation language. 
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6. Use of XML in the IDMEF 
   This section describes how some of XML's features and requirements 
   will impact the IDMEF. 
6.1. The IDMEF Document Prolog 
   The "prolog" of an IDMEF document, that part that precedes anything 
   else, consists of the XML declaration and the document type 
6.1.1. XML Declaration 
   Every XML document (and therefore every IDMEF document) starts with 
   an XML declaration. The XML declaration specifies the version of XML 
   being used; it may also specify the character set being used. 
   The XML declaration looks like: 
        <?xml version="1.0" ?> 
   If a character encoding is specified, the declaration looks like: 
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="charset" ?> 
   where "charset" is the name of the character encoding in use (see 
   section 6.2). If no encoding is specified, UTF-8 is assumed. 
   IDMEF documents being exchanged between IDMEF applications MUST begin 
   with an XML declaration, and MUST specify the XML version in use. 
   Specification of the encoding in use is RECOMMENDED. 
   IDMEF applications MAY choose to omit the XML declaration internally 
   to conserve space, adding it only when the message is sent to another 
   destination (e.g., a web browser). This practice is NOT RECOMMENDED 
   unless it can be accomplished without loss of each message's version 
   and encoding information. 
6.1.2. XML Document Type Definition (DTD) 
   The Document Type Definition (DTD) specifies the exact syntax of an 
   XML document. It defines the various tags that may be used in the 
   document, how the tags are related to each other, which tags are 
   mandatory and which are optional, and so forth. 
   The IDMEF Document Type Definition is listed in its entirety in 
   Section 11. 
   It is expected that IDMEF applications will not normally include the 
   IDMEF DTD itself in their communications. Instead, the DTD will be 
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   referenced in the document type declaration in the document entity 
   (see below). Such IDMEF documents will be well-formed and valid as 
   defined in [3]. 
   Other IDMEF documents will be specified that do not include the 
   document prolog (e.g., entries in an IDMEF-format database). Such 
   IDMEF documents will be well-formed but not valid. 
   Generally, well-formedness implies that a document has a single 
   element that contains everything else (e.g., "<book>"), and that all 
   the other elements nest nicely within each other without any 
   overlapping (e.g., a "chapter" does not start in the middle of 
   another "chapter"). 
   Validity further implies that not only is the document well-formed, 
   but it also follows specific rules (contained in the Document Type 
   Definition) about which elements are "legal" in the document, how 
   those elements nest within other elements, and so on (e.g., a 
   "chapter" does not begin in the middle of a "title"). A document 
   CANNOT be valid unless it references a DTD (see Section 6.1.4). 
   XML processors are required to be able to parse any well-formed 
   document, valid or not. The purpose of validation is to make the 
   processing of that document (what's done with the data after it's 
   parsed) easier. Without validation, a document may contain elements 
   in nonsense order, elements "invented" by the author that the 
   processing application doesn't understand, and so forth. 
   IDMEF documents MUST be well-formed. IDMEF documents SHOULD be valid 
   whenever both possible and practical. 
6.1.3. IDMEF DTD Formal Public Identifier 
   The formal public identifier (FPI) for the Document Type Definition 
   described in this memo is: 
        "-//IETF//DTD RFCxxxx IDMEF v0.1//EN" 
        NOTE:   The "RFCxxxx" text in the FPI value will be replaced 
                with the actual RFC number, if this memo is published  
                as an RFC. 
   This FPI MUST be used in the document type declaration within an XML 
   document referencing the DTD defined by this memo, as shown in the 
   following section. 
6.1.4. IDMEF DTD Document Type Declaration 
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   The document type declaration for an XML document referencing the DTD 
   defined by this memo will usually be specified in one of the 
   following ways: 
   <!DOCTYPE IDMEF-Message PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD RFCxxxx IDMEF v0.1//EN"> 
   The last component of the document type declaration is the formal 
   public identifier (FPI) specified in the previous section. 
   <!DOCTYPE IDMEF-Message SYSTEM "/some/path/to/the/idmef-message.dtd"> 
   The last component of the document type declaration is a URL that 
   points to a copy of the Document Type Definition. 
   To be valid (see above), an XML document must contain a document type 
   declaration. However, this represents significant overhead to an 
   IDMEF application, both in the bandwidth it consumes as well as the 
   requirements it places on the XML parser (not only to parse the 
   declaration itself, but also to parse the DTD it references). 
   Implementers MAY decide, therefore, to have analyzers and managers 
   agree out-of-band on the particular document type definition they 
   will be using (the standard one as defined here, or one with 
   extensions), and then omit the document type declaration from IDMEF 
   messages. Great care must be taken in doing this however, as the 
   manager may have to accept messages from analyzers using DTDs with 
   different sets of extensions. 
6.2. Character Data Processing in XML and IDMEF 
   The XML standard requires that XML processors support the UTF-8 and 
   UTF-16 encodings of ISO 10646 (Unicode), making XML compatible with 
   both one- and two-byte character sets. While many XML processing 
   applications may support other character sets, only UTF-8 and UTF-16 
   can be relied upon from a portability viewpoint. 
   A document's XML declaration (see section 6.1.1) specifies the 
   character encoding to be used in the document, as follows: 
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="charset" ?> 
   where "charset" is the name of the character set, as registered with 
   the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), see [10]. 
   Consistent with the XML standard, if no encoding is specified for an 
   IDMEF message, UTF-8 SHALL be assumed. 
   IDMEF applications MUST NOT use, and IDMEF messages MUST NOT be 
   encoded in, character encodings other than UTF-8 and UTF-16. Note 
   that since ASCII is a subset of UTF-8, it MAY be used to encode IDMEF 
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   Per the XML standard, IDMEF documents encoded in UTF-16 MUST begin 
   with the Byte Order Mark described by ISO/IEC 10646 Annex E and 
   Unicode Appendix B (the "ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE" character, 
6.2.1. Character Entity References 
   Within XML documents, certain characters have special meanings in 
   some contexts. To include the actual character itself in one of these 
   contexts, a special escape sequence, called an entity reference, must 
   be used. 
   The characters that sometimes need to be escaped, and their entity 
   references, are: 
          Character        Entity Reference 
              &                 &amp; 
              <                 &lt; 
              >                 &gt; 
              "                 &quot; 
              '                 &apos; 
   It is RECOMMENDED that IDMEF applications use the entity reference 
   form whenever writing these characters in data, to avoid any 
   possibility of misinterpretation. 
6.2.2. Character Code References 
   Any character defined by the ISO/IEC 10646 standard may be included 
   in an XML document by the use of a character reference. A character 
   reference is started with the characters '&' and '#', and ended with 
   the character ';'. Between these characters, the character code for 
   the character inserted. 
   If the character code is preceded by an 'x' it is interpreted in 
   hexadecimal (base 16), otherwise, it is interpreted in decimal (base 
   10). For instance, the ampersand (&) is encoded as &#38; or &#x0026; 
   and the less-than sign (<) is encoded as &#60; or &#x003C;. 
   Any one- or two-byte character specified in the Unicode standard can 
   be included in a document using this technique. 
6.2.3. White Space Processing 
   XML preserves white space by default. The XML processor passes all 
   white space characters to the application unchanged. This is much 
   different from HTML (and SGML), in which, although the space/no space 
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   distinction is meaningful, the one space/many spaces distinction is 
   XML allows tags to identify the importance of white space in their 
   content by using the "xml:space" attribute: 
        <tagname xml:space="action"> 
   where "action" is either "default" or "preserve." 
   If "action" is "preserve," the application MUST treat all white space 
   in the tag's content as significant. If "action" is "default," the 
   application is free to do whatever it normally would with white space 
   in the tag's content. 
   The intent declared with the "xml:space" attribute is considered to 
   apply to all attributes and content of the element where it is 
   specified, unless overridden with an instance of "xml:space" on 
   another element within that content. 
   All IDMEF tags support the "xml:space" attribute. 
6.3. Languages in XML and IDMEF 
   XML allows tags to identify the language their content is written in 
   by using the "xml:lang" attribute: 
        <tagname xml:lang="langcode"> 
   where "langcode" is a language tag as described in RFC 1766 [11]. 
   The intent declared with the "xml:lang" attribute is considered to 
   apply to all attributes and content of the element where it is 
   specified, unless overridden with an instance of "xml:lang" on 
   another element within that content. 
   IDMEF applications SHOULD specify the language in which their 
   contents are encoded; in general this can be done by specifying the 
   "xml:lang" attribute for the top-level <IDMEF-Message> tag. 
   If no language is specified for an IDMEF message, English SHALL be 
   All IDMEF tags support the "xml:lang" attribute. 
6.4. Unrecognized Tags in IDMEF Messages 
   On occasion, an IDMEF application may receive a well-formed, or even 
   well-formed and valid, IDMEF message containing tags that it does not 
   understand. The tags may be either: 
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   + Recognized as "legitimate" (a valid document), but the application 
      does not know the semantic meaning of the tag's content; or 
   + Not recognized at all. 
   IDMEF applications MUST continue to process IDMEF messages that 
   contain unknown tags, provided that such messages meet the well-
   formedness requirement of Section 6.1.2. It is up to the individual 
   application to decide how to process any content from the unknown 
6.5. Digital Signatures 
   The joint IETF/W3C XML Signature Working Group is currently working 
   to specify XML digital signature processing rules and syntax [12]. 
   XML Signatures provide integrity, message authentication, and/or 
   signer authentication services for data of any type, whether located 
   within the XML that includes the signature or elsewhere. 
   The IDMEF requirements document assigns responsibility for message 
   integrity and authentication to the communications protocol, not the 
   message format. However, in situations where IDMEF messages are 
   exchanged over other, less secure protocols, or in cases where the 
   digital signatures must be archived for later use, the inclusion of 
   digital signatures within an IDMEF message itself may be desirable. 
   Specifications for the use of digital signatures within IDMEF 
   messages are outside the scope of this document. However, use of the 
   XML Signature standard is RECOMMENDED if such functionality is 
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7. IDMEF Data Types 
   XML is a typeless language; everything is simply a stream of bytes, 
   and it is left to the application to extract meaning from them. 
   That being said, this specification makes the following rules to 
   allow interoperability in interpreting IDMEF documents: 
   1. Integer data MUST be encoded in either Base 10 or Base 16. Base 10 
      encoding uses the digits '0' through '9' and an optional sign ('+' 
      or '-'). Base 16 encoding uses the digits '0' through '9' and 'a' 
      through 'f' (or their upper case equivalents), and is preceded by 
      the characters "0x". For example, the number one hundred twenty-
      three would be encoded as "123" in Base 10, or "0x7b" in Base 16. 
   2. Floating-point (real) data MUST be encoded in Base 10. The 
      encoding is that of the POSIX strtod() function: an optional sign 
      ('+' or '-') followed by a non-empty sequence of digits optionally 
      containing a radix character, then an optional exponent part. An 
      exponent part consists of an 'e' or 'E', followed by an optional 
      sign, followed by one or more decimal digits. 
   3. Character and character string data does not require quoting, as 
      the IDMEF tags provide that functionality. 
   4. Dates, as used in the <date> element, MUST be encoded as a four-
      digit year, two-digit month, and two-digit day, separated by 
      dashes. The two-digit day and its corresponding dash MAY be 
      omitted to represent an entire month. For example, March 13, 2000 
      would be encoded as "2000-03-13", and December, 1999 would be 
      encoded as "1999-12". 
   5. Time of day, as used in the <time> element, MUST be encoded as a 
      two-digit hour, two-digit minutes, and two-digit seconds, 
      separated by colons. The two-digit seconds and corresponding colon 
      MAY be omitted to represent times with less precision. The seconds 
      field MAY be followed by a decimal point and fractional number of 
      seconds, if more precision is needed. All times MUST be specified 
      on a 24-hour clock. For example, 6:00 P.M. would be encoded as 
      "18:00", 3:15:27 A.M. would be encoded as "03:15:27", and two-
      tenths of a second past midnight would be encoded as "00:00:00.2". 
   6. NTP timestamps, as used in the <ntpstamp> element, are described 
      in detail in [13]. NTP timestamps are represented as a 64-bit 
      unsigned fixed-point number containing seconds relative to 0h on 1 
      January 1900. The integer part is in the first 32 bits and the 
      fraction part in the last 32 bits. Within IDMEF messages, these 
      timestamps MUST be encoded as two 32-bit hexadecimal values, 
      separated by a period ("."), for example, "0x123.0x456". 
   7. Port lists, as used in the <portlist> element, are encoded as a 
      comma-separated list of numbers (individual integers) and ranges 
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      (N-M means ports N through M, inclusive). Any combination of 
      numbers and ranges may be used in a single list. For example: 5-
   8. The identification numbers used with the "sourceid" attribute of 
      the <Source> element, the "targetid" attribute of the <Target> 
      element, and the "ident" attribute of the <Address>, <Node>, 
      <Process>, <Service> and <User> elements MUST be unique for each 
      particular combination of elements and sub-elements. Each time the 
      same entity is identified in the same way, this number SHOULD be 
      the same. Note, though, that if the same entity is identified in 
      two different ways (e.g., once by host name and once by IP 
      address), two different id numbers MUST be generated. A value of 0 
      indicates that the analyzer is not capable of identifying these 
      entities uniquely. 
      - An easy, albeit overly complex, way to accomplish this would be 
         to compute the cryptographic checksum of the element and its 
      - The above does not apply to the "alertid" attribute of the 
         <Alert> element, the "heartbeatid" attribute of the <Heartbeat> 
         element, or the "ident" attribute of the <Analyzer> attribute, 
         which have different rules. 
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8. Structure of an IDMEF Message 
   This section describes the individual elements and attributes that 
   make up an IDMEF message. It is organized in a somewhat "top down" 
   manner, in that the more significant elements are described first, 
   followed by the less significant ones. 
   A description of the element is provided, followed by a list of the 
   element's attributes, and then a list of the sub-elements that the 
   element may contain. 
   For attributes, the notation "required" indicates that a value for 
   the attribute must be specified, while "optional" indicates that a 
   value is not required. All optional attributes have default values 
   that the manager (XML parser) will assume if no other value is 
   For sub-elements, the number of times the element may occur is given. 
   Possible values are "exactly one," "zero or one," "zero or more," and 
   "one or more." Except as stated otherwise, sub-elements must occur in 
   the order shown. 
8.1. The IDMEF-Message Root Element 
   An IDMEF message (document) contains one or more alerts and other 
   message types (see below). The <IDMEF-Message> element represents 
   this; all other elements are sub-elements of <IDMEF-Message>. Put 
   another way, <IDMEF-Message> is the root element of an IDMEF 
   The <IDMEF-Message> element has one attribute: 
   - Optional. The version of the IDMEF message specification this 
      message conforms to; messages conforming to the format described 
      in this memo MUST use "0.1" as the value for this attribute. 
   The <IDMEF-Message> element may contain the following sub-elements, 
   in any order: 
   - Zero or more. Description of an intrusion detection alert. The 
      data model specifies the contents of this element type. 
   - Zero or more. Data about the "health" of the analyzer. This is an 
      extension element, not specified in the data model. 
8.2. The Message Type Elements 
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   There are two types of IDMEF message: <Alert>, and <Heartbeat>. These 
   elements are sub-elements of the <IDMEF-Message> element. 
8.2.1. Alert 
   The <Alert> element implements the ALERT class described in Section 
   4.2.1. It is used to describe an alert. It contains the name of the 
   analyzer that generated the alert, the event that caused the alert to 
   be generated, and information about the source(s) and target(s) of 
   the event.  
   The <Alert> element has the following attributes: 
      Required. A serial number for the alert.  This number MUST be 
      unique for every alert generated by a given analyzer. The default 
      value is 0, which indicates that the analyzer cannot provide this 
      information reliably. 
      Required. The evaluated impact of the event on the system. The 
      list of acceptable values is [unknown, bad-unknown, not-
      suspicious, attempted-admin, successful-admin, attempted-dos, 
      successful-dos, attempted-recon, successful-recon-limited, 
      successful-recon-largescale, attempted-user, successful-user], 
      refer to Section 4.2.1 for the significance of the keywords. 
      Required. The version of the class hierarchy used. Messages 
      conforming to the format described in this memo MUST use "1" as 
      the value for this attribute. 
   The <Alert> element has the following sub-elements: 
      Exactly one. The time the alert was generated. 
      Exactly one. The analyzer sending the alert. 
      One or more. The name of the vulnerability (event causing the 
      Zero or more. The source(s) of the event/attack. 
      Zero or more. The target(s) of the event/attack. 
      Zero or one. Information about the tool that caused the event. 
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      Zero or one. Information about buffer-overflow events. 
      Zero or one. Identifies the alerts used in the correlation. 
      Zero or more. Additional information provided. 
   The <CorrelationAlert> sub-element of <Alert> is used to provide 
   additional information about alert correlation activities. It has one 
      One or more. The "alertid" strings of the alerts that were used by 
      the correlation engine to generate this alert. 
   The <OverflowAlert> sub-element of <Alert> is used to provide 
   additional information when the alert is the result of a buffer 
   overflow attack. It has three sub-elements: 
      Exactly one. The program that the overflow attempted to run. 
      Exactly one. The size, in bytes, of the overflowing buffer. 
      Zero or one. Some or all of the data that was sent to the program. 
   The <ToolAlert> sub-element of <Alert> is used to provide additional 
   information when the analyzer recognizes the use of a particular 
   attack tool or Trojan horse.  This may allow the analyzer to group 
   alerts it has already received into a single "meta-alert" for display 
   purposes. <ToolAlert> has three sub-elements: 
      Exactly one. The reason for grouping the alerts, e.g., the name of 
      an attack tool. 
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      Zero or one. The command or operation the tool was asked to 
      Zero or more. The alerts that have been identified as being 
      related to the name. 
8.2.2. Heartbeat 
   The <Heartbeat> element is used by an analyzer to provide status to a 
   manager. In its simplest form, the heartbeat simply indicates to the 
   manager that the analyzer is still up and running.  In more complex 
   forms, it can be used to communicate information such as restarts, 
   ruleset reloads, disk and/or memory consumption statistics, and so 
   The <Heartbeat> element has the following attribute: 
      Required. A serial number for the heartbeat. This string SHOULD be 
      unique for every heartbeat generated by a given analyzer. It MUST 
      NOT be possible to confuse a "heartbeatid" with an "alertid" from 
      the same analyzer. 
   The <Heartbeat> element has the following sub-elements: 
      Exactly one. The time the heartbeat was generated. 
      Exactly one. The analyzer sending the heartbeat. 
      Zero or more. Additional information provided. See Examples 9.4 
      and 9.6 for suggested usage. 
8.3. Time Elements 
   The IDMEF data model provides for one piece of time data, the alert 
   generation time.  This specification extends that, adding the event 
   detection time (which, especially in the case of correlation, may be 
   quite different from the alert generation time), and current analyzer 
8.3.1. Time 
   The <Time> element provides the time at which the alert or heartbeat 
   was sent by the analyzer. 
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   The <Time> element has the following attribute: 
      Optional. Specifies the offset from Coordinated Universal 
      Time(UTC, formerly referred to as "Greenwich Mean Time") that the 
      <date> and <time> elements represent. A "+" or "-" indicates 
      whether the <time> is ahead of (i.e., east of) or behind (i.e.,
      west of) Universal Time.  The first two digits indicate the number 
      of hours difference from Universal Time, and the last two digits 
      indicate the number of minutes difference from Universal Time. 
      (Hence, "+hhmm" means +(hh * 60 + mm) minutes, and "-hhmm" means -
      (hh * 60 + mm) minutes). The form "+0000" SHOULD be used to 
      indicate a time zone at Universal Time. Though "-0000" also 
      indicates Universal Time, it is used to indicate that the time was 
      generated on a system that may be in a local time zone other than 
      Universal Time and therefore indicates that the <date>/<time> 
      contains no information about the local time zone. Default value: 
   The <Time> element has the following sub-elements: 
      Exactly one. The NTP timestamp. See Section 7 for formatting 
      Exactly one. The date. See Section 7 for formatting details. 
      Exactly one. The time. See Section 7 for formatting details. 
      Zero or one. The time the event was detected. 
      Zero or one. The current date and time on the analyzer. 
   In the event of a discrepancy between the time contained in the 
   <ntpstamp> element and the time contained in the <date> and <time> 
   elements, the time in the <ntpstamp> element shall prevail. 
8.3.2. DetectTime 
   The <DetectTime> element provides the time the event that generated 
   this alert was detected.  This may be quite different from the time 
   the alert was generated. 
   The <DetectTime> element has one attribute, "offset," and three sub-
   elements, <ntpstamp>, <date>, and <time>, as described in Section 
   8.3.1, above. 
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8.3.3. AnalyzerTime 
   The <AnalyzerTime> element provides the current date and time on the 
   analyzer.  By comparing this to its own date and time, a manager can 
   compute an "adjustment" to the other times in this element, 
   compensating for unsynchronized clocks. 
   The <AnalyzerTime> element has one attribute, "offset," and three 
   sub-elements, <ntpstamp>, <date>, and <time>, as described in Section 
   8.3.1, above. 
8.4. High-Level Entity Identification Elements 
   There are three "high-level" entities in the IDMEF model: analyzers, 
   sources, and targets.  The elements described in this section are 
   used to contain the identification of those entities. 
8.4.1. Analyzer 
   The <Analyzer> element contains all the information that describes 
   the analyzer sending the current message.  Only one analyzer may be 
   encoded for each alert.  The data model does not provide a way to 
   record a "stream" of analyzers (as would occur in a hierarchical 
   intrusion detection system, where alerts get relayed up the tree). 
   The data model does not prevent this architecture, but it doesn't 
   provide any way to keep track of the relays along the path from the 
   analyzer to the manager that ultimately receives the alert. 
   The <Analyzer> element has the following attribute: 
      Required. Analyzer identification token. This token MUST be unique 
      within the communicating analyzers and managers. 
   The <Analyzer> element has the following sub-elements: 
      Zero or one. Identification of the equipment on which the analyzer 
      Zero or one. Process information concerning the analyzer. 
8.4.2. Target 
   The <Target> element implements the TARGET class defined in Section 
   0. It contains all the information about the target of an event. An 
   event may have multiple targets (e.g., in the case of a port sweep). 
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   The <Target> element has the following attributes: 
      Optional. See Section 7 for formatting details. 
      Required. An indication of whether the analyzer believes this to 
      be the true target of the event. The list of acceptable values is 
      [unknown, yes, no], refer to Section 0 for the significance of the 
   The <Target> element has the following sub-elements: 
      Zero or one. Host/device name and address information. 
      Zero or one. User information. 
      Zero or one. Process information. 
      Zero or one. Service information. 
8.4.3. Source 
   The <Source> element implements the SOURCE class defined in Section 
   4.2.9. It contains all the information about the source of an event.  
   An event may have multiple sources (e.g., in the case of a 
   distributed denial-of-service attack). 
   The <Source> element has the following attributes: 
      Optional. See Section 7 for formatting details. 
      Required. An indication of whether the analyzer believes this to 
      be the true source of the event. The list of acceptable values is 
      [unknown, yes, no], refer to Section 4.2.9 for the significance of 
      the keywords.  
   The <Source> element has the following sub-elements: 
      Zero or one. Host/device name and address information. 
      Zero or one. User information. 
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      Zero or one. Process information. 
8.5. Low-Level Entity Identification Elements 
   Several elements are used to provide additional details used to 
   identify entities.  These elements are all sub-elements of the 
   <Alert>, <Analyzer>, <Source>, and <Target> elements. 
8.5.1. Address 
   The <Address> element implements the ADDRESS class described in 
   Section It provides addressing information for hosts, 
   networks, and users. 
   The <Address> element has the following attributes: 
      Optional. See Section 7 for formatting details. 
      Required. The type of address provided. The list of acceptable 
      values is [unknown, atm, e-mail, lotus-notes, mac, sna, vm, ipv4-
      addr, ipv4-addr-hex, ipv4-net, ipv4-net-mask, ipv6-addr, ipv6-net, 
      ipv6-net-mask], refer to Section for the significance of 
      the keywords. 
   The <Address> element has two sub-elements: 
      Required. The address information. 
      Optional. The network mask, if appropriate (depending on the value 
      of the "category" attribute). 
8.5.2. Classification 
   The <Classification> element implements the CLASSIFICATION class 
   defined in Section 4.2.6. It provides the name of the event 
   (vulnerability) that caused this alert to be generated.  Names may 
   come from several sources. 
   The <Classification> element has the following attribute: 
      Optional. The origin of the name. The list of acceptable values is 
      [unknown, bugtraqid, cve, vendor specific], refer to Section 4.2.6 
      for the significance of the keywords. Possible values: 
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   The <Name> element has two sub-elements: 
      Required. The name of the vulnerability. 
      Required. The URL at which the manager can find more information 
      about the vulnerability and/or the alert. 
8.5.3. Node 
   The <Node> element implements the NODE class defined in section It provides identification of hosts and network equipment. 
   The <Node> element has the following attributes: 
      Optional. See Section 7 for formatting details. 
      Optional. The domain to which the provided information belongs, if 
      relevant. The list of acceptable values is [unknown, ads, afs, 
      coda, dfs, dns, kerberos, nds, nis, nisplus, nt, wfw], refer to 
      Section for the significance of the keywords. 
   The <Node> element has the following sub-elements: 
      Zero or one if <Address> information is provided; exactly one 
      otherwise. The equipment's fully qualified domain name. 
      Zero or one. The equipment's physical location. 
      Zero or more. The equipment's network address(es). 
8.5.4. Process 
   The <Process> element implements the PROCESS class defined in Section It provides information about a process being run 
   on a node. 
   The <Process> element has the following attribute: 
      Optional. See Section 7 for formatting details. 
   The <Process> element has the following sub-elements: 
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      Exactly one. The name of the process. 
      Zero or one. The system process identifier. 
      Zero or one. The path name of the program being run. 
      Zero or one. The arguments to the process. 
      Zero or one. The environment variables associated with the 
8.5.5. Service 
   The <Service> element implements the SERVICE class defined in Section 
   4.2.11. It provides information about a service being provided by a 
   node, and also to provide information about connections and 
   connection attempts. 
   The <Service> element has the following attribute: 
      Required. See Section 7 for formatting details. 
   The <Service> element has the following sub-elements: 
      Zero or one. Name of the service. This SHOULD be listed in the 
      IANA list of well-known ports. 
      Zero or one. Destination port number of the service (port number 
      to which the connection is addressed). 
      Zero or one. Source port number of the service (port number from 
      which the connection originates). 
      Zero or one. Protocol implemented by the service. 
      Zero or one. List of ports (identifies multiple services). See 
      Section 7 for formatting details. 
      Zero or one. Additional information about SNMP services. 
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      Zero or one. Additional information about web-based services. 
   The <SNMPService> element provides additional information about SNMP 
   The <SNMPService> element has the following attribute: 
      Optional. See Section 7 for formatting details. 
   The <SNMPService> element has the following sub-elements: 
      Zero or one. The object identifier used in a request. 
      Zero or one. The object's community. 
      Zero or one. The command. 
   The <WebService> element provides additional information about web-
   based services. 
   The <WebService> element has the following attribute: 
      Optional. See Section 7 for formatting details. 
   The <WebService> element has the following sub-elements: 
      Exactly one. The URL in the request. 
      Zero or one. The CGI script in the request (without arguments) 
      Zero or one. The method used for the request. 
      Zero or one. The arguments passed to the CGI script. 
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8.5.6. User 
   The <User> element implements the USER class defined in Section It identifies users of nodes. 
   The <User> element has the following attributes: 
      Optional. See Section 7 for formatting details. 
      Required. The type of user information provided. The list of 
      acceptable values is [unknown, application, os-device], refer to 
      Section for the significance of the keywords.  
   The <User> element has the following sub-elements: 
      Zero or one if <uid> information is provided; exactly one 
      otherwise. The user name. 
      Zero or one if <name> information is provided; exactly one 
      otherwise. The user id. 
      Zero or one. The name of the group or domain the user is in. 
      Zero or one. The group id. 
      Zero or one. The user's serial number or other unique identifier. 
      Zero or more. Addresses associated with the user (e.g., an e-mail 
8.6. Simple Elements 
   The elements described in this section are "simple" elements -- they 
   have no special attributes associated with them, and they have no 
   sub-elements.  These elements are the lowest level of an IDMEF 
   document; they contain the actual alert data. 
8.6.1. address 
   The <address> element contains a network address. It is a sub-element 
   of the <Address> element. 
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8.6.2. alertid 
   The <alertid> element contains an alert identifier (the "alertid" 
   attribute of an <Alert> element).  It is a sub-element of the 
   <CorrelationAlert> and <ToolAlert> elements. 
8.6.3. Arguments 
   The <Arguments> element contains a list of process arguments. 
   The <Arguments> element has one sub-element: 
      One or more. An argument. 
   The <Arguments> element is a sub-element of the <Process> and 
   <WebService> elements. 
   The <arg> element contains a single process argument string.  It is a 
   sub-element of the <Arguments> element. 
8.6.4. buffer 
   The <buffer> element contains some or all of the data that was sent 
   to a program during a buffer-overflow attack.  It is a sub-element of 
   the <OverflowAlert> element. 
8.6.5. cgi 
   The <cgi> element contains the name of a CGI script.  It is a sub-
   element of the <WebService> element. 
8.6.6. command 
   The <command> element contains a program name or an SNMP command. It 
   is a sub-element of the <ToolAlert> and <SNMPService> elements. 
8.6.7. community 
   The <community> element contains an SNMP community name. It is a sub-
   element of the <SNMPService> element. 
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8.6.8. date 
   The <date> element contains a date string. See Section 7 for 
   formatting details. The <date> element is a sub-element of the 
   <AnalyzerTime>, <DetectTime>, and <Time> elements. 
8.6.9. dport 
   The <dport> element contains a destination port number. It is a sub-
   element of the <Service> element. 
8.6.10. Environment 
   The <Environment> element contains a list of process environment 
   The <Environment> element has one sub-element: 
      One or more. An environment variable. 
   The <Environment> element is a sub-element of the <Process> element. 
   The <env> element contains a single process environment string. It is 
   a sub-element of the <Environment> element. 
8.6.11. gid 
   The <gid> element contains a group identifier. It is a sub-element of 
   the <User> element. 
8.6.12. group 
   The <group> element contains a group name. It is a sub-element of the 
   <User> element. 
8.6.13. location 
   The <location> element contains the physical location of a host or 
   piece of network equipment.  It is a sub-element of the <Node> 
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8.6.14. method 
   The <method> element contains the HTTP method used to access a web 
   service.  It is a sub-element of the <WebService> element. 
8.6.15. name 
   The <name> element contains the name of a host, piece of network 
   equipment, process, service, user, or attack tool.  The <name> 
   element is a sub-element of the <Classification>, <Node>, <Process>, 
   <Service>, <ToolAlert>, and <User> elements. 
8.6.16. netmask 
   The <netmask> element contains a network mask.  It is a sub-element 
   of the <Address> element. 
8.6.17. ntpstamp 
   An NTP timestamp. See Section 7 for formatting details. It is a sub-
   element of the <Time>, <AnalyzerTime>, and <DetectTime> elements. 
8.6.18. oid 
   The <oid> element contains an SNMP object identifier. It is a sub-
   element of the <SNMPService> element. 
8.6.19. path 
   The <path> element contains the path name of a program. It is a sub-
   element of the <Process> element. 
8.6.20. pid 
   The <pid> element contains a process identifier.  It is a sub-element 
   of the <Process> element. 
8.6.21. portlist 
   The <portlist> element contains a list of port numbers. See Section 7 
   for formatting details. The <portlist> element is a sub-element of 
   the <Service> element. 
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8.6.22. program 
   The <program> element contains the name of a program. It is a sub-
   element of the <OverflowAlert> element. 
8.6.23. protocol 
   The <protocol> element contains the name of a protocol. It is a sub-
   element of the <Service> element. 
8.6.24. serial 
   The <serial> element contains a person's serial number or other 
   unique identifying information.  It is a sub-element of the <User> 
8.6.25. size 
   The <size> element contains a buffer (data) size, in bytes. It is a 
   sub-element of the <OverflowAlert> element. 
8.6.26. sport 
   The <sport> element contains a source port number. It is a sub-
   element of the <Service> element. 
8.6.27. time 
   The <time> element contains a time string.  See Section 7 for 
   formatting details.  The <time> element is a sub-element of the 
   <AnalyzerTime>, <DetectTime>, and <Time> elements. 
8.6.28. url 
   The <url> element contains a Universal Resource Locator.  It is a 
   sub-element of the <Classification> and <WebService> elements. 
8.6.29. uid 
   The <uid> element implements the USERID class defined in Section It contains a user identifier. It is a sub-element of the 
   <User> element. 
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8.7. Providing Additional Information 
   This specification allows vendors to provide arbitrary information in 
   an alert (or heartbeat) without having to modify the DTD. This is 
   done by using the <AdditionalData> element. 
8.7.1. AdditionalData 
   The <AdditionalData> implements the ADDITIONALDATA class defined in 
   Section 4.2.7. This element is used to provide arbitrary information 
   in an alert or heartbeat that does not "fit" anywhere else in the 
   The <AdditionalData> element has two attributes: 
      Optional. A string that describes the meaning of the data in this 
      element. These strings will be implementation-dependent. 
      Optional. The type of the data in this element. Possible values: 
      ["byte", "boolean", "character", "date", "integer", "ntpstamp", 
      "real", "string", "time"], refer to Section 4.2.7 for the 
      significance of the keywords. 
   The <AdditionalData> element has no sub-elements.  It is a sub-
   element of the <Alert> and <Heartbeat> elements. 
9. Examples 
   The examples shown in this section demonstrate how the IDMEF is used 
   to encode alert data.  The first eight examples are taken from [4], 
   and show how the IDMEF format relates to the Debar/Huang/Donahoo 
   class hierarchy. 
   These examples are for demonstration purposes only.  They do not 
   necessarily represent the only (or even the "best") way to encode a 
   particular alert, and should not be construed as guidelines on how 
   particular alerts should be classified. 
9.1. Denial of Service Attacks 
   The following examples show how some common denial of service attacks 
   could be represented in the IDMEF. 
9.1.1. The "teardrop" Attack 
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   Network-based detection of the "teardrop" attack.  This shows the 
   basic format of an alert. 
   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
   <!DOCTYPE IDMEF-Message PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD RFCxxxx IDMEF v0.1//EN" 
      <IDMEF-Message version="0.1"> 
        <Alert alertid="12345.123456789" impact="successful-dos"> 
          <Time offset="-0500"> 
          <Analyzer ident="12345"> 
            <Node category="dns"> 
              <location>Headquarters DMZ Network</location> 
          <Classification origin="bugtraqid"> 
            <Node  ident="12345.s7beae779" category="dns"> 
              <Address category="ipv4-addr"> 
            <Node ident="12345.tde796f70" category="dns"> 
              <Address category="ipv4-addr-hex"> 
9.1.2. The "ping of death" Attack 
   Network-based detection of the "ping of death" attack.  Note the 
   identification of multiple targets, and the identification of the 
   source as a spoofed address. 
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
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      <IDMEF-Message version="0.1"> 
        <Alert alertid="1234567890" impact="attempted-dos"> 
          <Time offset="+0000"> 
          <Analyzer ident="123123123"> 
            <Node category="dns"> 
          <Classification origin="cve"> 
          <Source spoofed="yes"> 
              <Address category="ipv4-addr"> 
              <Address category="ipv4-addr"> 
            <Node category="nisplus"> 
              <location>Cabinet B10</location> 
9.2. Port Scanning Attacks 
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   The following examples show how some common port scanning attacks 
   could be represented in the IDMEF. 
9.2.1. Connection to a Disallowed Service 
   Host-based detection of a policy violation (attempt to obtain 
   information via "finger").  Note the identification of the target 
   service, as well as the originating user (obtained, e.g., via RFC 
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
      <IDMEF-Message version="0.1"> 
        <Alert alertid="1234567890" impact="attempted-recon"> 
          <Time offset="+0200"> 
          <Analyzer ident="123123123"> 
            <Node category="dns"> 
          <Classification origin="vendor-specific"> 
              <Address category="ipv4-addr"> 
            <Node category="nis"> 
              <Address category="ipv4-addr"> 
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              <Address category="ipv4-addr"> 
            <User category="os-device"> 
9.2.2. Simple Port Scanning 
   Network-based detection of a port scan.  This shows detection by a 
   single analyzer; see Example 7.5 for the same attack as detected by a 
   correlation engine.  Note the use of the <portlist> element to show 
   the ports that were scanned. 
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
      <!DOCTYPE IDMEF-Message PUBLIC  
     "-//IETF//DTD RFCxxxx IDMEF v0.1//EN""idmef-message.dtd"> 
      <IDMEF-Message version="0.1"> 
        <Alert alertid="12345.987654321" 
          <Time offset="-0800"> 
          <Analyzer ident="12345"> 
            <Node category="dns"> 
              <location>Headquarters Web Server</location> 
          <Classification origin="vendor-specific"> 
              <Address category="ipv4-addr"> 
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            <Node category="dns"> 
              <Address category="ipv4-addr"> 
9.3. Local Attacks 
   The following examples show how some common local host attacks could 
   be represented in the IDMEF. 
9.3.1. The "loadmodule" Attack 
   Host-based detection of the "loadmodule" exploit.  This attack 
   involves tricking the "loadmodule" program to run another program; 
   since "loadmodule" is set-user-id "root," the executed program runs 
   with super-user privileges.  Note the use of the <User> and <Process> 
   elements to identify the user attempting the exploit and how he's 
   doing it. 
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
        "-//IETF//DTD RFCxxxx IDMEF v0.1//EN""idmef-message.dtd"> 
      <IDMEF-Message version="0.1"> 
        <Alert alertid="345097" impact="attempted-admin"> 
          <Time offset="-0500"> 
          <Analyzer ident="372"> 
            <Node category="dns"> 
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          <Classification origin="bugtraqid"> 
            <User category="os-device"> 
            <Node category="dns"> 
   The IDS could also indicate that the target user is the "root" user; 
   the alert might then look like: 
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
        "-//IETF//DTD RFCxxxx IDMEF v0.1//EN""idmef-message.dtd"> 
      <IDMEF-Message version="0.1"> 
        <Alert alertid="345097" impact="attempted-admin"> 
          <Time offset="-0500"> 
          <Analyzer ident="372"> 
            <Node category="dns"> 
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          <Classification origin="bugtraqid"> 
            <User category="os-device"> 
            <Node category="dns"> 
            <User category="os-device"> 
9.3.2. The "phf" Attack 
   Network-based detection of the "phf" attack.  Note the use of the 
   <WebService> element to provide more details about this particular 
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
        "-//IETF//DTD RFCxxxx IDMEF v0.1//EN""idmef-message.dtd"> 
      <IDMEF-Message version="0.1"> 
        <Alert alertid="1234567890" impact="attempted-recon"> 
          <Time offset="-0100"> 
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          <Analyzer ident="123123123"> 
            <Node category="dns"> 
          <Classification origin="bugtraqid"> 
              <Address category="ipv4-addr"> 
            <Node category="dns"> 
              <Address category="ipv4-addr"> 
9.4. System Policy Violation 
   In this example, logins are restricted to daytime hours.  The alert 
   reports a violation of this policy that occurs when a user logs in a 
   little after 10:00pm.  Example of a policy violation.  Note the use 
   of <AdditionalData> elements to provide information about the policy 
   being violated. 
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
        "-//IETF//DTD RFCxxxx IDMEF v0.1//EN""idmef-message.dtd"> 
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      <IDMEF-Message version="0.1"> 
        <Alert alertid="1234567890" impact="attempted-user"> 
          <Time offset="-0500"> 
          <Analyzer ident="999888777.1"> 
            <Node category="dns"> 
          <Classification origin="vendor-specific"> 
            <name>out-of-hours activity</name> 
              <Address category="ipv4-addr"> 
            <Node category="dns"> 
            <User category="os-device"> 
          <AdditionalData type="time" meaning="start-time"> 
          <AdditionalData type="time" meaning="stop-time"> 
9.5. Correlated Alerts 
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   The following example shows how the port scan alert (see Section 
   9.2.2) would be represented if it had been sent by a correlation 
   engine, instead of an analyzer. 
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
        "-//IETF//DTD RFCxxxx IDMEF v0.1//EN""idmef-message.dtd"> 
      <IDMEF-Message version="0.1"> 
        <Alert alertid="12345.987654321" 
          <Time offset="-0800"> 
          <Analyzer ident="12345"> 
            <Node category="dns"> 
          <Classification origin="vendor-specific"> 
              <Address category="ipv4-addr"> 
            <Node category="dns"> 
              <Address category="ipv4-addr"> 
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9.6. Heartbeat 
   Use of the <Hearbeat> element to provide "I'm alive and working" 
   information to the manager.  Note the use of <AdditionalData> 
   elements, with "meaning" attributes, to provide further info. 
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
        "-//IETF//DTD RFCxxxx IDMEF v0.1//EN""idmef-message.dtd"> 
      <IDMEF-Message version="0.1"> 
        <Heartbeat heartbeatid="123456789"> 
          <Time offset="+0000"> 
          <Analyzer ident="abcdefghij"> 
            <Node category="dns"> 
          <AdditionalData type="real" meaning="%memused"> 
          <AdditionalData type="real" meaning="%diskused"> 
10. Extending the IDMEF 
   There are four ways to extend the IDMEF: 
      1. The <AdditionalData> element (see Section 8.7.1) can be used to 
        include arbitrary data in an <Alert> or <Heartbeat>. This 
        approach SHOULD be used whenever possible. 
   2. The IDMEF DTD will allow additional values to be added to certain 
      attributes by redefining the "ext.attvals.Listname" parameterized 
      entity reference (see below).  This approach MAY be used, with the 
      caveat that extensions may not be understood by all analyzers or 
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   3. The IDMEF DTD will allow additional attributes to be added to any 
      element by redefining the "ext.attlist.Elementname" parameterized 
      entity reference (see below).  This approach MAY be used, with the 
      caveat that extensions may not be understood by all analyzers or 
   4. XML will allow the DTD to be extended by declaring additional 
      elements, entities, and attributes in the document type 
      declaration.  This approach SHOULD NOT be used unless the 
      alternatives above are unworkable. 
   This section briefly describes how to extend the IDMEF using methods 
   (2), (3), and (4) above. 
10.1. Extending an Existing Attribute 
   Many attributes in the IDMEF DTD have a pre-defined list of values 
   that the attributes may take on.  The "category" attributes of the 
   <Address>, <Node>, and <User> elements are examples of this. 
   The IDMEF DTD provides a standard way to extend the list of allowed 
   values for these attributes by redefining the already-defined 
   "ext.attvals.Listname" parameterized entity (where "Listname" is the 
   name of the attribute value list -- see the DTD for the actual 
   names).  Initially, this entity is defined as the empty string: 
        <!ENTITY % ext.attvals.Listname         ""> 
   To add two new attribute values called "x-value-1" and "x-value-2" to 
   the "Listname" list of values, this would be redefined as follows: 
        <!ENTITY % ext.attvals.Listname         " 
                | x-value-1 | x-value-2 
   This redefinition is made at the time the document type is declared, 
   through the document type declaration (see Section 6.1.4): 
        "-//IETF//DTD RFCxxxx IDMEF v0.1//EN""idmef-message.dtd" 
      <!ENTITY % ext.attvals.Listname           " 
        | x-value-1 | x-value-2 
   All new attribute values defined in this manner MUST have names that 
   begin with "x-".  They SHOULD also include the name of their creator 
   in the name, e.g., "x-acme-specialvalue." 
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Internet Draft        IDMEF Data Model and XML DTD         December 2000 
10.2. Adding an Attribute 
   Every element in the IDMEF DTD has an attribute list associated with 
   it. At a minimum, this list contains the "xml:lang" and "xml:space" 
   attributes. Many elements also have particular attributes associated 
   with them, as described in Section 8. 
   The IDMEF DTD provides a standard way to extend the attribute list 
   for a particular element by redefining the already-defined 
   "ext.attlist.Elementname" parameterized entity (where "Elementname" 
   is the name of the element to which the attribute is to be added). 
   Initially, this entity is defined as the empty string: 
        <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.Elementname      ""> 
   To add a new attribute called "x-attribute" to the "Elementname" 
   element, this would be redefined as follows: 
        <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.Elementname      " 
            x-attribute         CDATA           #IMPLIED 
   This declares the attribute as an optional attribute that may have 
   any value (other possibilities, such as required attributes, a 
   default value, or a fixed set of values, are also possible -- see a 
   text on XML for details). 
   This redefinition is made at the time the document type is declared, 
   through the document type declaration (see Section 6.1.4): 
        "-//IETF//DTD RFCxxxx IDMEF v0.1//EN""idmef-message.dtd" 
      <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.Elementname" 
          x-attribute           CDATA           #IMPLIED 
   All new attributes defined in this manner MUST have names that begin 
   with "x-".  They SHOULD also include the name of their creator in the 
   name, e.g., "x-acme-specialattr."  Required attributes (those marked 
   "#REQUIRED") SHOULD be avoided, as it may not be possible to cause an 
   analyzer to generate that attribute. 
   Existing IDMEF element attributes MAY NOT be redefined. 
10.3. Adding an Element 
   To add a new element, the new element is defined inside the document 
   type declaration, as above.  However, the definitions of one or more 
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Internet Draft        IDMEF Data Model and XML DTD         December 2000 
   existing elements must also be modified, to "plug in" the new element 
   in the right places. 
   The example below shows how to add a new element.  In this case, a 
   new IDMEF message type, "x-acme-error," is added: 
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
        "-//IETF//DTD RFCxxxx IDMEF v0.1//EN""idmef-message.dtd" 
      <!ELEMENT IDMEF-Message                   ( 
          (Alert | Heartbeat | x-acme-error)* 
      <!ELEMENT x-acme-error (#PCDATA) > 
   All new elements defined in this manner MUST have names that begin 
   with "x-".  They SHOULD also include the name of their creator in the 
   name, e.g., "x-acme-specialelem." 
   Any additions made in this manner MUST NOT change the existing IDMEF 
   document structure as defined in this specification (i.e., elements 
   may not be deleted or resequenced). 
11. The IDMEF Document Type Definition 
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
   <!-- *************************************************************** 
    *** Intrusion Detection Message Exchange Format (IDMEF) XML DTD *** 
    *** Version 0.2, 06 July 2000                                   *** 
    ***                                                             *** 
    *** Use of the IDMEF DTD is described in "Intrusion Detection   *** 
    *** Message Exchange Format - XML Document Type Definition,"    *** 
    *** David A. Curry, draft-ietf-idwg-idmef-xml-01.txt            *** 
    ***                                                             *** 
    *** The IDMEF data model is described in "Intrusion Detection   *** 
    *** Exchange Format Data Model," Herve Debar, Ming-Yuh Huang,   *** 
    *** and David Donahoo, draft-ietf-idwg-data-model-03.txt.       *** 
    *************************************************************** --> 
   <!-- =============================================================== 
    === SECTION 1. Attribute list declarations.  The version attributes 
    ===            are used with the IDMEF-Message top-level element; 
    ===            the global attributes are used with all elements; 
    ===            the id attributes are used with most entity elements 
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Internet Draft        IDMEF Data Model and XML DTD         December 2000 
    =============================================================== --> 
    | Attributes that change with the version of the DTD. 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.version          ""> 
   <!ENTITY % attlist.version              " 
     xmlns               CDATA                   #FIXED 
     xmlns:idmef         CDATA                   #FIXED 
     version             CDATA                   #FIXED    '0.1' 
    | Standard attributes that should be present on all elements. 
   <!ENTITY %           ""> 
   <!ENTITY %               " 
       xml:space           (default | preserve)    'default' 
       xml:lang            NMTOKEN                 #IMPLIED; 
    | Attribute that should be present on all support class elements 
    | (Address, Node, Process, Service, User, WebService, SNMPService). 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.ident            ""> 
   <!ENTITY % attlist.ident                " 
       ident               CDATA                   '0' 
   <!-- =============================================================== 
    === SECTION 2. Attribute value declarations.  Enumerated values of 
    ===            many of the element attributes. 
    =============================================================== --> 
    | Values for the Alert.impact attribute. 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attvals.impact           ""> 
   <!ENTITY % attvals.impact               " 
       ( unknown | bad-unknown | not-suspicious | attempted-admin | 
         successful-admin | attempted-dos  | successful-dos | 
         attempted-recon | successful-recon-largescale | 
         successful-recon-limited | attempted-user | 
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Internet Draft        IDMEF Data Model and XML DTD         December 2000 
         %ext.attvals.impact; ) 
    | Values for the AdditionalData.type attribute. 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attvals.adtype           ""> 
   <!ENTITY % attvals.adtype               " 
       ( unknown | boolean | byte | character | date | integer | 
         ntpstamp | real | string | time 
         %ext.attvals.adtype; ) 
    | Values for the Classification.origin attribute. 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attvals.origin           ""> 
   <!ENTITY % attvals.origin               " 
       ( unknown | bugtraqid | cve | vendor-specific 
         %ext.attvals.origin; ) 
    | Values for the Source.spoofed attribute. 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attvals.spoofed          ""> 
   <!ENTITY % attvals.spoofed              " 
       ( unknown | no | yes 
         %ext.attvals.spoofed; ) 
    | Values for the Target.decoy attribute. 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attvals.decoy            ""> 
   <!ENTITY % attvals.decoy                " 
       ( unknown | no | yes 
         %ext.attvals.decoy; ) 
    | Values for the Address.category attribute. 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attvals.addrcat          ""> 
   <!ENTITY % attvals.addrcat              " 
       ( unknown | atm | e-mail | lotus-notes | mac | sna | vm | 
         ipv4-addr | ipv4-addr-hex | ipv4-net | ipv4-net-mask | 
         ipv6-addr |  ipv6-net | ipv6-net-mask 
         %ext.attvals.addrcat; ) 
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Internet Draft        IDMEF Data Model and XML DTD         December 2000 
    | Values for the Node.category attribute. 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attvals.nodecat          ""> 
   <!ENTITY % attvals.nodecat              " 
       ( unknown | ads | afs | coda | dfs | dns | kerberos | nds | 
         nis | nisplus | nt | wfw 
         %ext.attvals.nodecat; ) 
    | Values for the User.category attribute. 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attvals.usercat          ""> 
   <!ENTITY % attvals.usercat              " 
       ( unknown | application | os-device 
         %ext.attvals.usercat; ) 
   <!-- =============================================================== 
    === SECTION 3. The top-level elements.  This includes IDMEF-Message 
    ===            and the various types of message it can include. 
    =============================================================== --> 
   <!ELEMENT IDMEF-Message                 ( 
       (Alert | Heartbeat)* 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.IDMEF-Message    ""> 
   <!ATTLIST IDMEF-Message 
   <!ELEMENT Alert                         ( 
       Time, Analyzer, Classification+, Source*, Target*, ToolAlert?, 
       OverflowAlert?, CorrelationAlert?, AdditionalData* 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.Alert            ""> 
   <!ATTLIST Alert 
       version             CDATA                   #FIXED    '1' 
       alertid             CDATA                   #REQUIRED 
       impact              %attvals.impact;        'unknown'; 
   <!ELEMENT Heartbeat                     ( 
       Time, Analyzer, AdditionalData* 
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Internet Draft        IDMEF Data Model and XML DTD         December 2000 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.Heartbeat        ""> 
   <!ATTLIST Heartbeat 
       heartbeatid         CDATA                   #REQUIRED; 
   <!-- =============================================================== 
    === SECTION 4. Elements related to Alert that provide more data: 
    ===            AdditionalData, CorrelationAlert, OverflowAlert,  
    ===            and ToolAlert. 
    =============================================================== --> 
   <!ELEMENT AdditionalData        (#PCDATA) > 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.AdditionalData   ""> 
   <!ATTLIST AdditionalData 
       type                %attvals.adtype;        'unknown' 
       meaning             CDATA                   #IMPLIED; 
   <!ELEMENT CorrelationAlert              ( 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.CorrelationAlert ""> 
   <!ATTLIST CorrelationAlert; 
   <!ELEMENT OverflowAlert                 ( 
       program, size, buffer? 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.OverflowAlert    ""> 
   <!ATTLIST OverflowAlert; 
   <!ELEMENT ToolAlert                     ( 
       name, command?, alertid* 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.ToolAlert        ""> 
   <!ATTLIST ToolAlert; 
   <!-- =============================================================== 
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Internet Draft        IDMEF Data Model and XML DTD         December 2000 
    === SECTION 5. Elements related to time.  The base time is the time 
    ===            the alert was generated. 
    =============================================================== --> 
   <!ELEMENT Time                          ( 
       ntpstamp, date, time, DetectTime?, AnalyzerTime? 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.Time             ""> 
   <!ATTLIST Time 
       offset              CDATA                   '+0000'; 
   <!ELEMENT DetectTime                    ( 
       ntpstamp, date, time 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.DetectTime       ""> 
   <!ATTLIST DetectTime 
       offset              CDATA                   '+0000'; 
   <!ELEMENT AnalyzerTime                  ( 
       ntpstamp, date, time 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.AnalyzerTime     ""> 
   <!ATTLIST AnalyzerTime 
       offset              CDATA                   '+0000'; 
   <!-- =============================================================== 
    === SECTION 6. Elements related to identifying entities - analyzers 
    ===            (the senders of these messages), sources (of 
    ===            attacks), and targets (of attacks). 
    =============================================================== --> 
   <!ELEMENT Analyzer                      ( 
       Node?, Process? 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.Analyzer         ""> 
   <!ATTLIST Analyzer 
       ident               CDATA                   #REQUIRED; 
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Internet Draft        IDMEF Data Model and XML DTD         December 2000 
   <!ELEMENT Source                        ( 
       Node?, User?, Process? 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.Source           ""> 
   <!ATTLIST Source 
       spoofed             %attvals.spoofed;       'unknown' 
       sourceid            CDATA                   '0'; 
   <!ELEMENT Target                        ( 
       Node?, User?, Process?, Service? 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.Target           ""> 
   <!ATTLIST Target 
       decoy               %attvals.decoy;         'unknown' 
       targetid            CDATA                   '0'; 
   <!-- =============================================================== 
    === SECTION 7. Lower-level elements used for providing detailed 
    ===            information about entities - addresses, names, etc. 
    =============================================================== --> 
   <!ELEMENT Address                       ( 
       address, netmask? 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.Address          ""> 
   <!ATTLIST Address 
       category            %attvals.addrcat;       'unknown' 
   <!ELEMENT Classification                ( 
       name, url 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.Classification   ""> 
   <!ATTLIST Classification 
       origin              %attvals.origin;        'unknown'; 
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Internet Draft        IDMEF Data Model and XML DTD         December 2000 
   <!ELEMENT Node                          ( 
       location?, (name | Address), Address* 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.Node             ""> 
   <!ATTLIST Node 
       category            %attvals.nodecat;       'unknown' 
   <!ELEMENT Process                       ( 
       name, pid?, path?, Arguments?, Environment? 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.Process          ""> 
   <!ATTLIST Process 
   <!ELEMENT Service                       ( 
       name?, dport?, sport?, protocol?, portlist?, SNMPService?, 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.Service          ""> 
   <!ATTLIST Service 
   <!ELEMENT User                          ( 
       (name | uid | (name, uid)), group?, gid?, serial?, Address* 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.User             ""> 
   <!ATTLIST User 
       category            %attvals.usercat;       'unknown' 
   <!ELEMENT SNMPService                   ( 
       oid?, community?, command? 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.SNMPService      ""> 
   <!ATTLIST SNMPService 
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Internet Draft        IDMEF Data Model and XML DTD         December 2000 
   <!ELEMENT WebService                    ( 
       url, cgi?, method?, Arguments? 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.WebService       ""> 
   <!ATTLIST WebService 
   <!-- =============================================================== 
    === SECTION 8. Simple elements with sub-elements or attributes of a 
    ===            special nature. 
    =============================================================== --> 
   <!ELEMENT Arguments                     ( 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.Arguments        ""> 
   <!ATTLIST Arguments; 
   <!ELEMENT Environment                   ( 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.Environment      ""> 
   <!ATTLIST Environment; 
   <!-- =============================================================== 
    === SECTION 9. Simple elements with no sub-elements and no special 
    ===            attributes. 
    =============================================================== --> 
   <!ELEMENT address               (#PCDATA) > 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.address          ""> 
   <!ATTLIST address; 
   <!ELEMENT alertid               (#PCDATA) > 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.alertid          ""> 
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Internet Draft        IDMEF Data Model and XML DTD         December 2000 
   <!ATTLIST alertid; 
   <!ELEMENT arg                   (#PCDATA) > 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.arg              ""> 
   <!ATTLIST arg; 
   <!ELEMENT buffer                (#PCDATA) > 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.buffer           ""> 
   <!ATTLIST buffer; 
   <!ELEMENT cgi                   (#PCDATA) > 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.cgi              ""> 
   <!ATTLIST cgi; 
   <!ELEMENT command               (#PCDATA) > 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.command          ""> 
   <!ATTLIST command; 
   <!ELEMENT community             (#PCDATA) > 
   <!ENTITY %        ""> 
   <!ATTLIST community;; 
   <!ELEMENT date                  (#PCDATA) > 
   <!ENTITY %             ""> 
   <!ATTLIST date;; 
   <!ELEMENT dport                 (#PCDATA) > 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.dport            ""> 
   <!ATTLIST dport; 
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Internet Draft        IDMEF Data Model and XML DTD         December 2000 
   <!ELEMENT env                   (#PCDATA) > 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.env              ""> 
   <!ATTLIST env; 
   <!ELEMENT gid                   (#PCDATA) > 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.gid              ""> 
   <!ATTLIST gid; 
   <!ELEMENT group                 (#PCDATA) > 
   <!ENTITY %            ""> 
   <!ATTLIST group;; 
   <!ELEMENT location              (#PCDATA) > 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.location         ""> 
   <!ATTLIST location; 
   <!ELEMENT method                (#PCDATA) > 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.method           ""> 
   <!ATTLIST method; 
   <!ELEMENT name                  (#PCDATA) > 
   <!ENTITY %             ""> 
   <!ATTLIST name;; 
   <!ELEMENT netmask               (#PCDATA) > 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.netmask          ""> 
   <!ATTLIST netmask; 
   <!ELEMENT ntpstamp              (#PCDATA) > 
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Internet Draft        IDMEF Data Model and XML DTD         December 2000 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.ntpstamp         ""> 
   <!ATTLIST ntpstamp; 
   <!ELEMENT oid                   (#PCDATA) > 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.oid              ""> 
   <!ATTLIST oid; 
   <!ELEMENT path                  (#PCDATA) > 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.path             ""> 
   <!ATTLIST path; 
   <!ELEMENT pid                   (#PCDATA) > 
   <!ENTITY %              ""> 
   <!ATTLIST pid;; 
   <!ELEMENT portlist              (#PCDATA) > 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.portlist         ""> 
   <!ATTLIST portlist; 
   <!ELEMENT program               (#PCDATA) > 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.program          ""> 
   <!ATTLIST program; 
   <!ELEMENT protocol              (#PCDATA) > 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.protocol         ""> 
   <!ATTLIST protocol; 
   <!ELEMENT serial                (#PCDATA) > 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.serial           ""> 
   <!ATTLIST serial; 
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Internet Draft        IDMEF Data Model and XML DTD         December 2000 
   <!ELEMENT size                  (#PCDATA) > 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.size             ""> 
   <!ATTLIST size; 
   <!ELEMENT sport                 (#PCDATA) > 
   <!ENTITY %            ""> 
   <!ATTLIST sport;; 
   <!ELEMENT time                  (#PCDATA) > 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.time             ""> 
   <!ATTLIST time; 
   <!ELEMENT url                   (#PCDATA) > 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.url              ""> 
   <!ATTLIST url; 
   <!ELEMENT uid                   (#PCDATA) > 
   <!ENTITY % ext.attlist.uid              ""> 
   <!ATTLIST uid; 
   <!-- *************************************************************** 
    ***                         END OF DTD                          *** 
    *************************************************************** --> 
12. Security Considerations 
   This Internet-Draft describes a data format for the exchange of 
   security-related data between security product implementations. There 
   are no security considerations directly applicable to the format of 
   this data. There may, however, be security considerations associated 
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Internet Draft        IDMEF Data Model and XML DTD         December 2000 
   with the transport protocol chosen to move this data between 
   communicating entities. 
13. References 
   1  Bradner, S., "The Internet Standards Process -- Revision 3", BCP 
      9, RFC 2026, October 1996. 
   2  Wood, M., "Intrusion Detection Message Exchange Requirements," 
      draft-ietf-idwg-requirements-02.txt, October 26, 1999, work in 
   3  World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), "Extensible Markup Language 
      (XML)," W3C Recommendation, February 1998, 
   4  Mansfield, G. and D. A. Curry, "Intrusion Detection Message 
      Exchange Format: Comparison of SMI and XML Implementations," 
      draft-ietf-idwg-xmlsmi-00.txt, July 6, 2000, work in progress. 
   5  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement 
      Levels," BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997. 
   6  Rumbaugh, J., I. Jacobson and G. Booch, "Unified Modeling Language 
      Reference Manual," Addison-Wesley, 1997. 
   7  The Bugtraq reference number for the securityfocus vulnerability 
   8  Christey, S., D. W. Baker, W. H. Hill, and D. E. Mann, "The 
      Development of a Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures List," 
      Second International Workshop on Recent Advances in Intrusion 
      Detection, West Lafayette, Indiana, September 1999,
   9  World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), "Namespaces in XML," W3C 
      Recommendation, January 1999,
   10 Freed, N., "IANA Charset Registration Procedures," BCP 19, RFC 
      2278, January 1998. 
   11 Alvestrand, H., "Tags for the Identification of Languages," RFC 
      1766, March 1995. 
   12 Eastlake, D., J. Reagle, and D. Solo, "XML-Signature Syntax and 
      Processing," draft-ietf-xmldsig-core-07.txt, June 1, 2000, work in 
Curry              Informational - Expires June 2001          [Page 84] 

Internet Draft        IDMEF Data Model and XML DTD         December 2000 
   13 Mills, D. L., "Network Time Protocol (Version 3) Specification, 
      Implementation, and Analysis," RFC 1305, March 1992. 
14. Acknowledgments 
   The following individuals contributed substantially to this document 
   and should be recognized for their efforts. This document would not 
   exist without their help: 
      Dominique Alessandri, IBM Corporation 
      James L. Burden, California Independent System Operator 
      Marc Dacier, IBM Corporation 
      David J. Donahoo, AFIWC 
      Glenn Mansfield, Cyber Solutions, Inc. 
      James Riordan, IBM Corporation 
      Stephane Schitter, IBM Corporation 
      Michael J. Slifcak, Internet Security Systems, Inc. 
      Michael Steiner, University of Saarland 
      Steven R. Snapp, CyberSafe Corporation 
      Stuart Staniford-Chen, Silicon Defense 
      Maureen Stillman, Nokia IP Telephony 
      Vimal Vaidya, AXENT 
      Andreas Wespi, IBM Corporation 
      Eric D. Williams, Information Brokers, Inc. 
      S. Felix Wu, North Carolina State University 
15. Author's Addresses 
   David A. Curry 
   Internet Security Systems, Inc. 
   345 Route 17 South 
   Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 
   Phone: +1 201 934-4207 
   Herve Debar 
   France Telecom R & D 
   42 rue des coutures 
   Phone: + 
Full Copyright Statement 
   "Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000). All Rights Reserved. 
   This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to 
   others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it 
Curry              Informational - Expires June 2001          [Page 85] 

Internet Draft        IDMEF Data Model and XML DTD         December 2000 
   or assist its implementation may be prepared, copied, published and 
   distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any kind, 
   provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are 
   included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this 
   document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing 
   the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other 
   Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of 
   developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for 
   copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be 
   followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than 
   The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be 
   revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.  
   This document and the information contained herein is provided on an 

Debar              Informational - Expires June 2001          [Page 86] 

Prepared by Robin Cover for The XML Cover Pages archive. See: "Intrusion Detection Message Exchange Format."

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