OASIS Members Form Technical Committee to Advance UDDI for Web Services
Boston, MA, USA; 28 August 2002 — The OASIS standards consortium has organized a new technical committee to advance the Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) specification for Web services. UDDI enables companies and applications to dynamically find and use Web services using preferred applications. The OASIS UDDI Specification Technical Committee is the first committee created within the OASIS UDDI Member Section, a group formed as a result of the recent UDDI.org transition to OASIS. Simon Yates, Director of Web Services Research for the Hurwitz Group commented, “The formation of the OASIS UDDI technical committee ensures that vendors and users alike will benefit from a consistent and unified approach to the development and implementation of UDDI. Under the umbrella of OASIS, UDDI and other foundation web service standards like WS-Security and ebXML are assured of an independent and reliable treatment.” “UDDI provides a foundation for the infrastructure needed to drive the success of Web services,” said Tom Bellwood of IBM, co-chair of the OASIS UDDI Specification Technical Committee. “We are excited to begin work on standardizing the UDDI specification at OASIS, as well as developing and organizing the best practices that relate to its use.” Members of the OASIS UDDI Specification Technical Committee include BEA Systems, Cincom, Computer Associates, E2open, Entrust, Fujitsu, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Intel, IONA, Microsoft, MSI Business Solutions, NerveWire, Novell, Oracle, Perficient, SAP, SeeBeyond, Sun Microsystems, TIBCO, Verisign, webMethods, XML Global, and others. “Advancing UDDI within OASIS will help accelerate adoption and benefit the entire industry,” added Luc Clement of Microsoft, also serving as co-chair of the OASIS UDDI Specification Technical Committee. “Interest from OASIS member organizations in moving UDDI forward is high, and we look forward to input from a wide variety of companies.” UDDI joins several Web services standards currently being developed within OASIS. Other specifications include ebXML for electronic business commerce, WS-Security for secure Web services, WSIA for interactive Web applications, WSRP for remote portals, and others. Participation in the OASIS UDDI Specification Technical Committee remains open to all organizations and individuals. OASIS will host an open mail list for public comment, and completed work will be freely available to the public without licensing or other fees. Information on joining OASIS can be found on http://www.oasis-open.org/join. Industry Support for UDDI at OASIS “BEA has been a strong supporter of open standards since our founding, and we are pleased that the work of the UDDI consortium is continuing within OASIS,” said Ed Cobb, VP of Architecture and Standards, BEA Systems, and member of the OASIS Board of Directors. “BEA believes that the benefits of open standards will further the widespread acceptance of Web services.” “UDDI is a critical standard for ensuring the easy accessibility and full interoperability of Web Services inside and outside of the enterprise,” said Toby Weiss, senior vice president of eTrust Development at Computer Associates. “As the provider of a secure and scalable UDDI compliant eTrust Directory to enterprises around the globe, CA is excited to participate in the OASIS UDDI Specification Technical Committee to refine and guide this standard forward.” “We believe security for Web services will provide dramatic benefits for governments and enterprises extending their business processes over the Internet,” said Al DeLorenzi, vice-president, New Product Portfolio, Entrust, Inc. “Fully unlocking the power of the Web to enable new business models will require mechanisms to establish trust within the Web services context. UDDI within OASIS, is an important initiative indefining a solution and we intend to continue to support its efforts.” “Intel sees UDDI as a key piece in enabling Web services, and we are committed to help ensure the evolution of UDDI as a key standard,” said Sandip Mandera, Intel Staff Technical Marketing Engineer. “Bringing UDDI under the OASIS umbrella is a natural fit,” says Andy Sweet, CTO at Perficient. “With the improved security, subscription capability, and Web Services Description Language (WSDL) support in Version 3 of UDDI, it is now critical to focus on the widespread adoption of this core component of Web services. Perficient looks forward to contributing to this important effort.” “OASIS is the right body to promote UDDI because of its continuously growing confidence and strong membership from various industry sectors such as vendors, solution providers, end-users, individuals, and research groups,” said Ram Kumar, Chief Technologist and Architect of MSI Business Solutions. “As the chair of the OASIS CIQ Technical Committee and with my experience working with OASIS for the past three years, I am confident that UDDI will evolve into a true open standard and will become successful because of the sound open technical process of OASIS. By overseeing UDDI, along with other Web services standards, OASIS is now the central body for Web services standards, and this is great news.” “The standardization of UDDI will be one of the most important steps to reaching the Web services world we all envision, where businesses collaborate dynamically over the Internet and enterprise systems seamlessly integrate,” said Winston Bumpus, director of standards for Novell. “Novell has always been outspoken about the need to develop industry protocols within the forum of an open standards body; so we were extremely supportive of the decision to move the UDDI specification to OASIS. Now, as a member of the OASIS UDDI Specification Technical Committee, Novell will add a unique perspective to the development and adoption of UDDI. A UDDI registry is simply a directory of Web services, and no one understands directories better than Novell, having spent more than a decade developing and deploying them.” “Today’s collaborative processes build on reliable and seamless publication and discovery of Web services. UDDI provides necessary building blocks to deploy Web services in a standardized manner,” said Franz-Josef Fritz, VP of Technology Product Management and Architecture, SAP AG. “To facilitate rapid adoption at the business side, SAP will continue to contribute its customers’ requirements and long standing industry experience to further drive and enhance UDDI as an OASIS standard. ” “TIBCO is proud to lend its expertise and experience to the UDDI Specification Technical Committee’s goal of refining and changing specifications for Web services,” said Ramin Sayar, director of products and solutions at TIBCO Software. “Searching, aggregating, and managing Web services will become critical as these services are deployed. UDDI is well positioned to address these vital issues.” About OASIS OASIS (http://www.oasis-open.org) is a not-for-profit, global consortium that drives the development, convergence and adoption of e-business standards. Members themselves set the OASIS technical agenda, using a lightweight, open process expressly designed to promote industry consensus and unite disparate efforts. OASIS produces worldwide standards for security, Web services, XML conformance, business transactions, electronic publishing, topic maps and interoperability within and between marketplaces. OASIS has more than 500 corporate and individual members in 100 countries around the world. For more information: Carol Geyer Director of Communications OASIS carol.geyer@oasis-open.org +1.978.667.5115 x209