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Subject: Re: [bdxr] AMQP Recharter - BDX touch points?

Thanks Roger for sharing this. I agree this seems very related to some of the issues we are dealing with. Do you know what their thoughts and plans are regarding "Global Addressing"?

Best regards,


From: Roger Bass <robass1@earthlink.net>
Date: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 11:32 AM
To: <bdxr@lists.oasis-open.org>
Subject: [bdxr] AMQP Recharter - BDX touch points?

Dale, Kenneth, et al,


I recall you’re involved in the OASIS AMQP TC, Dale.  I just saw an email with a draft ‘recharter’ document, which I’ve also attached here, with markup showing what’s new.  (We seem to be creating a trend, since BDXR was the first ever such rechartering!)  I note that it includes a placeholders regarding “Features of the AMQP specification…” on Global Addressing, Federation, and Re-Authentication.  These seem potentially related to some of the BDXR work we have going on.  (Also: Resource Management, though I don’t see any potential relationship there).


Can you say anything, Dale, about what’s driving this?  Do you see any relationship that we should be concerned about?  Should we perhaps propose language on required features for any or all of those specifications?




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