OASIS Members Collaborate to Define Web Services Management
Boston, MA, USA; 10 March 2003 — The OASIS interoperability consortium today announced plans to define a standard way of using Web services architecture and technology to manage distributed resources. The new OASIS Web Services Distributed Management (WSDM) Technical Committee will closely align its work with related activities at other standards groups, including the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Services Architecture Working Group and the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF), and with other OASIS security and Web services efforts.
"As the number of Web services deployed across the extended enterprise increases, the ability to effectively manage those services will become critical to building out a comprehensive services-oriented architecture," said Winston Bumpus of Novell, co-chair of the OASIS WSDM Technical Committee. "By collaborating with other ongoing industry standards activities in this area, this new technical committee will play a important role in defining how services should be managed."
Heather Kreger of IBM, co-chair of the OASIS WSDM Technical Committee, added, "This work is immediately relevant for business integrators who use Web services, management system vendors, and Web service platform vendors. It also applies to ongoing work being done by business, government, and university sectors on provisioning, management, grid, and on-demand computing."
Initial members of the OASIS Web Services Distributed Management Technical Committee include Actional, BMC Software, Computer Associates, Confluent Software, Hewlett-Packard, Hitachi, IBM, Novell, OpenNetwork, SeeBeyond, Sun Microsystems, Waveset, webMethods, and others.
Industry Support for WSDM
"BMC Software is pleased to be part of the OASIS Web Services Distributed Management Technical Committee," said Mary Smars, vice president, product management and development, PATROL, BMC Software. "As a leader in systems management, we understand that while Web services brings the opportunity for organizations to share data across companies to work together, it also brings significant management challenges. BMC’s goal is to help streamline and improve manageability of these services so that all can benefit from a strong Web Services environment."
"Web services are bringing a new dimension to interoperability and are dramatically affecting the way we manage the IT environment," said Dmitri Tcherevik, vice president in the Office of the CTO at Computer Associates. "CA is committed to supporting industry-wide initiatives to ensure the standards-based manageability of this evolving IT environment, so that customers can gain its full business benefits while optimizing the efficiency of their IT operations."
"The industry has recognized that Web service management is a core requirement for mission-critical deployment of distributed applications. As a leading provider of Web services management products, Confluent Software is pleased to support the formation of the OASIS WSDM Technical Committee," said Dr. Sekhar Sarukkai, co-founder and CTO, Confluent Software Inc. "Confluent will contribute key customer learnings in order to help the new committee successfully deliver on the creation of a Web services-based architecture and technology–in line with what enterprises have told us they need."
"HP is focusing strategic investments in improved manageability, including management of Web services and management through Web services, critical to offering customers the flexibility, adaptability and the economic benefit they require," said Nora Denzel, senior vice president, HP Software Global Business Unit. "As the recognized leader in adaptive management software, HP is committed to the OASIS WSDM Technical Committee; and, on behalf of our customers, we are working with strategic partners to reduce the complexity and costs of managing technology."
"Management is a key component in the Web services stack, and the ability to manage Web services between enterprises and across disparate computing platforms is critical," said Heather Kreger of IBM. "Providing a way to help enable and advance resource management will create new business opportunities for vendors and developers. We are excited to be working with the Web services and management communities to develop these necessary specifications."
"Just as security is a prime concern for our customers looking to deploy Web services, so too is the need to effectively manage those distributed Web services across their organizations – and the WSDM standard will provide an ideal vehicle to accomplish this," said Winston Bumpus, director of standards for Novell. "To that end, Novell brings a wealth of experience in network management to this technical committee, and we are pleased to provide leadership in the important work being conducted by this group."
"With every new wave of technology adoption comes a new set of management challenges. Waveset is committed to providing innovative security management solutions that address these challenges for its customers and partners," says Darran Rolls, Director of Technology for Waveset Technologies Inc. "Defining a standards-based management model for Web services will be a critical part of the end-to-end systems architecture for successful Web services deployments."
"webMethods has played a very active role in writing and promoting management standards based on Web services technologies, exemplified by our efforts in co-creating the OMI specification," said Matt Green, director, Business Technology Group, webMethods, Inc. "We consider our work with the OASIS Web Services Distributed Management Technical Committee to be important for the future development of a Web services management framework. We look forward to helping further drive the adoption of Web services by providing a simple and cost-effective means to manage Web services and other resources in the production environment."
About OASIS (http://www.oasis-open.org)
OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards) is a not-for-profit, global consortium that drives the development, convergence, and adoption of e-business standards. Members themselves set the OASIS technical agenda, using a lightweight, open process expressly designed to promote industry consensus and unite disparate efforts. OASIS produces worldwide standards for security, Web services, XML conformance, business transactions, electronic publishing, topic maps and interoperability within and between marketplaces. Founded in 1993, OASIS has more than 2,000 participants representing over 600 organizations and individual members in 100 countries.
For more information:
Carol Geyer Director of Communications OASIS (www.oasis-open.org) carol.geyer@oasis-open.org +1.941.284.0403