Prescription DTD From:, November 1996 Prescription DTD Untitled - 1-- > PRESCRIPTION-- > INSTRUCTIONS-- --This element contains instructions about the medication-- ---- > DOSAGE-- --The element contains the dosage amount.-- > DISPENSE-- --This element exlpains how the medication is to be dispensed.-- > FORM-- --This is to indicate the form of the medication: tablet, capsule, etc.-- > SUBSTITUTE-- --This element contains possibel substitute medications, if any.-- > REFILL-- --Refill instructions for the medication-- > NUMBER-- --DEA number-- > Untitled - 1 - Attribute List-000-- NOTYPE (DEA , LICENSE) #IMPLIED --NOTYPE-- > ]> Document instance based on prescription DTD <PRESCRIPTION>Amoxicillin<FORM>250 mg. capsule</FORM><DISPENSE>30</DISPENSE><DOSAGE>1 cap(s) po</DOSAGE><INSTRUCTIONS>3 times daily until gone</INSTRUCTIONS><REFILL>0</REFILL><SUBSTITUTE>may substitute</SUBSTITUTE><NUMBER NOTYPE="DEA">AB1234567</NUMBER></PRESCRIPTION> [Image] Back to home page...