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autorepair-arch message

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Subject: [autorepair-arch] terms of reference documents

I've attached two terms of reference documents for production of the
following deliverables:

SC2-D1	Study of distribution media
SC2-D4	Survey of existing data models

Please send feedback/comments on the terms of reference to this list.

Ideally, I'd like someone else in the sub-committee to take the lead on
producing the deliverables. I have prepared templates of each of them and I
can send them to anyone who volunteers.

I'd like to be able to report some progress before the next meeting on 18th
October, so please send some response as soon as you can.

Also remember that you can use this list to discuss or comment on any aspect
of the sub-committee's activities.


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Attachment: SC2-002 TOR Study of Distribution Media.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: SC2-003 TOR - Survey of Existing Data Models.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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